How to Ignore Whatsapp Call Without Blocking the Person

With social media being used more and more to stay connected, Whatsapp calls are becoming a common way to be contacted. But what happens when you want to avoid taking a call?

Turn Off Notifications

The easiest way to avoid answering an incoming call is simply by turning off notifications. Depending on your device, this option can vary, but the general idea is that when you turn off the notifications, you won’t see any incoming calls and you’ll be able to avoid them.

Change Your Privacy Settings

Another way to avoid taking Whatsapp calls without blocking is by changing your privacy settings. If you go to the settings and then to ’privacy’, you can choose who can call you. You can choose everyone, your contacts, or nobody. If you select ‘nobody’, you won’t receive any incoming calls. To avoid blocking the caller, when they call, they will only receive a busy signal and they will not know if you are ignoring them.

Creating a Do Not Disturb Group

You can also create a do not disturb group and add the contacts you don’t want to receive calls from. This will stop incoming calls from those persons in the group and you won’t have to block them.

The Benefits of these Options

The benefits of these options are that you can avoid incoming Whatsapp calls without blocking the person that is calling you. This way, you don’t have to worry about them ‘seeing’ that they have been blocked by you.


  • Turn Off Notifications: Easiest way to avoid incoming calls.
  • Change Your Privacy Settings: Choose who can call you.
  • Creating a Do Not Disturb Group: Add the contacts you don’t want to receive calls from.

By following these simple steps, you can easily ignore Whatsapp calls without blocking the caller.

4. Can a person tell if you ignore their WhatsApp call?

Yes, a person can tell if you ignore their WhatsApp call. Depending on the settings you have enabled, they will receive a notification if you have missed their call.

3. Are there any strategies to declining a WhatsApp call without being rude?

Yes, there are several strategies for declining a WhatsApp call without being rude. Some of these strategies include:

1. Respond to their message but state that you’re currently busy and will call them back soon.

2. Suggest an alternative time to call back that’s more convenient for you.

3. Send them a message expressing your apology for missing the call and suggest a time for when you’ll call back.

4. Decline politely with a brief and friendly reply conveying that you don’t have time to talk right now.

5. Use the “Ignore Call” feature to decline a call without having to answer it.

1. Does silencing a WhatsApp call prevent notification of a missed call?

No, a notification of a missed call will still be sent when a WhatsApp call is silenced.

However, silencing the call can prevent the recipient from being disturbed when they are unable to answer the call.

2. Is phone privacy an issue when ignoring a WhatsApp call?

Yes, phone privacy can be an issue when ignoring a WhatsApp call. The caller is able to see when you have read their message and can also see if you have seen their call. This can lead to the caller feeling ignored and can also lead to issues of privacy. Therefore, it is important to be aware of how you respond to WhatsApp calls in order to maintain your phone privacy.

5. Is there a way to ignore a WhatsApp call without blocking the contact?

Yes, there is a way to ignore a WhatsApp call without blocking the contact. To do so, simply switch your phone to silent or airplane mode and the call will not ring on your side. However, your contact will still be able to see that you are available on WhatsApp.