This wikiHow shows you how to make a straightforward verse slide show video for pretty much nothing, as well as how to transfer the finished video to YouTube. When you have a tune chosen, you can utilize either Windows Film Producer (Windows) or iMovie (Macintosh) to make your video, after which point you can transfer the video from the YouTube site.

Planning to Make the Video

  1. Settle on a tune. Pick a tune that you need to use for your YouTube music video. You’ll by and large need to pick a tune that is well sufficiently known to get consideration, however not so famous that few individuals have previously made verse recordings.
    • Try not to utilize as of late delivered music, as craftsmen frequently demand that their new melodies be inaccessible anyplace yet on their authority pages.
  2. Download the melody on the off chance that you don’t as of now have it. Buy the tune and download it onto your PC, or download the MP3 form of the melody from YouTube.
    • If you’re utilizing a Macintosh, play the tune once to put it in your iTunes library.
    • Remember that YouTube will frequently hail music that wasn’t bought as copyright infringement.
  3. Track down the melody’s verses. The most straightforward method for finding precisely confirmed verses for your melody is by going to the Virtuoso site at, entering your tune name into the pursuit bar in the upper left corner of the screen, and surveying the outcomes.
    • You can likewise type your tune’s name and “verses” (e.g., three little birds verses) into a web index.
    • Exact, linguistically right verses by and large charge preferred on YouTube over incorrect, incorrectly spelled verses.

Guide to Creating a Lyric Video for YouTube

Utilizing Windows Film Producer

  1. Open Windows Film Producer. Its application symbol looks like a film strip.
    • Windows Film Producer doesn’t come bundled with Windows 10, yet you can download it from an outsider webpage. See Download Windows Film Creator to figure out how.
  2. Click Title. This is in the “Add” segment of the toolbar which is at the highest point of the page.
  3. Click the Home tab. It’s in the upper-left corner of the Windows Film Producer window.
  4. Move the placeholder to the right half of the title cut. Snap and drag the upward dark bar in the fundamental window the entire way to one side to do this.
  5. Click Add music. It’s a case underneath the blue melodic note in the upper-left half of the page. Doing so prompts a drop-down menu.
  6. Click Add music at the ongoing point…. This choice is in the drop-down menu. Another window will open.
  7. Once more, click Title. Doing so will add another title slide to your film’s timetable in the fundamental window.
  8. Enter the primary segment of verses. Click the subsequent title slide to choose it, supplant the “My Film” filler text with your favored verses, and snap a clear space on the page.
    • You can change the size of the verses’ text box by clicking and hauling the circles in the corners and on the sides of the text box.
  9. Add more title slides with verses. You’ll rehash the accompanying strides until you’ve made verses for the whole melody:
    • Click Home
    • Click Title
    • Enter verses.
    • Change the slide’s term.
  10. Click Suggested for this undertaking. It’s in the drop-down menu. Doing so opens a Save window.
  11. Click Close when incited. This connotes that your film has authoritatively been made. You can now continue transferring the video to YouTube.

Utilizing iMovie

  1. Open iMovie. Its application symbol looks like a camcorder on a purple star.
  2. Click the in addition to +. It’s over the words “Make New” close to the upper-left corner of the window.
  3. Click Film on the menu.
  4. Select a foundation for the video. You can utilize the Hunt field at the upper right corner to search for something specific.
  5. Click Make. It’s in the base right corner of the window. A spring-up window will show up.
  6. Click Save. It’s at the base right corner of the spring-up window. This will save your video project.
  7. Click the Sound tab. This is the second tab at the highest point of the window.
  8. Look for pretty much nothing. Type your melody’s name into the text box at the highest point of the iTunes area. It will show up in the center of the left half of the page.
  9. Move the tune into your video’s timetable. Snap and drag the tune title onto the timetable segment at the lower part of the window, then, at that point, drop it there.
  10. Add another title slide. Snap and drag a title slide onto the course of events. This will be your most memorable verse slide.
  11. Enter the main cluster of verses. Select the subsequent title slide, then, at that point, supplant its filler text with the verses for the principal segment of the melody.
  12. Add the other verses to the extra title slides. Rehash the past strides until you’ve added the tune’s all’s verses.
  13. Click the offer symbol. It’s square with a vertical pointing bolt at the upper right corner of the window. A menu with symbols will grow.
  14. Save your record. Click Straightaway… in the spring-up window, select an area on your PC, and afterward click Save.

Transferring the Video

  1. Open YouTube. Go to your program. This will open your YouTube landing page assuming you’re signed in.
    • If you’re not signed in that frame of mind, in the upper-right corner, then, at that point, enter your Google email address and secret key.
  2. Click the “Transfer” symbol. It’s a vertical confronting bolt in the upper-right half of the page. Doing so opens the transfers page.
  3. Click Select documents to transfer. This is on the page. Clicking it prompts a window to open.
  4. Select your video. Click the verse video to choose it.
    • On the off chance that the window opened to a record area other than the one wherein your video is put away, first go to the video’s area in the window.
  5. Enter a title for your video. In the “My Film” text box close to the highest point of the page, supplant the “My Film” text with anything you desire to name your verse video.
  6. Add a depiction and labels if essential. You can add a depiction to your verse video in the “Portrayal” box (this is a decent spot for craftsman credit), while you can add labels in the “Labels” text bar.
  7. Trust that the video will get done with handling. When the advancement bar at the highest point of the page vanishes, you can continue.
    • Recordings can require a few minutes to a few hours to get done with handling, so ensure that your PC is connected to a power source during this time.
  8. Click Distribute. It’s a blue button in the upper-right half of the page. This will distribute your video to your channel. You ought to now have the option to view and share the video from YouTube however you see fit.