In today’s day and age, wifi extenders are becoming a valuable asset to many households and offices. With an increasingly connected world, wifi and internet connectivity are becoming a necessity, but often times traditional routers are not enough to provide a reliable and fast connection. Wifi extenders can provide an extra layer of coverage and bandwidth to vastly improve the quality of the wifi, and the best part is that they are relatively simple to use, but what exactly is a wifi extender and how does it work? In this article, we will discuss the basics of how a wifi extender works.

I. Introduction to Wifi Extenders

A WiFi extender is a device that works to amplify the range and strength of your existing WiFi network. By bouncing a signal between your router or modem and your devices, it increases the range in which a WiFi network is available – addressing dead zones in your house or office.

It’s important to realize that a WiFi extender is not a replacement for a router. While a router creates a WiFi network, a WiFi extender will never create one from scratch. Instead, it depends upon an existing router to provide the bandwidth and the range – something that is difficult to do on its own.

Here are 3 key benefits of a WiFi extender:

  • Simple installation – Unlike a more complicated router, a WiFi extender can be installed in just a few minutes.
  • Increases WiFi range and speed – The purpose of a WiFi extender is to expand the reach and power of your network.
  • Cost efficient – With a relatively low cost, extenders are much more cost effective than upgrading your router.

II. Understanding Wifi Signals

WiFi is a wireless network technology that uses radio signals to send and receive data from connected devices such as laptops, computers, tablets and smartphones. The radio signals can transmit data over a variety of distances depending on the device, its environment and the strength of the signal.

WiFi signals are generally divided into two categories, depending on the strength and reach of the signal: long-range WiFi and short-range WiFi. Long-range WiFi networks, such as those found in public hotspots or home routers, can have up to a mile-long reach outdoors and up to 300 feet indoors. Short-range WiFi networks have a shorter range, typically just a few feet, such as those used by mobile devices.

To make sure that the quality of the connection is sufficient, WiFi signals are measured based on several factors, including: signal strength, signal-to-noise ratio, transmission rate, and signal spread.  Signal strength refers to the power of the radio waves as measured in dBm (decibles), and the stronger the signal is, the farther the signal can travel and the better the quality of the connection. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is the ratio of the signal power to the background noise, and the higher the SNR, the better the connection quality. The transmission rate is the speed at which data is sent, measured in megabits per second (Mbps). Finally, the signal spread is the measure of how much of the signal is spread out, or attenuated, as it travels. Larger spreads reduce the reach of the signal.

III. Installing and Connecting a Wifi Extender

A wifi extender increases the reach of an existing wifi router to reach dead spots in larger buildings. Installing and setting up an extender properly is key to ensuring the best performance and reliability out of it.

Step 1: Plug in the extender
Unbox the wifi extender, refer to the instructions and connect it to a nearby power outlet. Power on the extender and wait for it to boot up.

Step 2: Match the extender to your existing network
Open your browser and type the provided url for the extender into the address bar. Enter your existing network name and password.
Once your extender is connected, move it further away from the router and place the device in the area you require wifi connection. The green LED light will indicate the connection is operational.

Step 3: Connect your devices
On your devices, search for available wifi networks and select the SSID name of your extender. Enter your network password and you should now be connected.

IV. Benefits of Using a Wifi Extender

A wifi extender allows users to access a more secure and effective wifi network. It increases the range of your current wifi network so that users can access the internet from any area of their home or office. The following are some of the main benefits of using a wifi extender:

  • Enhanced range and coverage – A wifi extender increases the range and coverage of your existing wifi network, so that users can access the internet from any point within their home or office. This helps users to enjoy a more efficient, secure and reliable wifi network with no disruption.
  • Multiple network connections – A wifi extender allows multiple devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptops to connect to the same wifi network, allowing users to maximize the full potential of their wifi connection.
  • Improved and consistent connection speed – Wifi extenders improve and maintain a consistent connection speed throughout the entire home or office. Without a wifi extender, users may experience slow or unreliable speeds from rooms located further away from the router.

Cost savings – Wifi extenders are often more cost-effective than buying additional devices for accessing the internet. They provide users with an efficient and reliable connection at an affordable price.

V. Troubleshooting Wifi Extender Connectivity Issues

Although a Wifi extender can greatly improve your wireless internet experience, ensuring your extender connects properly can be challenging. Here are some steps to follow when troubleshooting wifi extender connectivity issues:

  • Check Cable Connections: Check the cables connected to your extender device. Ensure they are securely plugged in. Also, confirm the connections to your modem and router.
  • Update Firmware: When troubleshooting wifi extender connectivity issues, it’s important to ensure it is running the latest firmware. Without up-to-date firmware, your extender may not be able to properly communicate with your router.
  • Restart Device: If your wifi extender connectivity issues persist, you may need to try restarting the device. To do this, turn the device off and unplug it from its power source. Then, after a few minutes, plug the device back in and turn it on.

These steps should help in solving most wifi extender connectivity issues. If restarting the device or updating the firmware does not help, then you could try resetting the extender. To do this, simply press and hold the reset button on the back of the extender for about 8-10 seconds. Once it has reset, you should be able to troubleshoot the device from the beginning.

In conclusion, understanding how wifi extenders work and how they can help improve your internet connection and overall network coverage is important to making an informed decision when investing in a wifi extenders. Taking into account the device’s working principle, benefits and drawbacks, and potential compatibility issues it may have with existing router can all make your experience with a wifi extender more of a success.