Does Blocking and Unblocking on Whatsapp Delete Messages?

Whether or not blocking and unblocking on Whatsapp delete messages is a question that many users have. Unfortunately, the answer isn’t as straightforward as it might seem.

What Happens When You Block Someone?

When you block someone on Whatsapp, that user will not be able to send or receive messages from you, unless you unblock them. Furthermore, they will be removed from your contacts list and any existing chat conversations between the two of you will also be deleted.

What Happens When You Unblock Someone?

When you unblock someone on Whatsapp, they will not automatically be sent any of the messages that were sent while they were blocked. However, they will now be able to send you messages and the chat history between the two of you prior to blocking will be restored.

Does Unblocking Delete Messages?

No, unblocking does not erase messages on Whatsapp. Unblocking a contact does not delete any messages that have already been sent or received between the two of you before the block was applied.

What Are Alternatives To Blocking Someone?

If you are looking for a more discreet alternative to blocking someone on Whatsapp, there are a few options available.

  • Muting – With this option, you can prevent the blocked contact from sending you messages, but they will still be able to view your messages.
  • Archiving – You can select multiple chats in the messages tab, to move them out of sight and out of mind.
  • Deleting – You can delete messages from a particular person by pressing and holding on the particular person’s message, and then clicking the delete icon.


To conclude, unblocking someone on Whatsapp does not delete any messages that were sent or received before the block was implemented. If you are looking for a more discreet alternative to blocking someone, you can opt to mute, archive or delete messages instead.

3. How does blocking and unblocking on Whatsapp affect archived messages?

Under normal circumstances, when a user blocked someone on Whatsapp, they will not be able to view any archived messages from the user they blocked. They won’t have access to any of the messages or media files that were exchanged before the user was blocked. However, when the user unblocks the contact on Whatsapp, the archived messages will be available to view again.

5. Are messages sent and received while a user is blocked recoverable after the user is unblocked?

No, messages sent and received while a user is blocked are not recoverable after the user is unblocked. The messages will be lost once the user is blocked.

1. What are the differences between blocking and unblocking on Whatsapp?

Blocking on WhatsApp will prevent a contact from being able to send messages, calls, or status updates to you, while unblocking on WhatsApp will remove that contact from your blocked list and allow them to contact you normally again. Blocking will also stop them from being able to view your profile, while unblocking will allow them to view your profile again.

2. Are all messages between two parties deleted when one of them blocks the other?

No, all of the messages sent before one of the parties blocks the other are not deleted. They may remain visible depending on the messaging platform being used.

4. Can group messages and other types of content be archived post-unblocking?

Yes, group messages and other types of content can be archived post-unblocking. This allows users to access archived content even after a group message or other communication has been blocked. Content archiving allows for easier searchability and storage of important conversations, ensuring that important information is not lost or forgotten. Additionally, archived conversations can serve as a reference for future conversations.