What are the results of your Tweets? Unfortunately, many companies are unable to answer this question since they do not track their Twitter activity. Understanding the data behind your Tweets is critical since it reveals what works and, more crucially, what doesn’t.

If Twitter is an important component of your social media marketing plan, you should learn how to use the analytics dashboard. You’ll spend most of your time in the Tweet activity area. We’ll go through how to see your Tweet activity and how to utilize the information to enhance your Twitter marketing approach in this article.

How to View Your Tweet Activity The Twitter Analytics dashboard is where you can see your tweet activity.

To access the Tweet activity dashboard, go to the main dashboard and click on Tweets in the top menu.

The Tweet activity dashboard provides a birds-eye perspective of your Twitter activity. You may filter the data to see: All Tweets Top Tweets Tweets and responses Promoted Tweets While this dashboard provides an overview of your performance, you can also see Tweet activity for individual Tweets through the desktop or mobile app.

Simply click the three-bar symbol underneath your Tweets on your desktop.

This will display you the activity of a single Tweet, including Impressions Total engagements Profile, clicks The procedure is the same for seeing your Tweet activity on a mobile device. Tap any Tweet and then click the three-bar symbol to the right of it.

You’ll see the same information as on your desktop.

As you can see, this page also gives you the option to create a promoted Tweet. In our Twitter Advertising guide, you can learn more about sponsored Tweets.

After you’ve figured out where to look for your Tweet activity, the next step is to figure out how to put it to use.

How to Use the Tweet Activity Dashboard The Tweet activity dashboard is primarily used to determine how many people are viewing and interacting with your Tweets. The following are the particular metrics provided by Twitter: Link clicks Likes Retweets Replies Engagement rate Here’s what you can learn from each data point.

Link clicks are the most engaging kind of interaction. When someone clicks your link, it indicates the text and picture in your Tweet piqued their interest and they wanted to learn more.

If you’re receiving a lot of impressions but not a lot of link clicks, it’s an indication that either your content isn’t engaging with your audience or your headlines/images aren’t eye-catching enough. In such a scenario, you may begin experimenting with various headlines and images.

Using Sprout Social to plan numerous Tweets for the same article while changing the content is a smart strategy.

Then check your Twitter activity or Sprout’s Sent Message report to see which version received the most attention.

Look for patterns in your most popular Tweets, such as call-to-action words or hashtags. If you see any trends, keep note of your findings and utilize that knowledge to create subsequent Tweets.

Likes are at the bottom of the engagement totem poll because they take the least effort. It is, nevertheless, still extremely helpful in assisting you in determining which material is having an effect on your followers.

There should be some connection between your amount of likes and link clicks if you Tweet a lot of links. If you find that your Tweets have a lot more likes than link clicks, it’s possible that people aren’t going through and are just like your Tweets at random.

Retweets are the next step up from likes. Retweeting doesn’t take any work other than pressing a button, but it increases the number of people who see your post. It may be more valuable than alike as a result of this.

That isn’t to say you shouldn’t pay attention to your Retweets. Even if the sharer does not read your material, they are still disseminating it on your behalf.

Pay attention to the dates that Retweets occur while viewing the Tweet activity dashboard. If you see large increases on a specific day, you may investigate where they came from. Perhaps an influencer Retweeted one of your Tweets, resulting in even more interaction.

Stats are useful, but you must then take the next step and act on them. If an influencer assisted you in increasing your Retweets, go out to them to discuss a collaboration or co-marketing possibility. At the very least, thank them for increasing your visibility.

Replies Tweet On Twitter

Replies are right up there with link clicks as the most useful forms of interaction. When someone responds to your Tweet, they took the time to really read it instead of simply scrolling past it in their feed.

Look for trends in your responses as well. Do you receive more responses on different days of the week? It’s possible that those are the days when your followers are the most active. To increase your engagement, start scheduling more Tweets around that time of the week.

Engagement Rate This is an important statistic that many individuals miss since they only consider their overall number of interactions. The engagement rate is calculated by dividing the total number of engagements by the total number of impressions.

The rate of engagement indicates how active your audience is. If you’re receiving thousands of impressions but few likes, Retweets, or responses, you may want to think about how to make your Twitter followers more involved with your material. You may request that they Retweet or share your Tweets with their followers. Tweets that explicitly urge users to Retweet get a 12x higher Retweet rate, according to Salesforce statistics.

If you’re waiting for the workweek to finish, RETWEET. It’s easy to get caught up in vanity metrics like the total number of followers. — New Girl (@New GirlTV) July 19, 2016, pic.twitter.com/zeHXBTtbu7 — New Girl (@New GirlTV) July 19, 2016, Because the number of your following doesn’t matter as much, the engagement rate is a fantastic measure. It’s all about how engaged your audience is, which is crucial on a competitive network like Twitter.

Beyond Tweet Activity While Tweet Activity provides a decent summary of your Twitter performance, you’ll need another data source to obtain more detailed information. Sprout can provide you with more information on the performance of your Tweets as well as your whole Twitter account.

You’ll be able to view a lot of the same information as Twitter’s Tweet activity report, such as the amount of interaction and clicks, but you’ll also have access to some new metrics, such as reach.

Sprout utilizes a measure called to reach to determine the overall number of people who may have seen your Tweet. Learn more about the difference between impressions and reach in our Twitter impressions article.

Another advantage of using Sprout is the opportunity to compare the performance of your many Twitter accounts. You can easily move between your many accounts, which is ideal for organizations with numerous Twitter accounts to handle. Rather than selecting between Twitter’s dashboard and Sprout, we recommend integrating the two for a comprehensive view of your Tweet activity.


Measure and Act The Tweet activity dashboard is a fantastic method to collect data and evaluate what’s working for your company. However, don’t forget to take the next step and use what you’ve learned to make better Twitter marketing choices.