How to Send Yourself a Message on WhatsApp

WhatsApp is a popular messaging app. It has many features, including the ability to send yourself messages. This is a great feature for jotting down notes and reminders.

Steps for Sending Yourself a Message on WhatsApp:

  • Step 1: Open the WhatsApp app on your mobile and navigate to the “Chats” tab.
  • Step 2: Tap the “New Chat” icon in the upper right corner of the screen to start a new conversation.
  • Step 3: Select “My self” from the suggested contacts. This contact may be under any of the following names: “My self”, “Me” or “You”.
  • Step 4: Once your profile contact is selected, type in your message to yourself and hit the “Send” button.


Sending yourself messages on WhatsApp is a very simple yet effective way to store notes and reminders on the app. It takes a few taps and you message is ready for you to view whenever you need it.

2. What is the process for sending a message to yourself on Whatsapp?

To send a message to yourself on WhatsApp, open the app and go to the Chats tab. From there, select the “+” sign in the upper-right corner of the screen and select “New group.” Enter your own contact name and tap the green “Create” button in the upper-right corner. You can then type a message and send it to yourself. You can also share images, videos, and other types of documents with your own contact.

3. How long does it take to receive a message you send to yourself on Whatsapp?

It typically takes less than a second for a message sent to yourself on WhatsApp to be received. However, the speed at which you receive the message can also depend on a few factors, such as your network speed, the recipient’s network speed, as well as the amount of traffic on the WhatsApp servers.

1. Is it possible to send a message to yourself on Whatsapp?

Yes, it is possible to send a message to yourself on Whatsapp. You can simply message your own number from any of the contacts in your list. The message will show up in your chat list with your contact name.