LinkedIn is one of the leading professional networking platforms, and it is a great way to connect with colleagues, collaborate on projects, and even find potential employers. Having quick access to your LinkedIn profile is important, but finding your LinkedIn URL may not be a straightforward task. In this article, we will provide some tips and tricks for quickly finding your LinkedIn URL so that you can share it for professional purposes.

1. Understanding What a LinkedIn URL Is

A LinkedIn URL is a unique web address that is associated with each individual profile on LinkedIn. It is made up of a combination of letters, numbers and symbols and can be found at the top of a LinkedIn profile. It can have different variations, all leading to the same profile.

Where to Find Your LinkedIn URL

  • Desktop: Your LinkedIn URL is located at the top of your profile, beside your profile photo.
  • Mobile App: By tapping “More” at the bottom of your mobile app then selecting”View Profile”.

Making your LinkedIn URL recognizable and easy to share will help to increase your profile visibility and build more connections. Keep in mind that the more customized your LinkedIn URL is, the more recognizable it will be. Include your full name and any relevant qualifications that describes your current professional position.

2. Tips for Quickly Finding Your LinkedIn URL

Finding your LinkedIn URL: Step 1

The first thing to keep in mind is that your URL should be unique and consistent across the web. If your profile is not yet established, you should create a username that helps identify you on the web. This could be a combination of your first and last name, your name and the year you started using the platform, or the name of the company you work for. Once the username is chosen, your LinkedIn URL will be given to you in the form of an address, typically in the format of

Finding your LinkedIn URL: Step 2

Once you have chosen your username, the next step is to locate your profile on the web. You can access your profile by going to the LinkedIn homepage and logging in with your username and password. Once you log in, you will be able to see your URL in the top menu bar. You may also need to enter your profile information if it is not already present. When you are done, you will be able to find your URL from the top menu bar.

Finding your LinkedIn URL: Step 3

If you are already sharing your profile on the web, you may have already established your URL. All you have to do is to copy and paste the address into a web browser. If you are just getting started, you can use the search bar at the top of the LinkedIn homepage. Simply type in your username and press the search button. Your URL should appear in the results.

  • Be sure to copy and paste your URL when sharing it with others.
  • Your URL should tell people who you are and what you do.
  • Check the spelling and consistency of your URL before sharing it on the web.

3. Customizing Your LinkedIn URL

Creating a custom LinkedIn URL can make it easier to communicate your business contact information and makes it simpler to add it to your email signature, resume, business card, and other marketing materials. This article will help guide you through changing and customizing your LinkedIn profile to make your business appear more professional.

Develop a Brand-Specific URL for Your Profile

  • Log into your profile or create an account if you haven’t already.
  • Go to ‘Settings & Privacy’ option from the drop-down menu on the top right
  • Go your Public Profile
  • Scroll down and select the ‘Edit’ option next to your public profile URL
  • Edit the URL and make it more specific to the message you want your profile to convey
  • Include a branded word like your company name, industry or the job title that you are targeting.

Make Sure Your New LinkedIn URL is Unique

It is important to take caution when creating a new LinkedIn URL to ensure that it is unique to you and not already taken by someone else. Check for similar URLs that could lead to other profiles or inappropriate content that could be easily confused with yours.

Keep Your LinkedIn URL Short & Share it On Your Profile

Short URLs are easier to share and remember, so try to make it as specific to you and your business as possible. Once your URL has been created, make sure to include it in all of your marketing materials, emails, and your profile’s headline and summary sections.

4. Tracking How Many Views Your LinkedIn Profile Receives

Once you’ve created a profile that looks great and showcases your experience, it’s helpful to measure the impact you’re making on potential employers, partners, and customers. LinkedIn Insights is a free tool that provides an overview of your profile’s performance and analytics. Here’s a few ways to access your analytics and optimize your profile views:

  • Update your public profile URL
  • Check your activities
  • Review your profile views insights

The Insights tab on your profile gives you a comprehensive view of who, when, and how many times your profile was viewed. Know who’s visiting your profile by using the “Viewers of This Profile Also Viewed” tab. It includes the top profiles that are being viewed before, after, or alongside your profile. This can be useful in monitoring who is viewing your profile and seeing who you’re competing or collaborating with for job opportunities.

By reviewing your profile view analytics, you can gain an understanding of who is viewing your profile and adjust your content to capitalize on this interest. Adjustments can include updating your headline, optimizing your summary, reworking your experience section, setting up notifications, or adding more images or videos. The overall goal is to ensure that your profile is remarkable, relevant, and ready to be seen by any potential employer, partner, or customer.

5. Maximizing Your LinkedIn Profile for Professional Networks

Your LinkedIn profile is a unique opportunity to create a professional online presence and position yourself in front of potential employers. To maximize your profile’s potential, here are a few tips and best practices:

  • Create a Strong Headline: The title of your profile should accurately express your current position and area of expertise. Consider creating both a professional and personal headline, as this may add to your profile’s appeal with recruiters.
  • Include a Professional Photo: Your profile photo should be professional, up to date, and avoid any selfies. If possible, include a headshot with a plain background for the best possible effect.
  • Add an About Section: This is your opportunity to pitch yourself to potential employers. Include your areas of expertise, skills, interests, and past experiences in a few short but effective sentences.

LinkedIn allows you to connect with other professionals, businesses, and organizations through groups, events, and job postings. Optimize your profile so that it stands out and includes only relevant and accurate information. Reaching out to others and staying active in these professional networks will help increase your visibility and establish yourself as a valued member of the community. Additionally, be sure to verify skills, interests, and endorsements to make your profile more trustworthy.

With these helpful tips, you should now be able to find your LinkedIn URL quickly and easily. Whether you use the steps and guidelines outlined in this article or customize your existing profile to make your LinkedIn URL more specialized, you can be sure that you have the power to put your best foot forward professionally.