Linkedin is currently one of the most popular networking and recruitment websites worldwide, used by both individuals and businesses. As users continue to flock to the platform, many people have looked inquisitively as to how the website makes money. In this article, we will uncover the business model of Linkedin, explaining how the website generates revenue and further developing our understanding of its inner workings.

I. Introduction to Linkedin

What is Linkedin?

Linkedin is a professional networking platform designed to connect jobseekers, employers, recruiters and other professionals. Linkedin stands out amongst other online job/career search platforms due to its focus on connecting professionals within the same or similar industries. It allows users to build comprehensive profiles showcasing their skills, experience, and interests, and to connect with other professionals through shared contacts, discussion groups, and job postings.

Linkedin Networking

Networking through Linkedin goes beyond linking someone to shared contacts and groups. It is an effective way to:

  • Develop a professional network for referrals, advice and potential job opportunities
  • Build and maintain relationships with other professionals
  • Share content, articles and updates about industry developments
  • Look for and apply for job postings

Linkedin Benefits

For jobseekers, building a strong Linkedin profile has many benefits. It increases your visibility, which can attract recruiters and employers to reach out and contact you when they have job opportunities. It also serves as an online portfolio, showcasing all your skills, experiences, and qualifications to help bolster your credibility. It also enables professionals to have an online presence to promote their services or products, gaining exposure and credibility.

II. An Overview of the Business Model

A business model is defined as the way in which a business earns its revenue and makes profit. It is important for a business to understand its own business model in order to be successful. It is essential to have an understanding of what a business model is, and how it fits into the overall strategy of an organization.

The business model consists of two main components: the business strategy and the operating model. The business strategy defines the target market, the products and services to be provided, and how the company will compete in the target market. The operating model describes how the company will deliver the products and services to customers, how the company will manage its operations, and how the company will measure its performance.

In summary, a well-crafted business model should:

  • Define the market: Identify the target market and determine how the product or service will be priced.
  • Establish competitive advantage: Determine the competitive advantages the company has over other organizations in the same market.
  • Create a delivery system: Establish a system to efficiently deliver the product or service to customers.
  • Encourage customer loyalty: Create a customer loyalty program that encourages customers to buy from the company again.
  • Monitor and measure success: Establish metrics to track the success of the business model.

III. Monetization Streams Used by Linkedin

Linkedin is a business and employment oriented website. Its monetisation strategies have allowed the platform to become a valuable resource for businesses. Below are three monetisation streams that Linkedin has used to become a profitable website.

1. Premium Subscriptions

Linkedin offers subscriptions that provide additional features to businesses subscriber. These subscriptions offer analytical features, insights and insights for businesses to understand how people interact with their content. Subscriptions are also used to send messages and contacts to people who are not already linked in the network.

2. Advertising Revenue

Linkedin offers different advertising options ranging from sponsored search results to partner programmes. Advertisers can choose to promote their business and products to a wide audience. They can also use metrics to gauge the success of their campaigns and target the right audience. This has resulted in increased revenue for Linkedin.

3. Business Solutions

Linkedin also offers businesses solutions such as talent solutions, marketing solutions and premium subscriptions. This allows businesses to target a highly qualified audience and find the right people for the right job. It also provides a way to build relationships and reach potential customers. These solutions are an important part of Linkedin’s success in monetization.

IV. Linkedin’s Revenue Generation Strategies

Linkedin is one of the most popular professional networking platform, with over 690 million users. In order to continue to grow, generate profitable returns and sustain its business, Linkedin has relied highly on implementing effective revenue generation strategies.

The core revenue streams for Linkedin come from 4 main sources:

  • Recruiting Services.
  • Premium Subscriptions.
  • Advertising and marketing solutions.
  • Salesforce integration and services.

Recruiting Services: Linkedin generates significant revenue from its online recruitment services, aimed at connecting business with qualified candidates for job openings. They offer different plans for employers to select, ranging from a freemium to a professional package – each of these subscriptions varying in pricing based on the number of job postings.

Premium Subscriptions: The company also has a range of memberships with exclusive features and benefits. These memberships come with different levels of access to analytics and insights, referred to as Premium Subscriptions. Linkedin Premium Subscriptions have a diversified pricing model that enables members to pay for the levels of access suited to the services they require.

Advertising and Marketing Solutions: It also offers different solutions to enable its members to grow their network and grow professionally. These solutions include sponsored content, promoted posts, advertising in groups, career pages and other services. Linkedin offers customised plans depending on the needs of individual users.

V. Impact and Future Outlook of Linkedin

Uses of Linkedin

LinkedIn has fundamentally changed the landscape of networking, offering users a platform to create a professional online presence and enhance their digital branding. It allows professionals to find and connect with like-minded individuals. Job seekers can search for job listings and connect with potential employers and recruiters. Employers can use the platform to post jobs and find potential candidates, and companies can use the platform to promote their products or services and generate leads. Its global reach, combined with its powerful search capabilities, also makes it an invaluable source for market research and analysis.


The impact of LinkedIn has been immense; it has enabled people from all walks of life to establish and maintain connections and relationships with their peers and employers. It has made it easier for job seekers to find the right opportunities and for employers to find the right candidates. Additionally, the platform has enabled recruiters to quickly find relevant candidates, and the number and variety of job postings have increased significantly. As a result, LinkedIn has improved the efficiency of the recruitment process, eliminating the need to manually search and screen resumes.

Future Outlook

The future of LinkedIn is promising. It has a great potential to further revolutionize the way professionals interact, network, and search and apply for jobs. Its focus on collaboration, mentoring, and knowledge sharing will continue to support the growth of the platform. With the growing popularity of artificial intelligence and machine learning, LinkedIn has the potential to develop new algorithms and tools to streamline the recruitment process. Additionally, increasing the use of AI-driven recommendation and search tools will further advance the platform and make it even more effective in connecting people.

In conclusion, LinkedIn’s business model is one that is based on monetizing user data and leveraging metrics to maximize user engagement. With LinkedIn continually innovating to create new ways to monetize, it is obvious why the company has been so successful. By providing a unique platform for connections to be made, LinkedIn has achieved incredible success and will likely continue to thrive in the future.