You’ll find a lot of shop talk and contractions on Snapchat and a few other informal communities. Some are more exceptional to a stage than others, and we have a common model on our hands in this article. You might have seen another Snapchatter message you “SSB” and are considering what it implies; don’t bother stressing encouraging as this article takes care of you.

SSB is curious just to Snapchat, signifying “Send Snap Back.” You’d experience this, particularly assuming that you keep streaks with another person on the application. “SSB” is a suggestion to assist you with keeping up your streaks. This “SSB” is among the numerous different truncations you could experience on Snapchat and are simply unconventional to the application.

This article subtleties the significance of SSB, the setting it applies, and the different shortenings you can experience on Snapchat.

How Could You Utilize SSB On Snapchat?

Snapchat is a great social stage with different elements to investigate. Besides the protection and security that the stage gives its clients, they play small-scale games, play with channels and impacts, and keep Snapstreaks with different clients. These Snapstreaks are the essential reasons clients successive the application since it assists you with staying up with the latest with your companions and keeping an incredible record with them.

In any case, regardless of how long you have the streaks running, it might drop on the off chance that you don’t send a snap in 24 hours or less. Consequently, clients attempt to remind each other to keep the snaps coming, subsequently the introduction of the shortened form SSB. For example, if you send a snap to somebody and they’re not answering, a basic SSB message will do the trick in reminding them to stay aware of the streaks.

The most effective method to Answer To An “SSB” Text

At the point when you get an SSB message, the normal reaction is to send a snap. You can send a photograph or video snap in the means recorded underneath.

  1. Send off your Snapchat application to open the application’s camera.
  2. Look at the channels assuming you wish to apply an impact to the picture or video you need to take.
  3. Tap the large circle to snap a picture or hold the circle for a video.
  4. Add a subtitle on the off chance that you need it.
  5. Send the snap to the individual that messaged you “SSB.”

Once finished, you ought to see the hourglass image before the name vanishes, and your Snapstreak number ought to increment by one.

What Different Implications of “SSB” Could You at any point Have on Snapchat?

On the off chance that you’ve watched the famous Network program Sex and the City, you may know about SSB as a “secret single way of behaving.” In setting, SSB implies the peculiar propensities we enjoy when no other person is watching. The contractions could likewise imply “sucks so terrible” to communicate dissatisfaction with a circumstance. Finally, SSB could be a condensing for “Super Smash Bros.”

Other Snapchat Contractions You Ought to Be aware

If you’re on Snapchat a ton, different shortened forms could spring up in your discussions and stories. They’re recorded underneath with their implications.

  1. SFS: On Snapchat, this implies whoop for a holler. It applies to individuals requesting that you notice their handles in a story as a trade-off for you doing likewise. This is typically used to assist with building accounts.
  2. ATM: This signifies “right now.” You use it in a sentence like; I’m occupied atm!
  3. SB: This one is like SSB, signifying “Snapback.” It’s the same thing as advising you to send a snap so you can keep up your streaks with the individual.
  4. SMH: This one is very famous and means “shake my head.” Showing objection or disillusionment at something is normally utilized.
  5. HMU: This is a contraction for “hit me up.” You’re telling an individual to text or reach you for a specific explanation.
  6. SU: This means “Swipe Up.”
  7. FT: This implies facetime, which alludes to Snapchat’s video talk highlight.
  8. SS: This is well known with Snapchatters and represents the screen capture.
  9. Stg: This is a condensing for “Commit to God.” This one can mean a ton of things relying upon the specific situation.
  10. Wym: This is a contraction for “what do you mean?”
  11. FF: A condensing for following.
  12. FFF: A condensing for “follow for a follow.”
  13. SNR: This is a contraction for “sneaks and recent.”
  14. FW: This means “f**k with.” This for the most part implies you concur with somebody or endorse an activity.
  15. Ik: A contraction for “I know.”
  16. Irl: This is a truncation for “in actuality.”
  17. Ifk: This means “I f**king know.”
  18. JW: Simply pondering.
  19. Hru: Not all that famous, yet it signifies “how are you?”


With this, you understand what SSB means and how to utilize it. You likewise have a grip on the top shortened forms of Snapchat and their implications.