Instagram is a famous social media app all around the world. Almost everyone has an Instagram account these days. It has become a new trend to have an Instagram account. Also, it has become a very popular place to share a different kind of media among each other. Most have made it a platform to earn fame. People are more likely to be known by their Instagram account. We know that social life has become a part of real-life today and people are more interested to be known in the social media world. 

Even real-life celebrities have an Instagram account and through Instagram, they have become even more renowned and famous. Most people have earned fame through Instagram. Today people want to become a sensation, a celebrity in the social media world so in return it influences their real life. People prefer the social media app to make them famous through it. Posting photos, videos, audios, and different sorts of media so that they can be known throughout the world. 

Apart from this Instagram has made it easier for the people, by bringing up a feature that shows other users of Instagram to know that who is famous on Instagram. They have a “Verification badge” which is simply a blue tick beside the username. It is proof that a user is a famous person with an officially verified Instagram account.

Instagram verification ensures that Instagram users can find the correct account when they search for a particular influencer like most users look up to a celebrity or artist or actor or anything. So, the Instagram verification is an indication that they have searched the right person as the blue tick makes it sure that the account is official.

Now, this might make some users wonder if they can get an official account which has been verified by Instagram. Well, good news for the users that they can get a blue tick right behind their username. But, users need to fulfill some criteria to get the blue tick or the verification badge.

It is very easy to apply for the verification but your profile needs to fulfill the requirements to get your account verified. Now, the steps to send a verification request are as follows:

  1. First, log in to your Instagram account.
  2. After that go to the settings.
  3. Next click the Account settings.
  4. Under this, you will have an option that says “Request Verification”
  5. Tap on it.
  6. Now you will need to enter your full name and provide the required information i.e. a form of identification like your Citizenship card or License or any other ID.

And this way the request for verification is sent.

Now the users must keep in mind that even if their account is eligible it is not necessarily verified. Also, some factors need to be met for the account to be verified.

Some requirement for verification:

  1. The account should be of public interest and should meet the Instagram verification criteria. 
  2. The account must be authentic i.e. it must represent a real person, entity, or a registered business.
  3. It must be unique which represents the person or the business. Also, Instagram only verifies one account per person or business. 
  4. The account needs to be complete. It should be public and have a bio, a profile picture, and at least one post.
  5. The account should not contain any links to other social media services like “add me” links.
  6. The account must be notable i.e. it must represent a well-known, highly searched person, brand, or entity.

Instagram review accounts that have been featured in multiple news sources. Also, it doesn’t consider any paid or promotional content as sources for review.

Third-Party Tool or Apps

There are many third-party app and tools developed for executing these kinds of actions. You just need to install these apps in your device, any device you want to use it on. This app is designed so that it helps you do this job. You need to fill up the required information and follow the instructions given. The link to the app is given here:


In this way, normal users can get a verification badge or the blue tick beside their username by following the above steps and fulfilling the requirements that are needed for verification. They should meet the criteria put up by Instagram. A high number of fan following is additional help and will boost up the verification process.

But, users should keep in mind that they can’t provide false or misleading information during the verification process because Instagram will not only remove the verified badge but also delete your account from Instagram.