How to Know if Someone Saved Your Number on WhatsApp Without Broadcast

WhatsApp can be an incredibly useful tool for keeping in touch with friends and family, or make new connections. However, it can be difficult to tell if someone has saved your number on WhatsApp without broadcasting it. Here are some methods to figure it out without being too intrusive.

Check for a WhatsApp Status

When a user adds your number to their WhatsApp contacts, you can often see their WhatsApp status. It may also show in the story section of their profile. If you do not see a status message, then it is a sign that your number has not been added.

Look for a WhatsApp Profile Photo

Another indication that your number has been saved on WhatsApp is if you can see the user’s profile photo. Because WhatsApp requires permission to save your details, users need to accept your request before you’re able to see their photo. If you do not see a photo, it could mean that your contact has not yet saved your details.

Look for a Read Receipt

Read receipts are a feature on WhatsApp that let you know if a recipient has opened and read your message. If the read receipt indicates that the message was read, then it is a sign that your number has been added. If it has not been opened, it is likely that the user has not saved your number.

Ask Directly

If you really want to find out if someone has saved your number on WhatsApp, then the most effective way is to simply ask them. It may seem awkward at first, but you can politely ask if your contact has added you on WhatsApp, and if they have not, then you can send a request to add you as a contact.


These are some of the methods you can use to find out if someone has saved your number on WhatsApp without broadcast. It is important to remember that it is necessary to ask permission before sending a contact request on WhatsApp, and to be understanding if someone declines. Remember to be respectful and kind when using WhatsApp, and it can be a great tool for making and maintaining connections.

3. Are there any notifications or signs when a contact has saved your number on Whatsapp?

No, there is no notification or sign when a contact has saved your number on WhatsApp. Your contact may have saved your number to view your profile picture, status, or send you a message but you won’t be notified of this action.

1. Is there a way to determine if someone has saved your number on Whatsapp without a broadcast message?

No, there is not. Since WhatsApp does not disclose a user’s contact list, it is not possible to determine if someone has saved your number without sending a broadcast message.

2. Is it possible to tell if someone has your phone number saved on Whatsapp without an acknowledgment?

No, it is not possible. Whatsapp does not provide any way to tell if someone has saved your phone number without your acknowledgement.

4. What indicators can you look out for to know if someone has your WhatsApp number?

If someone has your WhatsApp number, here are some indicators that you can look out for to verify their identity:

  • They can contact you directly through WhatsApp
  • Their profile picture or name may appear as a contact on your WhatsApp list
  • Their messages may appear in your WhatsApp chat threads
  • You may receive notifications from them
  • If you have ‘Last Seen’ enabled, their profile picture or name may appear with a timestamp after you last saw their activity on the app

5. Is there a way to find out if someone added your number to Whatsapp without a broadcast announcement?

No, there is no way to find out someone added your number to WhatsApp without a broadcast announcement.