When Instagram first introduced stories, I was one of the many people who was skeptical. I didn’t think that people would actually use it because it was just a copy of Snapchat. But I was wrong. Stories quickly became one of the most popular features on Instagram. And, now that Instagram has added the ability to see who has viewed your story, some people are worried that their followers are checking out their stories more often than they should be.

But don’t worry! There are a few ways to view Instagram stories without them knowing. The first way is to use an app like Story Ghost. Story Ghost is an app that allows you to view stories without the user knowing. It’s

How to View an Instagram Story Without the Other Person Knowing
There may be times when you want to view an Instagram story without the other person knowing. Perhaps you want to avoid spoilers for a movie or a tv show, or you don’t want the other person to know that you’re snooping on their account. Here are a few ways to view Instagram stories without the other person knowing:

If you’re using an iPhone, open the Instagram app and swipe up from the bottom of the screen. This will bring up your stories list. If the account you’re trying to view is private, it will not appear in this list.

If you’re using an Android phone, open the Instagram app and tap on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen. This will bring

Static View
Instagram stories are a great way to keep in touch with friends and family, but what if you don’t want the other person to know that you’re looking at their story? There is a way to view Instagram stories without the other person knowing, and it’s called Static View. Static View is a feature that hides the number of views, likes, and comments on an Instagram story. To use Static View, follow these steps:

1. Open the Instagram app and tap on the Profile tab.

2. Tap on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen.

3. Tap on Settings.

4. Scroll down and tap on Story Settings.

5. Toggle the switch next to

Screenshot View
There are a few ways to view Instagram stories without the other person knowing. The first way is to screenshot the story. This will save the story to your phone, and the other person will not be able to see that you screenshot it. The second way is to use an app called StorySaver. This app will save the story to your phone and also post it to your Instagram story. The third way is to use an app called StoryViewer. This app will let you watch the story without the other person knowing.

How to view Instagram stories without the other person knowing
There are a few ways to view someone’s Instagram story without them knowing. The first way is to screenshot the story. This will save the story to your phone and you can view it at any time. The second way is to use a website or app that allows you to view stories without the other person knowing. Some of these websites and apps are listed below.

1. Storyhear: This website allows you to view stories without the other person knowing. You can also download the stories to your phone.
2. Story Saver: This app allows you to save stories to your phone and view them without the other person knowing.
3. InstaStory: This app allows you to view stories without the other person

Sometimes you just need to see someone’s Instagram story without them knowing. This guide will show you how to do just that.
There are a few ways to view someone’s Instagram story without them knowing. One way is to screenshot the story. Another way is to use a third-party app.

If you want to screenshot the story, all you have to do is press and hold on the screen until the options appear. Then select “Screenshot.” You can also share the story with a friend or save it to your camera roll.

If you want to use a third-party app, all you have to do is download the app and create an account. Then, use the app to find the person’s story and view it.

The different methods of viewing Instagram stories without the other person knowing
There are a few different methods of viewing Instagram stories without the other person knowing. One way is by using an app called “Story Reposter” which allows you to repost someone’s story onto your own account. This can be done by taking a screenshot of the story and then reposting it as your own story. Another way is by using an app called “Story Surfer” which allows you to watch someone’s story without them knowing. This can be done by opening the app and selecting the user’s story, and then selecting the “view story privately” option.

How to view Instagram stories without the person knowing using an app
There are a few different ways to view Instagram stories without the person knowing. The first way is to use an app. There are a few different apps that you can use, and they all work in a similar way. The app will show you the story without the user knowing that you are seeing it. The second way is to use your phone’s settings. If you have an iPhone, you can go to settings and then privacy. Under privacy, you will be able to see who can see your story. If you don’t want the other person to see that you have seen their story, you can change your settings so that they can’t see that you have viewed it. The third way is to use a computer. If you have a

How to view Instagram stories without the person knowing by saving the image
If you want to view someone’s Instagram story without them knowing, there is a way to do it. If you save the image of the story while it is playing, you will be able to view it even after the story has disappeared from the app. To do this, just hold down on the image of the story until a save icon appears.

How to view Instagram stories without the person knowing by taking a screenshot
1. If you want to view someone’s Instagram story without them knowing, you can take a screenshot of it.
2. When you take a screenshot of someone’s Instagram story, the notification that they get will not show that you took a screenshot; it will just show that you viewed their story.
3. This is a great way to view someone’s story without them knowing and without them seeing that you viewed it.

You can use different methods to view Instagram stories without the other person knowing.
One way is to view the story as if you are not following the person. To do this, you would open up the Instagram app and go to the person’s profile. Once you are on their profile, you would scroll down and tap on “View Story.” This will allow you to view their story without them knowing that you have viewed it.

Another way to view someone’s Instagram story without them knowing is by using a website or app that allows you to do this. There are several websites and apps that allow you to do this. One website that allows you to do this is called “Storiesig.” Another app that allows you to do this is called “StorySaver.”

Using these methods, you can view