It’s important to keep your social media accounts as secure as possible to prevent malicious actors from accessing your private information and other confidential data. One of the most important accounts to keep secure is your LinkedIn account as it might have many essential contacts and other information related to your professional life. Changing your LinkedIn password regularly is a great way to protect your account and can be easily done using some simple steps. In this article, we will look at the easy steps you can follow to update your LinkedIn password quickly and securely.

1. Understanding the Need to Change Your LinkedIn Password

Secure Your Account – Your LinkedIn account contains your sensitive data such as contact information, work experience and professional networks. As such, it is important to ensure that your account is secure at all times. Changing your password regularly is a great way to protect your account from potential hackers.

Best Practices for Choosing a Password – Choosing a secure password is key to protecting your account. When picking out a password, it is important to make sure that it is not easily guessed by someone who knows you. Some important tips for creating a secure password include:

  • Using a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters
  • Choosing a password that is at least 8 characters long
  • Using a unique and seemingly random combination of characters

Changing Your Password Regularly – In order to ensure your account is kept secure, it is recommended that you change your password every 3 months. When changing your password, make sure to use a password that is different from your previous one.

2. Taking the Steps to Change Your LinkedIn Password

Changing your LinkedIn password is an important proactive measure and should be done regularly. You can do it easily in a few steps.

1. Log on to Your Account

  • Head over to the LinkedIn website.
  • Sign in to your account with your username and password.

2. Access Your Security Settings

  • Once you’re logged in, click your profile picture in the top right corner of the page.
  • You will then see a drop-down menu. Select the “Settings & Privacy” option.
  • From there, select the “Privacy” tab.
  • At the bottom of the list on the left-hand side, select “Change Password.”

3. Enter Your New Password

  • In the fields below, enter your new password.
  • LinkedIn will generate a few helpful tips to create a secure password. Make sure your new password follows their guidelines.
  • Once you’ve entered your new password twice, click the blue “Change Password” button.

Your LinkedIn password is now updated. For added security, consider using a third-party password management solution.

3. Remembering to Make Your New Password Secure

It is important to choose a secure password when creating any type of online account. It should be a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters that is difficult to guess. Following the few steps below will help you create a secure, memorable password.

  • Choose a longer password: A password of more than 8 characters is recommended to make it difficult to guess. A mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, along with numbers and symbols will improve the security of your password.
  • Avoid common passwords: Make sure that your password is not a common dictionary word, name, phrase or sequence of characters. Attackers often make use of dictionaries to crack passwords.
  • Create a unique password: Avoid reusing your passwords with different accounts. Each password should be unique, so try to create something which you can remember easily.

Using a variety of techniques, you can make your password easy to remember while still being difficult to crack. You can use acronyms to create secure passwords. For example, turning a phrase like “I like ice cream cones” into a passcode like ‘ILIc€Co!2#’. Memorizing a phrase that is visually interesting is a great way to ensure that your password is both memorable and secure.

4. Potential Considerations When Creating a New Password

When creating a new password, it is important to take certain considerations into account in order to ensure the password is secure and not easily guessed. Below are 4 potential considerations to keep in mind while choosing a new password:

  • Length: Longer passwords with more characters are difficult to guess, so aim for 8 characters or more.
  • Not Common Words: Avoid words that can be easily guessed or connected to you. It is generally best to avoid common words and phrases, or words found in the dictionary.
  • Unique Combinations: Choose a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols to make it truly unique. Using a variety of characters makes the passwords exponentially more secure.
  • Write it Down: Once you have created the password, it is important to safely store it somewhere in order to remember it. This can be done by writing it down on paper or by using a secure password manager.

By taking the necessary precautions when creating a new password, you can ensure that both your personal and financial information remain secure. Do not fall into the trap of using the same old password, or sharing passwords between sites. Make sure to create complex, unique passwords for every account you own.

5. Tips for Keeping Your Account Secure

Use Strong Passwords

The most important step for keeping your account secure is to use a strong, unique password for logging in. Choose passwords with a combination of at least 8 characters made up of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Do not use the same passwords for multiple accounts, and do not share them with anyone.

Enable Multiple Layers of Security

It is also highly recommended that you take advantage of the extra security options available in your account. This means turning on two-factor authentication (2FA) and any other authentication option your account provides. This will help to prevent any unauthorized access.

Keep Your Computer Secure

Make sure to install antivirus and anti-malware solutions on your computer to protect it from any unwanted threats. You should also ensure that your computer’s operating system is always up-to-date, as this will patch any security vulnerabilities. Additionally, use pop up blockers for your browser when surfing the web to reduce the chance of any malicious code getting installed on your computer.

  • Use strong passwords that are unique to each account
  • Enable multiple layers of security, such as 2FA
  • Install antivirus and anti-malware solutions on your computer
  • Keep your computer’s operating system up-to-date
  • Use pop up blockers when browsing the web

Changing your Linkedin password can seem intimidating, however, these easy steps make it possible to do in no time. Keeping your password up-to-date is a great way to ensure you account remains secure. So, do not wait until it is too late and make sure to update your Linkedin password today!