See Old Snapchat Stories: If you don’t discuss your recent job change or summer vacation, did they occur? Thousands of Millennials and members of Generation Z obsessively post experiences from their daily lives on social media. More specifically, that is true for Snapchat users who post visual material.

Snapchat has evolved from a photo-sharing software to a prominent social media platform in recent years, with millions of users producing over 4 billion snaps every day! In 2016, Snapchat’s Snapchat Partners advertising API was released.

Snapchat’s content is ephemeral. This encourages readers to utilize the application more frequently than other social media sites. Users may only view the snaps for ten seconds, and they often reveal details of their daily lives such as what they ate for lunch, who they hung out with, etc.

Snapchat allows you to access brand-related material based on your preferences, as opposed to other social networking sites whose news feeds are flooded with commercials. Only a restricted number of media businesses and brands sell themselves on Snapchat’s Discovery, which attracts around 40 million users every day.

You may read editorial pieces, view award presentations, movie screenings, etc. under the brand Discovery area. Although this material contains embedded advertisements, you can always opt to bypass them with the tap of a finger.

If you’ve been using Snapchat for a while, you’re aware that anything you publish on the platform disappears after a certain amount of time. This is something that we may not always support.

If you already blogged about an excellent event, you may be attempting to recover it.

Conversely, is it possible to view the Snapchat stories of friends from the past? Hold your patience. Please read the next section of our blog to get the solution to your inquiry.

How to View a User’s Previous Snapchat Stories

Good news arrives, so say goodbye to all your concerns! In addition to your own Snapchat stories, you may also preserve the tales of others utilizing certain workarounds. So, if you wish to view someone’s past stories, you need only ensure that you have already stored them on your device. Snapchat does not officially let you preserve a friend’s story; you must be aware of the applications that allow you to do so. Let’s immediately determine how to employ two such applications.

How does Snapcrack function?

Unfortunately, there is no straightforward way to preserve a friend’s Snapchat story. But what’s wrong with going above and beyond? We have a third-party application that is compatible with both Android and iOS smartphones. Follow the instructions provided below to save someone else’s Snapchat story to your device.

  1. Visit Install the SnapCrack application on your smartphone. Following that, install it.
  2. Sign in to the Snapchat application using your Snapchat credentials. The app’s UI is comparable to that of Snapchat, so it will be simple to use. SnapCrack would quickly retrieve the required info from Snapchat.
  3. View your friends’ tales and select Save to store them on your smartphone.

Once you’ve saved the stories to your device, you may return them at any time to read them.

MirrorGo is your go-to tool for storing friends’ Snapchat stories.

With MirrorGo, you won’t be caught storing Snapchat stories without permission. This application may be used for both screen captures and screen recordings. This application allows you to mirror your smartphone’s screen to other large displays. Connecting your device to the large display requires a USB connection. MirrorGo is a safe, Android-compatible application. Download this program from to utilize its features. Once you’ve saved a friend’s tale on your device via this app, you may access it whenever you like.

Employ IOS Screen Recording

Snapchat prevents users from capturing a snapshot of another user’s story. So, as soon as you take such a screenshot, the recipient will be alerted immediately. Although Snapchat does not have a function for saving a friend’s story, there is a workaround for doing so. Using a screen recorder is one such strategy.

The IOS screen recorder is exclusive to the iPhone and allows you to capture all screen activity. Therefore, you only need to activate your screen recorder, launch Snapchat, and see your friend’s story. After turning off the screen recorder and saving the tape, you may return to the folder and see your friend’s Snapchat story as many as you like.

The best feature of the IOS screen recorder is that it is compatible with a variety of IOS devices. Therefore, you do not care if you are not utilizing the most recent iPhone model.