Why Does Twitter Keep On Asking To Verify That You are Not A robot

It’s a well-known truth that the number of bots spread throughout the internet has grown exponentially in the last few years. The likelihood of seeing a lot on social media or any other site is currently at an all-time high. To address this problem, Google developed the “reCAPTCHA” verification tool, which sites may simply integrate.

In order to get access to a website, reCAPTCHA needs users to pass a test. There are a number of tests that provide users with a collection of images or boxes and ask them to pick the ones that match a particular criterion, such as selecting all pictures with shop logos or selecting all pictures having cars in it, and so on.

Although the reCAPTCHA was designed to prevent bots from accessing websites, the service has now become inconvenient for people as well, making it difficult for them to get access to sites (you can try a demo here, though). The fact that most browsers and websites now require users to certify that they are not robots is driving people insane.

As a result, many social media users have tweeted out some amusing and funny responses to show their dissatisfaction with being subjected to so many tests. Some users posted GIFs of robots becoming scared when they saw the reCAPTCHA, while others shared memes of machines completing the exam.

CPU: Please confirm that you are not a robot.

For a long time, Internet users have grumbled about receiving reCAPTCHA several times each day, particularly on Google and Twitter.

What the heck, @Google and @Twitter? Almost every time I like a post on Twitter, I have to confirm that I’m a person, and I always get the most ridiculous reCAPTCHA images. I’m not even joking when I say this occurs to me several times a day with images that make no sense. It stings): pic.twitter.com/MHQsPrs3V7

Not only that, but the reCAPTCHA may be so ambiguous at times that individuals have difficulty passing the exam. A single incorrect selection may cause the test to be recreated with a totally new collection of pictures. This consumes users’ precious time, and many have conveyed how they feel while trying to solve the reCAPTCHA through tweets.

Some individuals have remarked sarcastically that the regularity with which they are asked to affirm that they are humans and not machines has made them question themselves.

Twitter is inundated with Tweets condemning reCAPTCHA, its inventors, and everything associated with it, and many people think it’s time for an alternate verification method to take over.

Why is this occurring so often lately? Why has Chrome become almost convinced that I am a robot in the last month? (No, I haven’t participated in any remotely spamming behavior)

I truly wish people would stop using reCAPTCHA.

in Q on two of three devices, I’m not a robot, I’m not a robot, I have to click on cars, fire hydrants, and traffic lights, I’m not a robot, I’m not a robot, I’m not a robot, I’m not a robot, I’m not a robot, I’m not a robot, I’m not a robot, I’m not a robot, I’m not a robot, I’m I despise you, Ticketmaster,

The astonishing number of times I get the reCAPTCHA incorrect throughout this All-Star voting makes me question if I *am* a robot.

Last Words

As can be seen from the above tweets, the level of dissatisfaction is very high. It’s past time for Google to either update reCAPTCHA to make it more user-friendly for “Human” users or provide a simpler but more effective verification test. Until then, good luck demonstrating your humanity.