Snapchat is loaded up with a few invigorating elements that make it one of the most favored informal organizations among the more youthful age. One of these highlights is the varieties that show activities on your sent and got snaps or messages. These tones happen in dark, red, and purple on various symbols. They’re quite simple to unravel, as you’ll find in this article.

You’ll track down bolts, boxes, and rings on the application to demonstrate snaps, messages, and replayed snaps. These shapes are either loaded up with varieties or encompass them. At the point when a symbol is loaded up with a variety, it implies you’ve sent something, and the beneficiary hasn’t opened it. Furthermore, while it’s encompassing the shapes, it implies the beneficiary has opened it.

Be that as it may, these symbols have explicit implications, which we’ll detail in this article.

Snapchat’s Color-Codes

North of 600 million people use Snapchat, and one of its captivating highlights is how it color-codes its snaps, messages, and moves made by beneficiaries. As you send messages, recordings, and sound messages on the application, it doles out various images and varieties to them. So to utilize Snapchat effectively, you should be acquainted with these images.

These images let you know when you send/get a video regardless of sound when somebody’s screen captures your snap, when a message is opened, and when a snap is replayed. They give you an outline on your end as the shipper and on the beneficiary’s end.

Moving right along, these are the implications of the tones and images you see on Snapchat.

Instant messages

Messages on Snapchat are variety coded with blue and show up in two images – a bolt and a crate.

  1. A blue-filled bolt: You’ve messaged the beneficiary, and they’ve not opened the message.
  2. A bolt with a blue boundary: The message you sent has been seen and opened by the beneficiary.
  3. A blue-filled box: Seems when you get a message. It normally accompanies the mark “new talk.”
  4. A bolt with a blue line encompassed by little blue bolts: The beneficiary has seen, opened, and taken a screen capture of your message.
    A case with a blue line: This lets your companion know that you’ve seen and opened their message.
  5. A dim box: This seems when you send a message to someone else you don’t have on your companions’ rundown. It could likewise imply that the beneficiary has hindered you or hasn’t acknowledged your companion’s demand. You could sum up the significance of this dark box as a forthcoming activity.


Snaps are video or picture messages sent between clients on Snapchat. Likewise, the application can incorporate or quiet sound from a video on the off chance that you wish. These have their variety codes and are featured underneath.

  1. The red-filled bolt: You sent a picture or a video without sound.
  2. A bolt with a red line: Your picture or video without sound has been opened by the beneficiary.
  3. A bolt with a red line encompassed by little red bolts: Your beneficiary has seen, opened, and taken a screen capture of your picture or video without sound.
  4. A red-filled box: Somebody has sent you a picture or soundless video. It for the most part accompanies the tag “New snap.”
  5. A case with a red boundary: You’ve opened a snap containing a picture or a video without sound.
  6. A red circle with a sharpened stone: The beneficiary replayed your snap containing a video without sound.
  7. The purple bolt: You’ve sent a snap with sound.
  8. A bolt with a purple boundary: Your video with sound has been seen and opened by the beneficiary.
  9. A bolt with a purple line encompassed by minuscule purple bolts: Your video with sound snap has been opened, and the beneficiary took a screen capture of the video.
  10. A purple-filled box: You got a snap containing a video with sound.
  11. A case with a purple boundary: You opened a video snap with sound.
  12. A purple circle with a pointed stone: You replayed a snap containing a video with sound.

Different Images You Can Experience on Snapchat

Assuming you keep streaks with your companions, you will notice specific images before their names. These images mean you’ve arrived at specific achievements with your companions. A portion of these include:

  1. Red Heart: This implies you and the beneficiary are BFFs.
  2. Yellow Heart: Best friends
  3. Twofold Red Heart: Super BFF
  4. Grinning Face: BFs
  5. Smiling Face: Common Best pals
  6. Shades Emoticon: This implies you’re shared BFs.
  7. Cake: This connotes it’s the beneficiary’s birthday.
  8. Fire Emoticon: This lets you know you’ve begun a Snap streak with the beneficiary.
  9. Sand Clock: This means that your Snap streak will end if you don’t send a snap.


With this, none of Snapchat’s images or variety codes ought to befuddle any longer. You can talk and relate with other snap chatters knowing their activities with the various codes!