Are you looking to close your LinkedIn account? If the answer is yes, then the following article will provide you with the steps required to do so. Keeping one’s information secure is of utmost importance on social media, and making sure to properly deactivate your account is an easy way to ensure that. This article will explain the necessary steps to take when it comes to completely shutting down your LinkedIn presence.

I. Introduction to Closing Your LinkedIn Account

Closing your LinkedIn account is a decision that requires careful consideration, as deleting your account permanently disconnects you from the professional network. Before making this important decision, it is essential to understand the ramifications of closing your LinkedIn account. By adhering to the following five steps, you can ensure that you properly close your account.

  • Back-up Your Data: Before proceeding, it is important to save any data that you have shared on your profile. You can automatically download your profile data as a PDF or select the content that you wish to save.
  • Close Connections: If you have established any connections on the platform, it is good practice to reach out to those connections directly, explaining why you are closing your account.
  • Cancel Subscriptions: If you subscribed to any of the premium services offered by LinkedIn, you must cancel these before you permanently deactivate your account or the payments will continue.

Deleting your LinkedIn account does not mean that all of your data is immediately gone. Your profile will be kept for a period of 30 days (after which it is permanently removed) and you can easily reactivate your account during this period. Keep in mind that any of your connections who already have you in their contact list will not be informed of the account deletion.

Your profile can now be securely and effectively closed. By following the steps outlined, you can avoid any unwanted or mistaken disconnections or other repercussions.

II. Consider Reactivating Your LinkedIn Account

As the job market becomes increasingly crowded, employers use LinkedIn as a tool to find potential candidates. If your account has been inactive for some time, the benefits of reactivating it are significant. Here are a few reasons why you should consider reactivating your LinkedIn account:

  • Showcase your experience and accomplishments
  • Develop relationships with key influencers in your industry
  • Find new job opportunities

Opening your account helps employers view your profile and access your connections more easily. Employers use it as a screening tool to determine if you are a right fit for their organization. To optimize your account and make the best impression, make sure that the information is up-to-date, use appropriate keywords, and include relevant job skills, experiences, and accomplishments.

Networking is another reason to consider reactivating your account. Developing personalized relationships with employers and key influencers in your field can help to open more doors. Connecting with these people can help open up opportunities and lead to more professional and personal growth. By participating in relevant industry and professional groups, you can increase your network and gain new insight and knowledge.

Finally, LinkedIn is an invaluable resource for job seekers. When you reactivate your account, employers can find you more easily and you have access to the many job postings. Many organizations post job openings directly to LinkedIn, so you have less ground to cover in your search. In addition, employers may consider your profile as another key factor when selecting applicants, so being active can help you get a step further in the job application process.

III. Steps to Deactivating Your LinkedIn Account

Part 1: Opening Your Settings

In order to deactivate your LinkedIn account, you’ll first need to open your settings. To do this, simply click your profile icon in the top right-hand corner of the LinkedIn homepage. From the resulting drop-down menu, select the “Settings & Privacy” option. This will bring you to the main settings page, which contains all the settings-related settings for your LinkedIn account.

Part 2: Deleting Your Account

The next step to deactivating your LinkedIn account is to delete your account. To do this, locate the “Account” tab on the settings page and select it. You should then be taken to a page with various account-related options. Here, select the “Closing Your Account” link. This will bring you to a page with various account deactivation options.

Part 3: Finalizing Your Deactivation

Finally, to complete the process of deactivating your account, read the linked overview of what will happen when you deactivate your account and click the “Continue to Account Deactivation” button. At this point, you will be asked to confirm your decision to deactivate your account. Once you do that, your account will be deactivated.

  • Open your settings from the profile icon on the homepage.
  • Select the “Closing Your Account” link from the “Account” tab.
  • Read the linked overview of what will happen when you deactivate your account.
  • Confirm your decision to deactivate your account.

IV. After Closing Your LinkedIn Account

After closing your LinkedIn account, you should make sure to inform your connections about the action you have taken so that they can adjust their contact list accordingly. It is important to remain professional in the way you communicate your decision to your connections, as some of them may have been strong contacts that could have potential future business opportunities. Consider messaging your connections via LinkedIn or email with a short message about your decision.

Ways to Inform Your Connections:

  • Send a direct message to all your connections on LinkedIn.
  • Reach out to your connections via their professional emails.
  • Post once on your existing LinkedIn account announcing your action prior to deleting the account.

Keep in mind that it is detrimental to remove yourself without contacting other individuals in the network that you have built. It is possible that any former colleagues, employers, and clients to search you on LinkedIn and find that you are no longer part of the platform. Therefore, it is important to be professional and concise in your communication.

V. Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Closing Your LinkedIn Account

Q: How do I close my LinkedIn account?
A: To close your LinkedIn account you must go to the LinkedIn Settings and Privacy page. There, you must select ‘Account’ in the left sidebar and then click the ‘Closing your LinkedIn Account’ option. This will take you to a page where you will confirm your identity and choose a reason for closing your account.

Q: Will I be able to open my account again after it has been closed?
A: Unfortunately, once you have closed your LinkedIn account it cannot be reopened. This means that all your information, contacts, and profile will be permanently deleted. You must create a new account to start over.

Q: What happens to the content and contacts in my account after it has been closed?
A: When you close your LinkedIn account, the following information will be permanently deleted:

  • Your profile
  • Your connections
  • Your endorsements and mentions
  • Your posts, comments and likes

Hopefully, this article has provided you with insights into how to properly close your LinkedIn account. It’s important to remember that closing down one’s account can be a difficult decision, but it can also be very empowering. If you do choose to close your account, know that you have the option to switch back in the future. Thank you for taking the time to read this article.