Can I Tell When a WhatsApp Contact is Typing to Someone Else?

On the popular messaging service WhatsApp, it is possible to tell when one of your contacts is typing a message, whether to you or someone else. However, it is not possible to tell to whom a contact is sending a message.

How to Tell When a Contact is Typing

When your contact is typing a message, a small ellipsis (…) will appear at the bottom of the conversation. This small ellipsis is the only way to tell that the person is typing; no other type of notification will appear.

How to Tell the Person Typing is Not Typing To You

WhatsApp does not provide a way to tell who your contacts are typing to, other than the ellipsis. To tell that the contact is not typing to you, consider the following:

  • Check other conversations – If the contact is typing in another conversation, the ellipsis will appear below the other conversation.
  • Look at the time – If the person has not responded to your messages in a long time and the ellipsis appears, it’s likely they are not typing to you.
  • Ask them – If you want to know for sure, simply ask the contact who they are typing to.


WhatsApp does make it possible to tell when one of your contacts is typing a message, but it does not provide a way to tell who the message is being sent to. To find out who your contact is typing to, you may want to check other conversations, look at the time, or ask them directly.

4. Are there any special tools or technology used to tell when a WhatsApp contact is typing to someone else?

No, there is no special tool or technology used to tell when a WhatsApp contact is typing to someone else. WhatsApp does not provide a messaging API or any other way for developers to access or tell when someone is typing to a contact. The only way to tell if someone is typing to another person is by seeing the “typing” indicator appear in your message thread.

2. What indicators might one look for to identify when a WhatsApp contact is typing to someone else?

When a WhatsApp contact is typing to someone else, a “typing…” indicator will appear beneath the contact’s name. Additionally, the contact’s profile picture may become highlighted or animated when they are actively typing.

3. Does the visibility of messages change depending on who the WhatsApp contact is typing to?

Yes, the visibility of messages can change depending on who the WhatsApp contact is typing to. If a user is typing to a group, everyone in the group will be able to see the message, whereas if the user is typing to an individual, only the intended recipient will be able to see the message.

5. Is it possible to notify someone when a WhatsApp contact is typing to someone else?

No, it is not possible to notify someone when a WhatsApp contact is typing to someone else. WhatsApp does not allow users to track the activities of others, and does not provide any notifications about when someone is typing to someone else.

1. Is there a way to detect when a WhatsApp contact is typing to someone else?

No, there is no way to detect when a WhatsApp contact is typing to someone else. WhatsApp does not provide a feature to detect when someone is typing to someone else. However, you may be able to tell if they are actively using WhatsApp (by whether they are online or recently active) or if they are currently involved in a conversation with someone else (by the length of time they take to reply to your messages).

Can I tell when someone else is typing a message to my WhatsApp contact?

No, there is no way to tell when someone else is typing a message to your WhatsApp contact. WhatsApp does not notify users when someone else is typing a message to someone on their contact list.