Sharing wireless internet with friends, family, and colleagues has never been easier thanks to the features of the iPhone. Whether you’re on the go, at a cafe, or even in the comfort of your own home, you can show others how to share access to your device’s wireless connection. In this article, we’ll explore how to share your iPhone’s Wi-Fi with those around you.

1. Introduction to Sharing WiFi from an iPhone

Tethering or sharing your WiFi with other devices – including other iPhones, iPads, laptops, and other smart devices – is a great way to maximize your internet connection and access the internet on multiple devices. You can easily use your iPhone to share WiFi and create a personal hotspot.

The following steps will help explain how to share your iPhone’s Internet connection with other devices:

  • Turn On Personal Hotspot: To share an internet connection from your iPhone, you’ll need to turn on the Personal Hotspot feature in the iPhone settings.
  • Connect to Personal Hotspot: Once Personal Hotspot is turned on, you can connect other devices to your personal hotspot by entering the shared password into these devices.
  • Monitor the Network: Once the other devices have connected, you can monitor the network by going to Settings on your iPhone and choosing the Personal Hotspot option.

Note that sharing WiFi from an iPhone is also subject to mobile data limitations and other restrictions that may apply depending on your cellular service provider. Keep an eye on your data usage to ensure that you don’t exceed your monthly allowance.

2. Preparatory Steps for Sharing WiFi

Removing Security Parameters

In order to ensure others have access to your WiFi connection, certain security parameters must be removed. To do this, begin by opening the browser of your choice on the device of your choosing. Once the browser is opened, type in your router’s IP address into the address bar and hit “enter”. This will take you to the router configuration page.

In the router configuration page, locate the “Security” or “Wireless Security” section among the different settings and select these options. From here, remove all of the security parameters such as the key encryption, for example WPA/WEP, and passwords. Replacing it with an open connection is essential for the sharing process moving forward.

Identifying Your Networks Name (SSID)

After the security parameters have been disabled, the next part of the sharing process will involve identifying your networks name. Your networks name is known as the SSID, which is short for “service set identifier.” To find it follow the same steps in the router configuration page as before. From here select the “Wireless” or “Basic Wireless” section and look for the “SSID” section.

The SSID appears as a sequence of characters on the page. Make sure to keep the network name short and easy to remember in order for you or your guests to quickly identify the connection from their devices. After the task is completed, remember to save all changes before exiting the configuration page.

Enabling Sharing and Securing Network

Now that the SSID has been identified, the next step involves enabling sharing of the network. To do this go to the “setup” section of the router configuration page and select the “Network Settings” option. In this part, check the box to share the network connection with others and click “apply” afterwards.

Finally, protect your own connection by securing it. This is done by changing the default settings of the admin password which was used to access the router configuration page, and double-checking that the WPA2-AES encryption is enabled. Both of these steps will help keep your connection secure while non-customers are sharing it.

3. Enabling Personal Hotspot on Your iPhone

You can enable personal hotspot on your iPhone to access the internet with other devices. This is ideal if you wish to share the data from your plan with other devices such as wireless tablets or laptops. To enable personal hotspot on your iPhone, you will need to use your network provider options.

Follow these steps:

  • Open Settings on your iPhone.
  • Go to Cellular/Mobile Data and select ‘Personal Hotspot’.
  • Enter the preferred password for your personal hotspot and tap “Enable”.
  • After the personal hotspot is enabled, you will be able to see the Wi-Fi password connected to it. Be sure to connect other devices you wish to share to the relevant Wi-Fi hotspot.

You can also choose the network type in the ‘Personal Hotspot’ menu, such as 4G, 3G, or 2G. Also, you will be able to manage the devices connected to the hotspot, disconnecting any that are not needed. Make sure to always be aware of how much data you’re using and to avoid unnecessary usage as it will affect your data plan.

4. Connecting to a Phone-Shared WiFi Network

Connecting to Wi-Fi-enabled devices, such as cell phones and tablets, is becoming increasingly common. Using a mobile device to share a WiFi network is an option that allows users to connect to the Internet without paying for a separate service plan. In this section, we will cover how to connect to a phone-shared WiFi network.

Hardware: To connect to a phone-shared WiFi network, you need to have the WiFi device, such as a laptop, and the phone with the network-sharing capability. Both devices need to have the correct settings enabled and configured to work together.


  • First, turn on the Wi-Fi settings on both the laptop and the phone.
  • You may need to enter the network settings on both devices.
  • Connect the laptop and the phone to the same WiFi network.
  • Finally, turn on the “Internet Sharing” option in the phone’s settings.

Now the laptop should be connected to the Internet via the phone-shared WiFi network.

5. Troubleshooting and Further Guidance

Check the Software

If the issue persists, it may be due to an outdated version of the software. Visit the software developer’s website and check for the latest version available. The latest version may have bug-fixes or improvements that can help address the issue.

Refer to Troubleshooting Documents

The software developer should provide assistance in troubleshooting issues with their software. This can include user manuals, product documentation or troubleshooting guides. Check the manufacturer’s website for documentation that can help troubleshoot the issue.

Seek Professional Assistance

If you have checked the software and documentation and the issue still persists, you may need to contact a customer service representative of the software developer. The representative can provide assistance in diagnosing and resolving the issue. Alternatively, you may wish to enlist the assistance of a local engineering firm.

By following the steps described earlier, you should have no problem in sharing wifi from your iPhone. This is a great way to have everyone connected to your home wifi network, no matter where they are or what device they have. With this knowledge, you can now ensure that all your guests can easily access your wifi network.