Instagram is used by over 1 billion users worldwide, who spend an average of 28 minutes each day on the platform. That’s a lot of people, and businesses have plenty of time to reach them.

However, without Instagram analytics, your marketing efforts may get lost in the shuffle.

We’ll go over the fundamentals of Instagram metrics, give you the lowdown on a few premia and free Instagram analytics tools, and show you how to utilize analytics to enhance your Instagram strategy in this thorough guide.

Understanding level-one vs level-two performance metrics is the first chapter of Instagram analytics.

Instagram offers a variety of analytics to help you track your progress, analyze your audience, and optimize your Instagram marketing outcomes.

The majority of metrics may be classified as level-one metrics or raw data. Followers, impressions, reach, likes, comments, and clicks are just a few of the Instagram analytics available. While the data is useful, the figures are just a snapshot in time. You’ll need to look at level-two performance indicators if you want to concentrate on ongoing improvement, growth, and optimization. Using Instagram analytics to calculate level-two performance metrics.

If you compare your follower count to that of a famous influencer, your account will seem underwhelming, and that comparison will not help you better your own content. Using your own data as a baseline to determine what your audience enjoys is the key to calculating level-two performance indicators (and what they scroll right by).

Level-two performance indicators may be divided into three categories:

1. Growth:

Growth metrics indicate how a measure has changed (increased or decreased). Following growth, for example, illustrates how your follower count has changed over time.

Growth percent = (Metric at Time 1 – Metric at Time 2 / Metric at Time 2) x 100

For example, if you had 950 followers at the end of October (Time 1) and 710 followers at the end of September (Time 2), your follower growth rate would be 33.8 percent.

Impressions, reach, engagement, clicks, and responses are some more Instagram growth indicators to keep an eye on.

2. Rate:

Rate metrics provide a percentage number to help you understand how one statistic compares to another. The proportion of your followers who have engaged with your post, story, or IGTV, for example, is called interaction rate.

Instagram analytics groups likes, comments, saves, and shares under interactions for posts and IGTV. Interactions on Instagram stories include responses and shares.

(Metric (e.g., number of interactions on a post) / Number of Followers at the time the post was published) x 100 = Rate percent

If you have 950 followers and 175 interactions on a post, the interaction rate for that post is 18.4 percent. If you want to know what proportion of individuals viewed the whole story on Instagram Stories, the completion rate is a helpful statistic.

Instagram Story completion rate percent = (number of impressions on final post/number of impressions on initial post) x 100. So, if 93 individuals saw the first post and 59 made it all the way to the finish, your Story completion percentage is 63 percent.

3. Average:

Average stats offer you a broad idea of how well your Instagram posts are doing. The statistic “average likes per post,” for example, gives you the average number of likes each of your posts got.

Average = sum of measure for a period (e.g., total likes on posts in January) / number of posts in that period.

Your average likes per post would be 59 if you shared 12 posts in January and got a total of 715 likes.

The number of posts is the common denominator to utilize (i.e., per post). However, you may also use a time frame (i.e., per day or per month). For example, you might identify the ideal day to live stream on Instagram by calculating the average number of views for your Instagram Live videos on various days of the week.

You don’t want to do the math? Many of the Instagram analytics tools discussed in Chapters 3 and 4 generate these numbers for you automatically.

Chapter 2: Using Instagram Insights to examine Instagram metrics:

You’ll need to change your personal Instagram profile to a business account to have access to Instagram Insights for your account. The instructions are easy and may be found on Facebook.

You’ll notice an “Insights” button on your profile after you’ve switched to a corporate account.

If you’re searching for Instagram Insights on your PC, you won’t be able to locate it. Instagram Insights is now only accessible on smartphones. Take a look at the free and commercial Instagram analytics tools we cover later in this post if you want to run reports on a computer.

Insights sections on Instagram:

You’ll see data for the past seven days split down into the categories below after tapping the “Insights” button in your company account.

1. Overview

2. Accounts have been contacted.

3. Interactions with the content.

4. a Total number of followers.

