No matter how experienced you may be, it can be intimidating to reach out to a recruiter on LinkedIn. This article is designed to help you do so with best practices and tips to make sure you’re sending a strong message and stand out from the crowd.

I. Making Contact with a Recruiter on LinkedIn

Establishing a Professional Profile
The first step when reaching out to recruiters on LinkedIn is to have an appropriately updated professional profile. This is the first impression that recruiters will have of you. Ensure that your profile page gives an accurate representation of yourself and your experience. Some examples of items in your profile that should be up-to-date are:

  • Headshot
  • Job Description
  • Experiences
  • Endorsements
  • Recommendations

Personalizing Your Message
When you are ready to reach out to your desired recruiters, it is important to personalize your message. The subject line should be brief and to the point. You also need to include some details in the body of the message. A meaningful summary of yourself and/or your experience should be included. You should also specify why you are writing or what you would like the recruiter to do.

Maintaining Connections
You’ve already made the connection, now make sure to maintain it. Participate in the group conversations and post helpful advice or tips when they are applicable. Offering genuine insight will help to establish yourself as an authority in your field. Additionally, thank recruiters for their time, respond quickly when they reach out and use available tools (e.g. LinkedIn’s “save message” and “custom message” features) to get their attention.

II. Crafting the Perfect Message

When crafting a message, it is important to consider the who, what, why, and how. Who are you communicating the message to? What is the main point of the message? Why are you sending the message? How will you communicate the message? Answering these questions before you start can help ensure that your message is clear and effective.

In terms of the actual content of your message, there are some basic rules that can help you produce an effective message. These include:

  • Be concise – Keep your message as concise as possible. Do not ramble or include unnecessary detail.
  • Be concise – Keep your message as concise as possible. Do not ramble or include unnecessary detail.
  • Be clear – Make sure your message is clearly articulated and easy to understand. Avoid jargon and highly technical language.
  • Be respectful – No matter who the recipient is, respect should always come first. Make sure your message reflects that.
  • Be consistent – Maintain a consistent tone, style, and language in your message. This will help ensure your message is understandable and properly received by the recipient.

By following these guidelines for crafting a message, you can ensure that your message is effective and that your recipient understands and appreciates your message in the way it was intended.

III. Dos and Don’ts for Messaging a Recruiter


  • Send a personalized message tailored to the specific role
  • Start off by introducing yourself, describe your experience and the role you are interested in
  • Follow up with a quick synopsis of why you would be an excellent fit for the role
  • Be very courteous, friendly and professional
  • Provide a link to your portfolio or website if you have one
  • End your message by thanking them for their time and effort


  • Start off with a generic ‘To whom it may concern’
  • Send in your CV without any explanation or introduction
  • Rush through the message without paying attention to the details
  • Send the same message to multiple recruiters
  • Prolong the conversation without getting to the point
  • Forget to include your contact information
  • Send an incomplete message with typos and grammar issues
  • Be overly informal or aggressive
  • Make any statement that is inappropriate

Recruiters have to go through hundreds of applications in a day. In such circumstances, it is important that your message stands out from other applicants and that you put forth your best effort. Pay a lot of attention when curating the message and make sure that it is concise, persuasive and persuasive.

IV. Making the Most of Recruiter Messaging Platforms

Recruiter messaging platforms are increasingly popular with employers and can play a major role in helping to quickly and effectively reach out to potential candidates. To maximize the value of these platforms and attract the right people for a role, employers should observe the following steps.

  • Create a professional profile: Represent yourself and your company in the best possible light by “marketing” your profile to potential candidates. Provide a compelling job description, details about company culture, and relevant skills and experience requirements.
  • Be cautious when communicating: Begin by crafting the perfect message and avoid bombarding candidates with too much information. Respect the time of your applicants by providing the necessary details clearly and promptly.
  • Solidify positive first impressions: Candidates will be drawn to your profile if you tailor it to what they want to see, as well as create a professional, respectful tone of communication.

In addition, recruiters should be especially mindful of the quality of their messages, as any minor or major missteps can damage relationships with potential hires. Once you have found the right person for the job, these platforms are also effective at facilitating the interview process and helping to find a successful match.

V. Seeking Out Further Assistance from a Recruiter

Finding and Working with a Professional Recruiter

  • A recruiter can help give the job search process a much needed kick-start.
  • A recruiter can serve as an advocate and uncover job opportunities not easily visible in the public domain.
  • Recruiters can help to narrow the scope and focus of any job search.

When you reach a point where you feel you are stuck in your job search, it can be helpful to enlist the assistance of a professional recruiter. A recruiter can assist with organizing a job search and help to ensure the process is as efficient and productive as possible. Using their resources, knowledge of the job market and key contacts, recruiters can help identify job opportunities that would not be immediately obvious in the public domain. Additionally, they can often provide valuable insight into industry trends and hiring processes which can help to target the ideal job.

A recruiter can also offer solid advice on salary expectations and negotiation, as well as provide suggestions on improving resumes and cover letters. The main focus of a recruitment agency is to get the job seeker into the best possible position suited to their goals and ambitions.

Most recruitment agencies are well connected in the job market and the industry sector the job seeker wishes to target. Having access to this level of information can be quite beneficial in identifying job opportunities that otherwise might have gone unnoticed. Even with the use of social media and job boards, a recruiter can find opportunities that are not as well-advertised, or are even non-advertised positions. Finding a trusted and relevant recruiter can be a great aid in any job search and is highly recommended. By now, you should be equipped with the best practices and tips to effectively message recruiters on LinkedIn. Whether you’re searching for your next dream job or looking to switch industries, starting with an effective and polite message will put you one step ahead of the competition. All the best with your journey!