How to Use Whatsapp Business on Multiple Devices

WhatsApp Business is the application in the market that can make your business communication productive and fast. It offers a wide range of features like messaging automation and customer service tools, that can help you run your business efficiently.

The best part is that it can be used on multiple devices. Let’s see how.

1. Use the same phone number:

The initial setup would require you to use one phone number for all the devices. Use the same phone number for WhatsApp Business on all the devices you’re using for communication. Using the same number allows you to access the same WhatsApp Business account every time. This is convenient as you don’t have to transfer the chats from one device to another.

2. Log in with the same number:

After having one phone number, you need to log in with the same number on all the devices. Use the same number and follow the setup instructions. You don’t need to use the same phone model or even the same operator. As long as the number is the same, you can log in.

3. Synchronize the device:

Once you have the same phone number linked to the same WhatsApp Business account on all the devices, you need to synchronize them. Synchronizing will help the devices access the same WhatsApp chats and messages. To do this,

  • Go to the WhatsApp Business on all the devices
  • Go to the Settings
  • Tap on “Chats”
  • Tap on “chat history”
  • Choose the option “Archive all chats”
  • Enable synchronization

By doing this, all your chats will be synchronized on all the devices you’re using.

4. Use the online dashboard:

If you have multiple devices, you can use the online dashboard of WhatsApp Business to manage the account. You can go to the dashboard to access all the chats, messages and customer requests at one place.


Using the Whatsapp Business on multiple devices can make managing your business communication easier. Just remember to use the same phone number, log in with the same number and synchronize all the devices to stay connected.

4. What measures can be taken to ensure secure use of Whatsapp Business on multiple devices?

• Use two-factor authentication to log in to every new device.

• Set up a unique passcode on every device to prevent unauthorized access.

• Enable encryption on every device to protect messages and data while they are in transit.

• Restrict access to specific contacts.

• Only accept messages and files from verified contacts.

• Install the latest updates and security patches as soon as they are available.

• Avoid clicking any suspicious links or opening any malicious attachments.

• Use a strong password for any backups being taken of the Whatsapp Business account.

• Ensure remote access is properly secured and only authorized personnel are able to access the system.

2. Is there a way to save the same WhatsApp account settings across multiple devices?

No, it is not possible to save the same WhatsApp account settings across multiple devices. WhatsApp uses an end-to-end encryption protocol which prevents any data syncing between devices. Additionally, WhatsApp requires users to authenticate their account with a unique 6-digit verification code whenever they log in to a new device.

1. How do I link multiple devices to the same Whatsapp Business account?

You can link multiple devices to the same WhatsApp Business account by using two-step verification. This is a security feature that requires you to enter a unique six-digit code each time you want to link a new device to the same WhatsApp Business account. To enable two-step verification for your account, you can go to Settings > Account > Two-step Verification.