How to Freeze Last Seen on WhatsApp in 5 Easy Steps

WhatsApp is a popular messaging platform used by millions of people around the world. One of its most used features is the “last seen” timestamp, which lets users know when their messages were last seen. For some, this feature may not be desirable since it can let others know when they have received and read a message. Fortunately, it is possible to freeze the last seen status on WhatsApp. Here are 5 easy steps to help you do so:

Step 1: Download and Install the WhatsApp Plus App

The first step is to download and install the WhatsApp Plus app on your device. This is a modified version of the original WhatsApp app which offers additional features, like the ability to freeze last seen. After downloading and installing the app, open it up and sign in using your existing WhatsApp credentials.

Step 2: Activate the Freeze Last Seen Feature

Once you have signed in to WhatsApp Plus, open up the Settings menu and navigate to the Advanced tab. Here, you will find the option to “Freeze Last Seen” – turn this feature on.

Step 3: Set the Time Interval for Frozen Status

The third step is to set the time interval for when the status is frozen. This can be done by tapping on the Freeze Last Seen option and selecting the amount of time that you want to freeze the status for.

Step 4: Restart WhatsApp Plus

After setting the time interval, the next step is to restart the WhatsApp Plus app. This can be done by tapping the “Restart” button located in the Advanced tab of the Settings menu.

Step 5: Verify the Status Has Been Frozen

The final step is to verify that the Last Seen status has been frozen. To do this, simply check the timestamp that is displayed on your profile and make sure that it has not been updated since the time you set in the previous step.

Congratulations! You have now successfully frozen your Last Seen status on WhatsApp. Keep in mind that this status will remain frozen until you manually disable the feature or until the time interval you set has elapsed.

By following the steps outlined above, you can easily freeze your Last Seen status on WhatsApp. This is a useful feature if you want to maintain your privacy or if you do not want people to know when you have read their messages.

1. In which version of WhatsApp is the feature to freeze Last Seen available?

The feature to freeze last seen is available in the latest version of WhatsApp, which is version

3. Is freezing Last Seen on WhatsApp a secure and private method of managing online presence?

No, freezing Last Seen on WhatsApp is not a secure and private method of managing online presence. Freezing Last Seen means that the user will always appear as “Last Seen” a specific time and date, regardless of when they actually last used WhatsApp. This could lead to confusion for their contacts, as well as potentially lead to suspicion and mistrust of the user. In addition, depending on how the user has frozen the timestamp, it could also be used to track user location and activity, making it an insecure method of protecting one’s online presence.

2. How does freezing Last Seen on WhatsApp affect my usage experience?

Freezing Last Seen on WhatsApp will prevent other contacts from seeing your Last Seen time stamp and will also stop you from seeing other people’s Last Seen time stamps as well. This feature helps users have more control over their privacy and enables them to maintain an anonymous presence on the app if they so choose. Freezing Last Seen will prevent anyone from seeing when you were last online and can be used to achieve peace of mind when it comes to privacy.