Are you looking to link your website to your Pinterest account? With the exponential rise of social media and its accessibility, websites are gradually becoming a platform to increase your business outreach and presence. By connecting your website to your Pinterest account, you will be taking your business venture to the next level and this article can help provide detailed step-by-step instruction on how to best link your website to your Pinterest account.

1. Introduction to Linking Your Website to Your Pinterest Account

Linking your website to your Pinterest account is an excellent way to connect with potential customers and increase your web visibility. It allows you to focus your content and expand your reach beyond Pinterest, enabling you to promote products or services to your followers. Here we will outline the steps for:

  • Connecting your website to your Pinterest account
  • Creating metadata in your website code
  • Utilizing rich pins and building your presence

Connecting Your Website to Your Pinterest Account

The first step in linking your website to your Pinterest account requires you to create a Pinterest business account. Adding your website to your profile ensures that any pins you post will include a backlink to your website. You can also further promote your website by adding rich pins which allow for additional information about the pinned content to appear.

Creating Metadata in Your Website Code

Once you have registered your Pinterest account, you should add the ‘Pin It’ button to your website, so that visitors can pin your content to their boards. To do this, you will need to insert a line of metadata code into the HTML of your website. You can find this code by logging into your Pinterest Business account and going to the ‘Claim’ section.

Utilizing Rich Pins and Building Your Presence

Rich pins are a great way to ensure your content stands out on Pinterest, as they allow for additional information to be displayed, such as prices and stock availability. They are also beneficial for website owners, as they will appear automatically when someone pins content from your site. To enable rich pins, you will need to insert a meta tag into your website code, which can be found in the ‘Claim’ section of your Pinterest account.

2. Benefits of Linking Your Website to Your Pinterest Account

  • Increase your website’s visibility – Linking your website to your Pinterest account gives text and multimedia shared from the website a greater chance of being noticed by the Pinterest userbase. This is a reliable way to drive more visitors to your website.
  • Cost-effective marketing – It is free for businesses to sign up for a Pinterest account and create pins to promote their products and services. This makes it an affordable and result-driven way to get the word out about your business.
  • Better access to analytics – With a lot of businesses now relying on data to make informed decisions, integrating your website with the Pinterest platform will allow you to track your performance with greater accuracy and drill down into more meaningful insights.

By linking your website to your Pinterest account, you are making it easier for your users to share your content with the rest of their followers. This will result in more organic traction, as you are unlocking greater opportunities for engagement.

Whenever someone pins something from your website to Pinterest, it takes the form of a “rich pin”. This is a high-resolution image or link with a snippet of text that contains key information about the product or service being shared. This is an immersive way to showcase your offering, while also encouraging the user to visit your website.

Furthermore, integrating your website with your Pinterest account allows requested users to save items from the website to their boards. This increases the likelihood of them returning to your website in the future as a result of seeing periodic reminders about the items that were pinned.

3. Steps on Linking Your Website to Your Pinterest Account

As one of the many ways to promote your business and website, using Pinterest to generate leads and create visibility is becoming increasingly popular. Before you can start using Pinterest to support your website, however, you need to link your website to your account. To link your website to your Pinterest account, the following steps should be taken:

  • Sign into Pinterest: You will need to sign into Pinterest using the same login details that you used to create your account in the first place.
  • Edit profile: Firstly, click on the profile icon located on the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. On the profile page, you will see an ‘Edit Profile’ tab on the left-hand side. Click on this tab and a new window will pop up.
  • Configure the settings: Within the new window, there are various details which need to be filled in. Click on the ‘Profile’ sub-tab situated at the top of the window and then look for the ‘Website’ box. Here, you can enter the URL of your website in the designated box.

Once you have filled in the details, click on the ‘Save profile’ button located at the bottom right-hand side of the window. Every time that someone visits your account, they will be able to see the URL of your website. This provides an excellent opportunity to raise awareness of your website and provide an additional channel of lead generation.

Apart from a website, you can also provide details of other social media accounts, your email address and also a contact number in the ‘Profile’ tab. Furthermore, you can also share a short bio of yourself and other information about your business. Once you have added all the details and linked your website to your Pinterest, you are all set and ready to start promoting your website and connecting with your target audience.

4. Troubleshooting for Linking Your Website to Your Pinterest Account

If you encounter any issues while attempting to link your website to your Pinterest account, take the following methods into consideration to troubleshoot the problem:

  • Check your website’s privacy settings: Verify if your website has its privacy settings set to block any external website applications. If so, you must switch this setting before attempting to link your website with Pinterest.
  • Check your website’s SSL certificate: A valid SSL certificate is necessary for Pinterest to access your website. If the SSL certificate for your website is invalid, Pinterest will be unable to authorize the website.
  • Make sure you have entered the correct website address: Make sure that you have entered the correct website address while attempting to link the website with your Pinterest account. Even a small typo can cause the link to fail.

In addition to this, you can make sure to practice the correct linking procedure by referring to the Help section in your Pinterest account.

If you still can’t link your website to your Pinterest account after attempting the steps above, it is advised that you contact the Pinterest support with your website address and explain the issue.

5. Additional Tips for Successful Website-Pinterest Integration

1. Monitor and Take Advantage of Pinterest Analytics
Pinterest Analytics offers a plethora of data that can be utilized to inform decisions related to website-Pinterest integration. Track various metrics, such as website clicks and impressions, to understand how your website content is performing and engaging visitors. By utilizing data, you can tailor your website-Pinterest integration strategies accordingly.

2. Engage Your Audience on Pinterest
When it comes to website-Pinterest integration, keep your audience in mind. Regularly engage with Pinterest followers, including liking and commenting on posts, to drive website traffic. Communicating with followers helps strengthening relationships and captures the attention of more potential visitors.

3. Utilize Various Promotional Strategies
Promote your website content on Pinterest through strategies such as:

  • Entering high-traffic conversations on relevant topics.
  • Creating contests and giveaways.
  • Making original visuals to engage followers.
  • Creating tactics to capture the attention of relevant audiences.

These tactics will help you extend your reach on Pinterest and drive website visits.
Now you have the basics of linking your website to your Pinterest account, you can put the knowledge into practice and start harnessing the power of Pinterest. Keep up to date with the latest features and promote your website with some helpful tips, tricks and advice on how to get the most out of Pinterest’s powerful platform. With a few simple steps and a little bit of time, you’ve now opened up a great new way to attract more visitors to your website. Good luck!