How to Change Someone’s Profile Picture on Whatsapp

Changing someone’s profile picture on Whatsapp is simple and easy. Here are the steps that you need to take to change someone’s profile picture:

1. Go to the person’s contact

Once you have opened Whatsapp, select the person whose profile picture you would like to change by tapping on their contact.

2. Tap on their profile picture

When you are viewing the person’s contact, tap on their profile picture. This will open a window where you can edit the profile picture.

3. Change their profile picture

You will be provided with a few options:

  • Choose existing photo: tap this if you would like to change their profile picture with an existing photo from your phone’s library.
  • Take photo: tap this if you would like to use the camera to take a new photo for their profile picture.
  • Remove photo: tap this if you would like to remove their profile picture completely.

Once you have made your selection, confirm you changes and the profile picture will be changed.

4. Check that the new profile picture has been set

Once you have saved the new profile picture, go back to the person’s contact and check that the new profile picture has been set.


  • Be aware of the photo: be aware of the photo that you are using as the profile picture and ensure that it won’t offend or upset anyone.
  • Set the photo: when you are setting the profile picture, ensure that you save the changes when prompted.

4. How can I retain the backup of the previous profile picture?

If you want to retain a copy of your profile picture, you can take a screenshot of it or download it to your computer. You can also save the image to your cloud storage or image hosting websites such as Imgur or Flickr.

2. What are the requirements for the photo size and format?

The requirements for the photo size and format depend on the website or application for which the photo is being submitted. Generally most websites accept photos in .jpg, .png, .gif, and .svg formats. Additionally, size requirements can range from a few kilobytes to several megabytes. It is important to pay attention to the submission requirements before submitting a photo to a website or application.

1. How do I locate someone’s profile picture on Whatsapp?

The profile picture of someone on WhatsApp can be found in the conversation header. Simply open the conversation and the profile picture of the contact will be displayed at the top. There may also be an avatar or contact icon associated with their name, which can be tapped to view their profile picture.

3. Is it possible to change someone else’s photo on Whatsapp?

No, it is not possible to change someone else’s photo on WhatsApp. WhatsApp does not allow users to change another person’s profile picture.

5. Are there any privacy restrictions on changing someone else’s profile picture on Whatsapp?

Yes, there are privacy restrictions on changing someone else’s profile picture on Whatsapp. Every user is responsible for maintaining the privacy of their profile picture, and any attempt to make changes to another user’s profile picture without their permission can be considered a violation of the privacy policy. Additionally, WhatsApp reserves the right to disable an account due to security or privacy risks.

What is the maximum file size for a WhatsApp profile picture?

The maximum file size for a WhatsApp profile picture is 6 MB. However, it is important to ensure that the image is of high resolution, as a low resolution image can appear pixelated or distorted when zoomed in.