How to Fix Whatsapp Broadcast Message Not Delivered

Broadcast messages can be a useful feature of WhatsApp, allowing efficient and effective communication with multiple contacts at once. However, you may encounter a broadcast message not being delivered to some or all of the intended recipients.

Troubleshooting Steps To Fix A Whatsapp Broadcast Message Not Delivered

The following steps can help solve the issue of a broadcast message not being successfully delivered:

  • Contact any recipients to whom the message was not delivered

    – Find out if any of the intended recipients of the broadcast message did not receive it. If this is the case, it is possible to manually forward them the message.
  • Check Internet connection
    – If the connection is slow or low, the broadcast message may not have been sent successfully. Buying a Wifi extender for better coverage can help.
  • Restart WhatsApp
    – Close WhatsApp, end all the ongoing processes linked to the application, and then open the WhatsApp again.
  • Check contact’s status
    – If a contact’s status is set to “Do not disturb” or if they are offline, the broadcast message will not be delivered to them.
  • Check mobile signal
    – If it is weak, the broadcast message may not be sent successfully. Consider changing the network operator and network settings such as LTE/3G/2G.
  • Check device storage and RAM
    – If the device storage is low or the RAM is full, it may not deliver the broadcast message. Delete any unwanted files from the device to free up space.

By following the steps above, it is possible to fix the issue of a broadcast message not being delivered on WhatsApp. Though practical, this feature can occasionally be frustrating, however, once the discussion issues are resolved, it can be a useful tool for real-time communication.

3. Is there any specific configuration necessary for WhatsApp to send broadcast messages?

Yes, there are specific configurations necessary for WhatsApp to send broadcast messages. Business accounts on WhatsApp must have a verified business profile in order to send broadcast messages. These messages can only be sent to contacts who have already initiated a conversation with the account. Broadcast messages cannot be sent to more than 256 contacts at one time. Additionally, the same message cannot be sent to a contact more than once in 7 days.

5. Is there a way to check if a sent broadcast message was received by its recipients on WhatsApp?

Yes, you can check if a broadcast message was received by its recipients on WhatsApp. To do this, go to the broadcast list and tap the message you sent. You can then check the number of messages sent, delivered, and read.

4. Are there any known bugs reported by users regarding WhatsApp broadcast messages not being delivered?

Yes, there have been reports of bugs regarding WhatsApp broadcast messages not being delivered or not being sent to certain contacts. In most cases, this issue has been caused by outdated WhatsApp versions, problems with users’ internet connection, and other compatibility issues.

2. How do I resolve the issue of my WhatsApp broadcast messages not being delivered?

To resolve this issue, first ensure that your contacts have saved your number correctly in their address book and that their WhatsApp settings are correctly configured. If their settings are correct and you are still having difficulty sending broadcast messages, try deleting and re-adding your contacts to the broadcast list. If that still does not work, contact WhatsApp support for further assistance.