Have you considered using bold text on WhatsApp? Almost certainly, the answer is Yes! In fact, I used the same method to wish my buddy a happy journey, saying something like, “Happy journey Man.” In WhatsApp Status, you may also bold the letters.

There is just ONE step to writing bold letters in WhatsApp, and it does not need a professional degree. Here is how to create bold letters in WhatsApp.

What is the Best Way to Write Bold Text on Whatsapp?

Open the Whatsapp Messenger application.

Open the chat window of anybody you wish to send Bold letters to.

Then compose the subject, as if I were writing “How’s Josh!” I’ll put the joke in bold as well.

Then just put the “*” asterisk symbol before and after the text, as in *Josh*.

You may also use the accept technique to write bold, italic, and strikethrough letters in your WhatsApp status using the way I explained above.

The second method to be brave on Whatsapp is to

Open the “Whatsapp” app.

Choose anybody you want.

There you may write your message. In my instance, I’m using the phrase “Backdroid is Cool” x).

Then long press on the text to obtain the options to Bold, Monospace, Strikethrough, and Italic your characters.

Surprisingly, WhatsApp has a lot of features, such as italics, strikethrough, and bold characters.

Here’s how to add italics to your WhatsApp messages.

Launch the Whatsapp application.

Open the chat window of whomever you wish to send italics letters to.

Then write the subject, as if I were writing “Happy Birthday.” I’ll also put the birthday in italics.

Then put the underscore symbol “_” before and after the text without the space, as in “_Happy_ _Birthday_.”

In WhatsApp, here’s how to make strikethrough letters.

Open the Whatsapp application.

Open the chat window of anybody you want to send Strikethrough letters to.

Then write the subject, as if I were writing “Party.” And I’ll create the Strikethrough Party.

Then just use the “” tilde symbol before and after the text without a space, as in “Party.”

Using a Mixture

In reality, you may use the at-risk, strikethrough, and italic combination like this: _*Congratulations*_ on your _Birthday_. Here are the outcomes:

Bold, italics, strikethrough, and monospace characters in WhatsApp

Wrap Up

Finally, you may write all of these letters in your WhatsApp conversations, including strong, italic, strikethrough, and monospace characters. After a few attempts, you’ll be able to completely compose this advance (bold) letter or text in your WhatsApp conversations.