Understanding the processes behind networking platforms, such as Linkedin, allows users to make the most of their interactions. One of the main areas on interest is whether or not Linkedin allows users to be notified when their profile has been viewed. This article will look into this detail, exploring what does, and does not, come with the platform.

1. Introduction to the Question: Does Linkedin Notify Users of Profile Views?

Many people are wondering about the notification system on Linkedin – does the platform inform a user of people who view their profile? The answer is both yes and no, depending on the account type of the user in question.

Linkedin users with a free account can see who has viewed their profile in the past 90 days, but they are not directly notified when someone views their profile. However, they are able to access information on the users who viewed their profile through the “Who viewed my profile” tab on your profile.

Users with a premium account have access to more features with regards to who has viewed their profile. In addition to being able to see a list of people who have viewed their profile, users with a premium account are able to send messages to any of these connections directly from their list of viewers as well as access more in-depth analytics about these viewers’ job titles, roles, etc. Below are some of the features of the notification system with a premium account:

  • Detailed profile views
  • See when you appear in someone’s search results
  • See post views and engagements
  • Track when you profile is viewed

2. Understanding How Linkedin Profile Views are Tracked

Most LinkedIn users wish to know who is viewing their profile, but since LinkedIn has removed the feature to view profile views, the best way to understand the system is to learn what methods and processes the professional platform uses to track profile views.

Here are the two main methods by which LinkedIn tracks profile views:

  • LinkedIn shows a profile view notification every time someone views your full profile. This view of your profile is only visible to you.
  • LinkedIn has an InMail feature through which you can receive an email notification every time someone views your profile.

The Benefits of Understanding How LinkedIn Tracks Profile Views

  • You will be better informed about the full range of features that LinkedIn offers you.
  • You can effectively target potential employers, or prepare yourself to be noticed during your job search.
  • It can be helpful in understanding how to best optimize and customize your profile in order to increase profile visits.
  • LinkedIn provides a great platform for developing, nurturing, and maintaining professional relationships.

3. Examining Linkedin’s Notifications Settings

LinkedIn’s notifications settings provides users with a variety of features that can help them manage their communications on the platform. To ensure that users are receiving notifications that are most important and relevant to them, LinkedIn allows them to customize their settings.

Examining the notifications settings requires navigating to the “Privacy and Settings” page. Under the “Communications” tab, there are several different sections of settings that users can adjust. This includes:

  • Message Notifications – Here, users can control if and how they are notified about new messages, as well as how often they wish to receive an email alert about the same.
  • Notifications from Matches and Companies – This section provides users with the opportunity to select different notification preferences for how they hear from their connections, as well as any companies that they are following.
  • Event Notifications – This option allows users to adjust their preferences for Receiving automated notifications about upcoming events.

Once users have adjusted the notification settings to their desired selection, they can simply click the “Save” button and the changes will take effect immediately. They can always come back to the “Privacy and Settings” page later to customize their settings further.

4. Pros and Cons of Receiving Notifications for Linkedin Profile Views

One of the features LinkedIn offers to its members is to receive notifications for viewing their profiles. Receiving LinkedIn notifications for viewing profiles has many advantages and disadvantages.


  • It lets users know that someone has found their profile interesting, thus reassuring them of their profile’s worth.
  • The notifications access is critical for businesses which benefit from leads. This can result in higher sales.
  • It provides the user with a sense of control and understanding the fate of their profile.


  • The notifications can be confusing and frustrating to some.
  • The members can face privacy issues since their data is supposed to be safe on their accounts.
  • The notifications can be of no help to many users since most of the people who view their profiles may have a casual interest and thus they generate no leads.

Receiving notifications for viewing profiles has several advantages and disadvantages. It can be a useful tool for job seekers and businesses operating in the digital space, but it can also lead to privacy issues. Therefore, users should consider all the aspects and decide whether to use the feature or not.

5. Closing Thoughts on Linkedin Profile View Notifications

  • Enable Notifications and Updates on LinkedIn – It is highly recommended to enable notifications and updates on LinkedIn if you wish to maximize the growth and reach of your profile. Notifications are a great way to stay informed about important developments in your network and to quickly respond to queries from recruiters or potential clients.
  • Be Responsive and Proactive – It is important to be responsive and proactive when people view your profile. Responding quickly to queries and following up on any discussions that might lead to interesting business opportunities or partnerships can help you build strong relationships. You should also strive to keep your profile up-to-date with the most important information so that potential contacts have an accurate representation of your skills and experience.
  • Optimize Your Performance Through Analytics – LinkedIn also provides an analytics tool that you can use to track the performance of your profile. This tool can offer you insights into who has viewed your profile and the types of connections you have made. Utilizing this data can help you better strategize and optimize your profile for maximum reach and engagement.

Additionally, in order to maintain the visibility of your profile, it is important to be active on the platform. Share interesting content, participate in discussions, and maintain a consistent presence in order to maximize your reach. Furthermore, you can also use LinkedIn Ads to increase your profile reach, personalize your engagement, and ensure that your profile is seen by the right people.

Finally, taking proactive steps to monitor your profile and capitalize on opportunities that arise can make a huge difference to the success of your profile. You should make sure to review notifications regularly and update your online profile to get the most out of your LinkedIn experience. In conclusion, Linkedin does notify users when their profile is viewed, and it also offers a variety of insights and features to help users understand who is most interested in their profile, including notifications, profile views, and followers. Understanding these features can help users better manage their Linkedin presence, and use the platform to its fullest potential.