Creating a Promoted Pin on Pinterest can be an incredibly useful tool for marketing and expanding your businesses reach. Promoted Pins offer a great way to target potential customers who have visited your website in the past as well as extend your reach to individuals who have not already been exposed to your product or service. In this article, we will outline the step-by-step process for setting up a Promoted Pin and provide helpful tips on how to get the most out of your campaigns. With some guidance, you will be on your way to using this amazing marketing strategy with ease.

I. Introduction to Promoted Pins

Promoted Pins, also known as Promoted Pins from Pinterest, are a type of advertising available to businesses on Pinterest. Promoted Pins are an effective way to engage potential customers, increase followers, and build brand awareness on the platform. Promoted Pins can be used by businesses of all sizes, enabling them to reach a wide audience with the click of a button.

Advantages of Promoted Pins:

  • You can select a target audience based on people’s interests, locations, and more. There is no additional cost for targeting.
  • You can track how well your Promoted Pins are performing in real time, enabling you to make data-driven decisions.
  • You can take advantage of Pinterest’s automated bidding system and budget optimization, so you don’t have to constantly adjust your bidding.
  • You can drive high-quality traffic from Pinterest to your website or blog.

Creating and Managing Promoted Pins:

  • A Promoted Pin is created by selecting an image or video to promote, then specifying a destination URL for the Pin. The destination URL can be either a website URL or a Pinterest profile URL.
  • Once the Promoted Pin is created, you can set the budget and targeting criteria. This can include age, gender, location, and interests.
  • Once the Promoted Pin is launched, you can track its performance with analytics tools. You can also use the analytics to optimize the Pin for better performance.

Promoted Pins are easy to set up and manage and can be a powerful way for businesses to increase brand awareness, build engagement, and drive high-quality traffic to their website or blog.

II. Benefits of Promoted Pins

Increased Visibility

Promoted Pins allow advertisers to obtain a wider reach and ensure their target audience is aware of their business. These ads can be shown on the user’s home feed, similar boards and search results. This increased visibility helps to grow brand and product awareness. Additionally, ads are visually appealing and integrated seamlessly, with the same look and feel as non-promoted pins, creating an engaging and uninterrupted experience for users.

Detailed Targeting

When setting up promoted pins, advertisers can utilize detailed targeting capabilities. This helps to ensure the best results from their campaigns. Advertisers can tailor campaigns to reach their desired audience, as well as exclude undesirable audiences. Additionally, Pinterest offers specific targeting options like gender, language, device, geographical location and interests.


Pinterest promotes active optimization of promoted pins. Advertisers can track performance metrics such as impressions, unique impressions, repins, clicks and website visits. This information allows advertisers to tailor and adjust their campaigns, ensuring maximum effectiveness and results, as well as tracking the success of their campaigns.

  • Adjust campaigns to gain maximum effectiveness
  • Use detailed targeting to get the best results
  • Increased visibility for brand and product awareness

III. How to Set Up a Promoted Pin

Creating a Promoted Pin

The first step to setting up a Promoted Pin is to create your campaign. You can do this by going to, selecting ‘Create campaign’, and then choosing the type of campaign you would like to run. You can choose from:

  • Brand awareness
  • Website traffic
  • Reach
  • Engagement
  • App install
  • Video views

Then you need to name your campaign, select a date range, and a budget. Once you’ve set these parameters you’re ready to choose the pins you’d like to promote. To do this, you need to log in to your Pinterest account, and pick the board you’d like to use, and the pins that relate to your campaign objective. Then you need to create your ad, adding your logo and headline for the promoted pins. Finally, you will be able to review your ad before submitting it for review.

After your pins have been approved, check your campaign to ensure it is running according to plan. You can adjust things like targeting, bids, budgets, and other features to optimize your ads. You can also keep track of your Promoted Pins performance by viewing metrics on your Ads Manager and provided Reports.

IV. Best Practices for Promoted Pins

When using promoted pins to grow your Pinterest presence, there are certain best practices which may help you to achieve the best results. Here are some of the best practices you should keep in mind before launching your campaign:

Regularly Monitor Performance
You should use the analytics tools provided by Pinterest to chart and monitor the progress of your campaign. Keep track of the most successful pins and the ones that aren’t working out as expected. This will help you to identify strategies you should be using or strategies you should be avoiding. Additionally, you should regularly monitor your campaigns to ensure that you target the right audience and adjust the targeting as needed if it isn’t performing as expected.

Post High Quality Pins
Ensure that your content is compelling and of a high quality. Make sure you check all the spelling and grammar, and use visuals which appeal to your target audience. Additionally, ensure that the links you are including in your pins are functioning correctly and linking to the appropriate content.

Diversify Your Content
Vary the pins you use so that you do not saturate your audience with consecutive posts that are similar. Creating different types of content will help to keep your audience engaged and also help with search engine optimization. Post different graphics, carousels, video pins, and other forms of content to create an engaging experience for your audience.

V. Measuring the Success of Your Promoted Pin

When you decide to promote a pin, it is important to measure its success. This will allow you to assess your progress and make adjustments accordingly. Here are some tips on how to measure the success of your promoted pin:

  • Track reach: Reach is the number of different users who were served your ads. This gives you a clear indicator of how far your message is spreading.
  • Track engagement: Engagement measures how many people took action, such as liking, commenting, or repinning your promoted pin. This will tell you which type of content resonates with your audience.
  • Track conversions: Conversions measure how many people have taken the desired action you have specified, such as visiting your website, downloading an app, or making a purchase. This will tell you if your ads are effective in driving users to your desired goal.

Analyzing the data from these metrics and comparing it with your goals is the best way to determine whether or not your promoted pin is successful. Keep in mind that the data itself can only provide the information; your own analysis and interpretation is necessary to make the right decisions.

It is also important to use benchmarking when analyzing the data. Benchmarking involves comparing your results against industry-standard metrics, or against the results of similar campaigns. This will show you how you stack up against the competition, and help you to determine if a certain campaign was more successful than another.

Using promoted pins can be a great way to increase viewers and make sure your content reaches the right people. With the right images, right budget, and right target audience, you’re sure to see the results you’ve envisioned. So, get creative and get to pinning! With these helpful tips, you’re sure to achieve success with promoted pins.