5. You shared some content.

Instagram Stories are a kind of social media platform that




You may go further into any of these sections by clicking on them. You’ll learn what material led to profile views and followers when days your content got the most engagement and other statistics about your Instagram audience.

Chapter 3: Detailed statistic monitoring with free Instagram analytics tools:

Instagram Insights is a good place to start, but there are a few more free Instagram analytics tools you can use to dig deeper into key data.

Here’s a brief rundown of our top three.

1. Keyhole:

The trial can display data for up to a year and up to 99 posts, which is fantastic for a free tool! You may even verify your account to get access to more detailed information, such as interaction rate and reach.

Data about keyhole keys is available.

Account management

Weekly number of postings (shown as a graph).

Weekly engagements (shown as a graph).

Engagements are the most popular postings.

Top hashtags in terms of engagements.


The best time to publish.

Post length that is ideal.

Top hashtags in terms of engagement.

2. Socialbakers:

Socialbakers is a basic Instagram metrics tracker and social media analytics tool. It provides an aesthetically attractive webpage with a lot of the essential information that you may be interested in. Note that Socialbakers needs a work account, therefore you’ll need a business-domain email.

Key data from Socialbakers is now accessible.

Top Stories are organized by criteria like impressions, completion rate, and reach.

Posts with the most views.

Posts with the most comments.

The most popular hashtags.

Over time, the number of followers has increased.

3. Squarelovin:

Squarelovin is an Instagram user-generated content platform with a free Instagram analytics tool. You may use the tool to manage several Instagram accounts from a single dashboard.

Key Squarelovin information is now accessible.

the big picture (follower growth, latest posts, etc.)

Analyses on a monthly basis (likes, comments, most-liked posts, and most-commented posts).

Involvement (likes and comments received shown in graphs, most-liked media, and most-commented media).

Enhancement (best time to post and user interactions shown in graphs).

Using paid Instagram analytics tools to improve your approach (Chapter 4).

If you’re willing to invest a little money on an Instagram analytics tool, here’s a list of premium, specialist apps with more advanced capabilities.

1. Analytics from Buffer:

Obviously, we have a bias, but the Buffer statistics can truly help you improve your Instagram marketing. You can monitor all of your social media channels, not just Instagram, with custom reports and centralized performance monitoring.

You may choose whatever metrics are most important to you, create your own reports, and let the data come in on a daily basis with bespoke reports. Buffer Analyze will update automatically once you set up a report, allowing you to see progress over the time period you choose. This custom report, for example, examines performance over the course of a month.

Buffer’s statistics can help you figure out the ideal times to publish, the best kinds of posts to make, and even how often you should post to have the most reach and interaction. The program analyzes your data over time in order to provide accurate suggestions and forecast how your followers will react to your content.

Here are some more paid Instagram analytics solutions to consider if you’re searching for something else.

2. Iconosquare:

Iconosquare focuses on monitoring your audience’s interaction patterns so you can pinpoint exactly what they want to see. In addition, the Instagram analytics graphs may help you figure out when your Instagram Stories and posts are most likely to be seen by your followers.

3. is well known for hashtag marketing campaign analytics, but it also monitors regular Instagram data. Hashtag reports indicate the number of posts that include a particular hashtag, the kind of post, and the average number of likes and comments received by those posts.

4. InfluencerDB:

This tool focuses on controlling influencers, as the name suggests. InfluencerDB aids in the development of an influencer community, the management of influencer campaigns, and the collection of data on your influencer team.

5. Instagram Insights from Dash Hudson:

Customer purchasing packages are available from Dash Hudson Instagram Insights.

This premium Instagram analytics app sends weekly and monthly data to your email automatically. You may customize your reports and suggestions to meet specific objectives, such as boosting engagement or enhancing impact ROI.

Chapter 5: How to Use Instagram Analytics to Improve Your Business:

You’re ready to enhance your marketing after you’ve gathered all of your Instagram data and discovered audience insights. Here are some suggestions on how to make the most of Instagram statistics.