Spotify Wrapped is an annual reflective service provided by Spotify to give users insight into their music-listening habits and musical preferences throughout the year. Each year, users receive a personalized discussion of their data and tunes that have provided their soundtrack for that year. If you have been dying to know how to access your Spotify Wrapped, then you are in the right place. This article will provide the steps necessary to unlock and uncover yours and get personalized music insights. Ready? Let’s get started!

I. Introduction to Spotify Wrapped

Every year, Spotify, the world’s most successful streaming platform, grants listeners with limitless musical possibilities including a unique way to relive the previous year’s listening experience with its “Wrapped” feature. Through “Wrapped”, users can learn how they’ve spent their audio time throughout the year and become familiar with the type of music they’ve enjoyed.

Spotify Wrapped Action Steps

  • Visit the Wrapped site
  • Login with your Spotify account
  • Review the top songs and artists you’ve listened to

As soon as you start the Spotify Wrapped process, you have access to a meticulously crafted summary detailing the total amount of minutes listened, total number of playlists created, top songs, top artists, and genres you’ve most enjoyed. All the above is represented through interactive graphs, scrollable statistics, and a variety of other visuals. These visuals are regularly updated in the Wrapped hub and allow listeners to compare results with those of their peers. It is also possible to share your Wrapped results on various social networks.

II. Exploring Spotify’s Insights into Your Listening Habits

Music streaming services like Spotify offer a range of tools that allow you to explore and analyze your listening habits. These features provide valuable insights into the music you listen to and how it affects you. You can utilize them to become better versed in your musical preferences.


  • Listening habits: Spotify keeps track of your total playtime, the top artists and tracks you listen to, and your top genres.
  • Artists: Spotify keeps track of the its Artists & Music tab, which power ranking list of the top artists you follow.
  • Music exposure: Spotify’s Release Radar feature can introduce you to new music by tracking your favorite artists and musicians, as well as suggest related music.
  • Recent listening: The recent listening tab the selection of music that the app has inferred is most relevant to your tastes based on what you’ve already listened to.
  • Playlists: You can analyze the playlist you’ve created, learn what type of songs spark your interest and get an idea of the type of music you’re likely to add.


  • Discover new music: By assessing your listening habits, Spotify can suggest new music that suits your preferences.
  • Uncover trends: Analyzing your artists, top songs and genres reveals trends influencing your taste in music.
  • Appreciate diversity: Keeping track of your music playlists gives you an overview of the range of songs and music you listen to.
  • Generate insights: Exploring music-oriented information is an effective way to gather significant data regarding your consumption and preferences.

By using the provided insights and cultivation new musical experiences, you can truly appreciate your musical preferences and get to know your musical tastes in greater depth.

III. Discover Your Top Songs and Genres of the Year

  • Find Out What You’re Listening To

Finding out what music you are listening to can be a great way to see what genres and songs you love the most. There are a few steps you can take to do this. The easiest way is to go through your streaming history to compile data on what you’ve listened to. If you use a streaming platform like Spotify, you’ll find a year-end round up feature that will show you data on your streaming activity, such as the amount of hours spent listening, the amount of unique songs played, the most listened to artist and an array of other metrics. It’s an easy and insightful way to discover the top artists and genres for the year.

Another great way to find out what music you’re listening to is to compile your own data from any physical music players. Whether it’s an iPod, record collection, mp3 player or CD, taking a stock of the music you have in the physical form can be really enlightening. Going through your album artwork, writing down the songs and taking note of the genre is a great way to get a deeper insight into the types of music you love and the artists who you’ve kept close to you throughout the year.

Finally, discovering your top songs and genres of the year may as simple as putting together a play list of all your favorite jams. This can be done thoughtfully and artistically, when you’re ready to look back at the year. Pick some of your favorite songs, add them to the play list, take note of the genre and artist and when it’s done you’ll have created a walk down memory lane. Music can be a powerful agent of nostalgia and a great way to reflect on and appreciate the year.

IV. Engaging with the Music You Heard This Year

Interacting with the Music You Heard This Year

The music that you experienced in 2020, just like any year, is a reflection of our collective experiences. It provides insight into who we are, the way we cope and how we begin to understand the world around us. It is an integral part of the conversation and should be actively engaged with.

This means more than listening to a track on loop. Interacting with the music of 2020 means digging into the stories and asking questions about the world as you understand it from the music. It could mean exploring other people’s interpretations and discussions of tracks you enjoyed, considering the journey the artist intends to take you on or discovering new music of a similar kind.

One way to engage with the music of 2020 is to devote time in your day to listen to tracks that you’ve missed, or to explore new and upcoming talent. Another option is to use the power of social media to engage with conversations on specific songs; or if you feel so inclined, to start a Podcast or online discussion forum to review tracks and albums with fellow fans.

The year 2020 gave us an extremely varied set of music that we can interact with:

  • Hip-Hop and Rap: streaming services often highlight albums for special consideration and discovery
  • EDM: the festival scene may have been quieter this year, but that doesn’t mean there wasn’t a wealth of dance music to explore
  • Jazz: with the emergence of live video streaming, we may have a better understanding of how different artists interpret classic songs differently
  • World Music: streaming has made discovering global talent easy and more accessible to music lovers

By making a conscious effort to engage with the music you heard this year, you are taking the time to listen and appreciate the work of an artist who has put their heart and soul into their work. By listening, questioning and engaging with their music, you not only allow the power of the songs to sink in, but you also give back to the artist and give yourself an opportunity to truly appreciate their work.

V. Enjoying and Connecting with Your Top Tracks

One of the best ways to connect with your top tracks is to listen to them regularly. This helps it become more permanent in your memory, associated with more strongly – not just in your conscious memory but in your emotion memory as well. Additionally, once you become familiar with your favorite tracks, you could:

  • Add nuances to your favorite music – when you know them backwards and forwards, you can start to distinguish subtleties that you might not have noticed before
  • Incorporate them into your daily life – setup playlists for specific activities and to punctuate your days
  • Look for different versions of them online – popular songs may have various acoustic, vocal, or mixed versions through fan creations, live recordings, and more

Don’t be shy – sing, rap, and shout – when you’re connecting with your top tracks, don’t be shy; let go and sing, rap, and shout along with them.

By familiarizing yourself with your favorite tracks and by allowing yourself the freedom to express yourself along with them, you can find yourself enjoying and connecting with those tracks even more.

Your Spotify Wrapped is an entertaining, inspiring way to reflect on the past year and where your musical tastes are headed. Savoring your favorite songs, discovering unknown gems, and getting to know yourself better are all reasons to explore your Wrapped. Whether you join the millions of people listening to the same playlist or learn something new about yourself, the insights you can gain from your personalized music data are invaluable. So start streaming and take a stroll through your musical past – you never know what you might find.