Are you the kind of person that is always looking for ways to expand their social media presence? If so, then undoubtedly you have heard of Pinterest, the image-based social media platform. With the ability to share image boards, pins, and posts, this highly visual platform is an ideal digital promotional tool. Whether your end goal is to drive more targeted website traffic, create brand awareness, or expand your reach, continuing to accumulate followers to your individual or business Pinterest account is important. Read on to learn detailed steps on how to get more followers on your Pinterest account.

I. Understanding Pinterest

Pinterest is a social media website and app that was launched in 2010. It’s a platform that allows users to “pin” images and other content to their personal boards, and to discover pins shared by other users.

To understand Pinterest, it is helpful to first understand the concept of “pins”. A pin is simply a link to a web page or an image, video, or other content that has been uploaded to the platform. For example, if a user pins a picture from Instagram, their pin will link directly to the Instagram page where the photo is displayed. To add a pin, users can either manually enter the URL of an image or web page, or upload a file from their computer.

Once a pin is created, other users can “like” it, comment on it, and share it with their own boards. They can also save pins to their own boards. This is a great way for users to discover new content and keep track of their favorite pins. It also allows them to share pins with their friends and family, and serve as a platform for community building.

  • Pins: A link to a web page or an image, video or other content
  • Adding Pins: Manually enter the URL or upload a file
  • Features: Like, comment, share, and save pins

II. Setting Up Correctly on Pinterest

Once you have created your Pinterest account and have the username and passwords handy, you can start the setup process. Here are some key steps to make sure that your profile stands out and you are ready to go:

  • Verify your website.
  • Add a profile photo.
  • Create boards and begin pinning.
  • Engage with other users: liking their pins, repining, and commenting.

Verifying your website is an important step for businesses, content creators, and influencers because it allows others to find you more easily and helps to showcase your brand. When you verify your website, a checkmark is displayed on your profile that tells other users that you are the legitimate source of the content. It also serves as search engine optimization (SEO) because when someone searches your website, they may find your Pinterest profile.

Adding a profile photo allows you to create a personal connection with visitors. It is important to use an image that is recognizable and that you want to be associated with for marketing purposes. This could be a logo, a photo of yourself, or a combination of both. Make sure that the image is optimized for a small size (max size is 165 x 165 px).

Creating boards and pinning is an essential part of setting up an account and staying engaged in Pinterest. It’s important to create boards that are themed, showcase your content and provide helpful information related to your industry. Allowing others to pin your content to their boards is also a great way to reach a larger audience. You can also join group boards to help promote pins, create interest and gain followers.

III. Generating Quality Content

Creating quality content is essential to having a successful online presence. Content serves as the bait that attracts people to your website, where you then have the opportunity to introduce them to your products, services, and company. Here, we explain how to generate effective, engaging content for your website.

Research: Regarding content for your website, research is essential for gaining an understanding of the topics that are meaningful and relevant to your target audience. Compile ideas to create exciting topics, research search patterns and keywords, and identify the elements that should be included within each post. Additionally, take the time to review what is being written within your industry to keep up with the current trends.

Create: After researching, it’s time to craft your content. Begin with an outline to arrange the key points to make sure each post includes the necessary information. Use subheadings, unnumbered lists, and images to break up the text, making it visually appealing to viewers. Additionally, add keywords to your content for increased visibility in search engine results.

Review and Refine: Before publishing, review your content for any possible errors, such as typos and grammatical mistakes. Read your content aloud to ensure the flow and the tone are in line with the message you wish to convey. Additionally, obtain feedback from team members or a friend, to evaluate the clarity and accuracy of the post.

IV. Crafting Engaging Pins

Pinterest is an amazing platform to drive results to your site as it provides an opportunity to showcase how creative you can be. Pins, being the most interactive tool, require you to be creative and imaginative, to capture the attention of viewers and engage them. Here are some of the tips you can follow to create an engaging Pin –

Be Creative: Coming up with creative ideas for the Pin is always a challenge but is the most important step in creating an engaging Pin. Pins provide the space to showcase your brand in the most attractive way possible. It is important to keep the message of the Pin concise and understandable. A good idea is to develop a story for the conception of the Pin in order to make it more appealing.

Use Quality Images and GIFs: A quality image that speaks of your brand and at the same time is attractive and captivating is a great way to make a Pin eye-catching. Similarly, GIFs should also be used, but sparingly. GIFs should be used with the right messages which capture the attention of the viewers.

Include Clear, Catchy Headlines: Captions should be relevant to your brand and message being conveyed in the Pin. Catchy and compelling headlines should also be included to encourage viewers to click on and explore the content that the Pin is associated with. Accurate descriptions should be included and keywords should be used to reach a wider audience.

  • Be creative and develop stories for the conception of the Pin
  • Use quality images and GIFs to make the Pin eye-catching
  • Include clear, catchy headlines for viewers to click on and explore

V. Crafting an Effective CTA

A successful call-to-action (CTA) should be able to capture the attention of potential customers and turn them into returning ones. Therefore, it’s important to create an effective CTA that encourages viewers to take some kind of action. Here are some tips for crafting an effective CTA:

  • Make it clear and concise: A CTA should be succinct and easily comprehensible. Avoid long sentences and unnecessary details that distract users.
  • Use persuasive language: Use persuasive language to compel viewers to take action. Positive words such as “free,” “guaranteed,” and “instant” can help promote sales.
  • Place it prominently: Place the CTA prominently and ensure that it stands out from the rest of the page.
  • Include an incentive: Adding incentives such as discounts and free shipping can motivate users to take action.

Using A/B testing can help to find out which CTA works best for your product or service. It’s important to test different design variations to understand the preferences of potential customers. After the CTA is created, track its performance to measure its success and adjust it accordingly, such as making changes to the color and size.

Designing an effective CTA can be challenging, but following the tips mentioned above can help create one that resonates with the viewers and increases customer engagement.

In conclusion, it is possible to increase your Pinterest followers even if you are new to the platform. Taking the steps to create boards, follow other users, and post meaningful content can make all the difference. Keep in mind that content marketing is an important aspect of gaining followers, as well as considering Pinterest analytics to make sure you are reaching the right target audience. Utilizing the features and taking advantage of the various ways to increase followers is key to successfully building a following and reaching your goals.