Having a secure password for your wifi connection is necessary for protecting your personal information on the internet. In this article, we will provide an overview of how to change the wifi password of your ATT modem. We will provide step-by-step instructions to help you securely change the password and keep your connection safe.

1. Introduction to Changing a WiFi Network Password

Securing a WiFi Network

Keeping a WiFi network secure is an important precaution to take for homeowners and businesses alike. Changing your network’s default password is the first step to creating a secure network. In this article, we will discuss the easy steps to changing the password of your WiFi network.

Before proceeding, you will need to be aware of the following:

  • Dominant wireless standards in use: 802.11b/g/n
  • Your wireless network’s name (SSID)
  • The router’s username and password

Once you have gathered the necessary information, then you can proceed to changing the password of your WiFi network. This type of router setup is often called a “WiFi Network”. The steps to changing the router’s password should be stated in the instructions manual, which can be found in the box of your router or online.

2. Identifying the Router to Find the Network Password

Before attempting to find the network password of a router, it is important to identify it first. This can be done by looking for basic information such as the make, model and the address. Different types of routers come with different features, and understanding the User Interface of the router is essential in making use of it.

The make and model information is usually located on a label on the underside of the router. The address however, could be found through the devices connected to the router. It is usually printed on the bottom of the devices along with the IP address. For example, an iPad usually has this information printed on the menu under Settings → Wifi → Name of the Network. This can be useful in identifying the router.

Once the make, model and address is identified, the next step is to access the router’s User Interface. To do this:

  • Open a web browser.
  • Type the router IP address in the address bar and press enter.
  • At the login box, type in the username and password. This is often “admin” for both.

With access to the User Interface, it is possible to find the network password.

3. Accessing the Router’s Menu Page to Change the Password

Using the Router’s IP Address
The default router IP address is often printed on the label of the router, or on the package. This IP address can be entered into the browser’s URL bar in order to sign in to the router. The login username and password for the router needs to be entered in order to proceed further.

Opening the Advanced Setup Page
Once logged in, there are many options available. The page with the settings relevant to changing the password is the Advanced Setup page. The Advanced Setup page can be located or opened by going to the left submenu items located in the main introduction page.

The left submenu items contain access points to the setup pages. These setup pages should be explored in order to make changes to the password. These submenu items should be explored carefully to avoid making any incorrect changes.

  • Wireless settings
  • Network settings
  • Security settings

Changing the Password
Once the wireless, network, and security settings have been located, then the relevant security settings need to be changed. This can be done by opening the security settings and selecting the option to change the password. The new password should be entered twice and the changes can either be saved or applied.

4. Securing and Verifying the New Network Password

After you have created a new password for your network, it is essential to take all necessary measures to ensure that the password is secure and easy to verify. Here are four tips to bear in mind when :

  • Create a strong password: Don’t use weak or easily guessed passwords like “password”, your birth date, or a pet’s name. A strong password should have at least 8 characters and consist of numbers, symbols and upper and lower case letters.
  • Do not share your password: Never share your password with anyone and never write it down; the safest way to remember is to commit it to memory.
  • Save the password in a secure place: To ensure you never forget your password, save it in a secure password manager such as LastPass or Dashlane. These password managers are easy to setup, highly secure and enable you to access passwords from any device.
  • Verify the password and update regularly: Periodically verify the strength of your new network password to ensure it is still secure. Additionally, we recommend you update the password regularly (at least every 3 months) to further guarantee security.

These steps will help you keep your network safe, secure and easy to access. By following the tips mentioned, you can protect your network from potential threats and make sure it is always running at its best.

5. Troubleshooting Common Issues with Changing WiFi Passwords

If you’re having difficulty changing the WiFi password on your router, here are some common issues you might encounter, along with simple solutions.

Wrong Password: When typing in your new password it is possible to mistype it or enter the wrong characters. If this occurs, you will be unable to connect to the router. To resolve this, confirm the password is correct and then try again. If issues persist, it might be best to reset the router.

Network Unavailable: The changes that you make to the router password are not instant. Once updated, the new password will be applied after the next connection attempt. If you find the network unavailable, double check the router settings and reset if necessary. To avoid this issue in the future, make sure that you save the changes the router after updating them.

Connection Unstable: Should your connection be unstable after making the above changes, a few steps can help you resolve the issue:

  • Ensure the router is correctly configured with the new settings
  • Check for any possible interference from other electronic devices
  • Try changing the channel on the router to a different frequency option
  • Confirm that no additional protection software is blocking access to the network

Following these steps can help you quickly troubleshoot and resolve any issue you have encountered while changing the WiFi password.

In conclusion, changing a WiFi password can be a daunting task, especially if you are not tech-savvy. With the help of this article, you now know how to change the WiFi password for ATT and make sure your network remains secure and reliable.