Are you looking to access the saved Wi-Fi passwords on your device? Are you struggling to remember which password you used for a particular network or needing to provide the WiFi password to someone else? Then, this article will teach you exactly how to see your stored Wi-Fi passwords. Read on to learn about the different methods to quickly access this valuable information without the need for specially designed software or tools.

1. Establish Your Connection to the WiFi Network

Before you can connect to the WiFi network, you need to make sure that your device supports the network protocols and standards used. To check which protocols and standards your device supports, access your network settings. The most common protocols used are IEEE 802.11a/g/n/ac.

For some devices, you may need to manually add a WiFi network until the search finds the one you need. To do so, select the option for manual configuration, enter the WiFi network name (SSID) and the corresponding password. Make sure to enter the WiFI password accurately. If you are unsure of the password, contact the network administrator.

Once all the network settings have been completed, your device should be connected to the WiFi network. You can verify this by checking the network icon in the taskbar or by running a network test to check the connection speed and latency.

2. Identify the Wireless Network Security Settings

Wireless network security settings play an important role in ensuring the network is safe and secure. Listed below are some of the common security settings worth considering:

1. Encrypt the Network:

Encrypting the wireless network is a critical step in closing off any loopholes that may allow hackers to gain access. WEP (wired equivalent privacy) and WPA (Wi-Fi protected access) are two popular encryption protocols used for this purpose. WPA is the stronger of the two and is recommended.

2. Change the SSID Network Name:

The SSID (service set identifier) is the name assigned to your wireless network, and it is important to change it periodically. Doing so prevents anyone from guessing the name, making it more difficult for them to gain access to your network.

3. Turn on MAC Address Filtering:

MAC address filtering restricts access to certain devices connected to the network based on their unique MAC address. Only users on the filtering list will be able to access the network, thus preventing access from unauthorized devices. It is recommended to configure MAC address filtering for extra security purposes.

3. Explore Your Device’s Network Settings

Your device’s network settings contain a wealth of information that can be used to monitor, maintain and secure your networks. Let’s explore three of the most commonly used settings:

  • Firewall Settings – The firewall acts as a barrier and allows or disallows traffic based on the port or IP address defined in the firewall settings. Administrators must configure these settings in order to protect their network and minimize any potential security threats.
  • MAC Filtering – MAC filtering allows administrators to specify which MAC addresses can access their network. This is especially useful in areas with a lot of wireless connections as it provides added security.
  • TCP/IP Parameters – These parameters are critical for network communication, as they control how requests for information are sent and received. Administrators must ensure that these settings are accurately configured in order for the network to function properly.

In addition to the settings mentioned above, there are several other important network settings that should be examined on a regular basis. Firmware updates, security protocols and wireless encryption should all be monitored to ensure that the network remains secure and stable.

Knowing and understanding your device’s network settings is critical as it allows you to protect your network and prevent potential security threats. Make sure to properly configure these settings to ensure that your network is secure and stable.

4. Find the WiFi Network Key

Identify the Router
The first step towards finding the WiFi network key is to identify the router that your network is connected to. This can include a modem, or a router-modem combination from your Internet Service Provider (ISP). To identify the router, look for a label on the device that contains information about the manufacturer and model number.

Access the Administrative Panel
You can then use this information to access the administrative panel of the router. This is usually done through an internet browser, by visiting the default gateway IP address of the router. This address can typically be found by looking up the model number of the router. Once you log into the administrative panel, you will be required to enter a username and password. This information can also be found by looking up the model number.

Locate the WiFi Network Key
Once you are in the administrative panel, you can then easily locate the WiFi network key. In the menu, select the wireless section, then select the WiFi settings. This will bring up the WiFi network key, which you can use to access the network on other devices. You can copy the key, save it for future use, or change it if necessary.

  • Identify the router connected to your network
  • Access the administrative panel using the default gateway IP address
  • Locate the WiFi network key in the WiFi settings

5. Write Down Your WiFi Password for Future Reference

Choose A Secure Password

It is important to have a secure password for your wireless router, as it will protect your network from unauthorized access. Anytime you are setting up a wireless network, it is important to select a strong WiFi password that is a mix of random characters, numbers, and lower/uppercase letters.

You will need to type it in whenever you need to access your WiFi. Therefore, you should be sure to store it in a safe location and make sure it can be found easily in the future.

Jot Down Your WiFi Password

You should write down your WiFi password and store it somewhere that can be easily accessed in the future. You don’t want to forget the password and be unable to access your own network.

  • Make a secure note of the password and store it somewhere safe.
  • Create an encrypted file on a USB drive or external storage device.
  • Save the password on a password manager, such as LastPass or 1Password.
  • Write it down on a post-it note or in a journal.


It is important to choose a secure and unique password for your WiFi network and to write it down for future reference. This will ensure that you can access your own network whenever you need to do so. Making a secure note of the password, or storing it on an encrypted file on a USB drive, are two of the best ways to keep it safe for future use. That’s it! You now know how to see your WiFi password and change it if needed. After you followed these steps properly, you should now be enjoying your WiFi connection with no further issues. Hopefully, this guide was of help to you and you can easily view or even change your WiFi password whenever you need to.