Instagram is a social media site where you can share your favorite photographs and videos. If you don’t like sharing stuff, odds are you use it to communicate with your pals. The DM feature on Instagram allows you to communicate with other users by sending text messages, viewing other people’s posts, sharing photos and videos, sending like photos and videos, and sending voice messages.

When you follow someone and they send you a message, it will be delivered to your regular inbox. This is where you can see all of the messages you’ve received from your followers or merely other users with whom you’ve been chatting. When someone you don’t follow sends you a direct message and you’ve never spoken to them before (for example, you may have previously followed them and had discussions with them), their communications are routed to the Requests mailbox.

Recovering Declined Messages Requests

Requests are where Instagram sends messages when it believes they aren’t a priority or spam – this is because you don’t follow these accounts, therefore Instagram won’t prioritize them for you to see in your main inbox. When someone wishes to follow you, you must accept or decline their request in the request section.

When you accept their request, their message will be added to your main inbox, where you can view it alongside other communications. If you deny their message request, their message will be deleted, and they will have to send you another message to request to message you again.

If you decline someone’s DM by accident, the message will be erased from your inbox, and the individual will be unaware that you denied it. It will appear as if nothing has happened because the communication they sent you will still be in their inbox.

Steps to Recover Declined Messages Requests

If you deny someone’s request, you can send them a message again and decide whether or not to accept it this time.

1. Go to Instagram and login.

2. Click on their name to go to their profile.

3. In the upper-right corner, tap the three horizontal lines

4. Select Send Message from the menu.

5. Decide whether to accept or reject the message once more.


If you unintentionally declined someone’s request and wish to accept it but it’s no longer shown in their message requests, go to their profile > touch on the three horizontal lines > tap Send message > and send them a message or reply to what they sent you earlier. Your chat will go to your main inbox if you send them a message, indicating that their request to send a message has been accepted.