How can you see if someone on Snapchat has blocked you? Social media is a strange creature. Blocking someone suggests that the friendship is in danger, although this isn’t always the case. Nonetheless, if you’re worried, it’s reasonable.

When you block someone on Snapchat, what happens? You don’t have to be concerned since they aren’t informed. But will they be able to tell? How can you be sure you haven’t been blocked if you believe you have? Here’s how to determine if someone on Snapchat has blocked you.

What is the difference between being blocked and being removed?

What’s the difference between being banned on Snapchat and being deleted (also known as “unadded”)? Being unfriended is more “Scorched Earth” than the former. Being banned shuts off all connections by default while being removed does not.

You won’t be able to view stories unless they’re set to Everyone if you’ve merely been deleted from Snapchat. If you’re blocked, though, no matter what settings you choose, nothing will show. The Discover option, on the other hand, doesn’t reveal anything. You may even have been muted, which means they won’t be able to view your story but you’ll still be friends.

How to know if Someone on Snapchat Has Deleted You?

The Chat feature is the quickest method to see whether you’ve been removed or banned. You haven’t been blocked if you can still see the person mentioned in your chat. It’s possible that they deleted you but you didn’t delete them. However, this only works if you’ve recently communicated with them through the function.

You may even email them a photo, just as you would ordinarily. If it says “Pending” and has a gray symbol after a few minutes, you may have been removed. Perhaps one or both of you do not have a sufficient internet connection.

Clicking on the contact’s profile is another option. You haven’t been removed if you can see their Snapchat score.

Otherwise, you’ll need to discover more about how to detect whether someone on Snapchat has banned you…

How to know if Someone on Snapchat Has Blocked You?

When someone blocks you on Snapchat, you won’t be informed, so search for other indications. But don’t worry; the processes are quite straightforward. Here are the methods to see whether you’ve been blocked by someone.

1. Do you have access to recent conversations?

As previously said, this is the easiest approach, but it does not always provide a definite response, particularly if you’re feeling worried. And, given that you’re wondering, “Am I Blocked on Snapchat?” odds are you are.

Take a check whether you’ve recently spoken with the individual you believe has blocked you. If the relevant topic is still accessible, go to the Chat panel and click it.

If not, the conversation was either too long ago or you were blocked. However, this isn’t a foregone conclusion.

You must now search for confirmation.

2. Are you able to locate them?

It’s fantastic if you can recall their username. In most instances, you may use their real name for this function if they don’t have one.

So, how do you use Snapchat to find friends?

You’ll find your personal profile in the upper left corner of the screen, which may show your narrative if you’ve contributed one in the last 24 hours. There’s a magnifying glass symbol right next to this. Click this and look for the contact you’re concerned has been blocked.

They’ve either blocked you or deactivated their account if they don’t show.

3. Is it possible for others to look for them?

When you block someone, they won’t be able to locate you at all. So, how can you know if you’ve been blocked—or if they’ve stopped using Snapchat altogether?

Your best bet is to locate someone else who uses Snapchat and ask them to look for this person’s username. They just need to follow the same procedure as before.

You may also create a second Snapchat account. This seems like an obnoxious, if not compulsive, method of discovering the truth. This may be seen as stalking by the other individual, so think carefully before proceeding.

If they don’t show up, it’s probable that they’ve deactivated their Snapchat account. If they do emerge, the news is bad: they’ve blocked your second account.

Of course, if you were to run across this individual in person, you might inquire whether they still use Snapchat. If they do, you risk creating a rift, but they’ve already barred you.

Why was your Snapchat account deactivated?

This is a tough issue, but it isn’t one to be concerned about. There are many possible causes, but you may have to face the possibility that you’ve just drifted apart.

To begin with, it might have occurred by accident. Some friends vanish between updates or when people switch phones; this shouldn’t happen, but it happens. Send them a message or snap if you believe this is the case. Make sure your device isn’t the issue.

If you’ve lost a lot of Snapchat contacts, try re-adding the ones you care about.

It’s also possible that you’re posting too often or rarely. Maybe your interests aren’t aligned right now, therefore they’d prefer not to have articles they’re not interested in cluttering up their feed.

Maybe they’re simply too preoccupied to be disturbed right now.

At the very least, the removal may be reversed, so speak to them if it has offended you. But don’t become too attached; it’s just Snapchat, after all, and it doesn’t mean your relationship is gone.

Why have you been blocked on Snapchat?

You most likely already know the answer to this. However, if you’re genuinely perplexed as to why this has occurred, it’s usually wise to ask yourself whether you’ve been a bother. Alternatively, if they’ve been a problem in the past and this is simply how they are.

Although we are all aware that Snapchat may be used for NSFW purposes, the number of individuals who actually send explicit messages to other Snapchat users is very tiny. Don’t be surprised if receivers block you in such situations.

If you don’t use Snapchat that way, it’s possible that you were mistakenly banned, particularly if you’re friends with the person who blocked you. Because Snapchat won’t allow you to speak to them on its site, if you have alternative contact information, utilize it.

It’s also possible that they’re “ghosting” you. It’s a terrifying idea, but if they’re the kind to do that, they don’t deserve to be in your life in the first place.

Final Thought

If you’ve been blocked or deleted by someone you thought was a close friend, it’s only normal to be upset. It isn’t, however, the end of the world. If it’s had a significant impact on you, consider if Snapchat is appropriate for you.

Snapchat is all about creating friends and forming relationships. It all comes down to getting to know individuals on a daily basis. But, like with other social media platforms, it’s not worth getting worked up over.