Twitter is a social networking service that enables you to interact with new individuals, friends, family, and colleagues by exchanging brief tweets and fast messages. By retweeting, Twitter contributes to the transformation of human ideas by allowing users to share brief information, conversations, news, and ideas with one another.

Nowadays, finding connections on social networking platforms via phone numbers is simple. To find out whether the individual is using the same site as you, you must first establish an account. It was difficult to connect a phone number or e-mail address in order to locate a specific individual.

Nonetheless, Twitter can now sync your phone contacts and provide a list of Twitter accounts for anybody in your contact list who uses the service.

Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to locate someone on Twitter using their phone number.

1. On your phone, open the Twitter app.

2. Go to the Privacy and Settings section.

3. Select Privacy > Discoverability and Contacts from the drop-down menu.

4. Allow “Let others locate me using phone numbers” to be enabled.

5. Then turn on “Sync address book contacts.”

6. It will begin to sync your contacts.

7. Open your Twitter account in Chrome now.

8. Go to the Contacts and Discoverability page.

9. Then choose Manage Contacts.

That’s all there is to it; you’ll now see a list of Twitter connections on your phone.

You may not be able to locate someone if they have selected privacy settings that prevent their accounts from being discovered using their contact information.

Alternatives to Using Twitter to Locate Someone

1. Use Truecaller to find a Twitter user.

Twitter, a social networking site with 500,000 users each week, has teamed up with Truecaller, a Swedish phone directory with a number of sophisticated features, to improve its artificial intelligence capabilities!

Indian Twitter users may now follow one other through phone numbers thanks to Truecaller. They may simply use the Truecaller app to call, follow, or retweet them back. You must, however, maintain your Twitter account linked to the Truecaller app in order to do so.

Truecaller CEO and Co-Founder Alan Mamedi said in a statement that “the individual utilizing Truecaller may immediately come to know who is using Twitter with the assistance of Truecaller and can retweet back with only a missed call.” Furthermore, he said that this functionality was created specifically for Indians who need quick and constant communication.

2. Use Twitter’s Username Search to find someone.

If you’re accessing Twitter via a web browser, follow these steps:

If you know the person’s Twitter Username, type it into the search box, and then choose their name from the search results on the Twitter page.

If you can’t locate the individual you’re looking for, press enter to get a complete page of search results. Keep pressing enter for additional search results until you discover the person you’re looking for.

If you’re using Twitter on your phone, follow these steps:

Tap the magnifying glass after entering the login or name. You’ll come across a number of searches with the same name. If they have included their own photo in their profile image, your choice will be simple.

Once you’ve found the person on Twitter, you may click the follow icon.

3. Use Twitter’s Suggestions to find what you’re looking for.

Twitter can generate high-quality suggestions based on your contacts’, emails’, names’, and other social media sources such as Facebook’s browsing history.

To follow the topic heading on the left side of the website, just click the see all option immediately next to who.

4. Account Finder on Twitter

There are many third-party applications and services that may assist you in locating the individual who is behaving on a certain social networking site. Unless they have altered their discoverability settings on Twitter, which has a direct effect on search results, you can locate anybody using

TwitterLocal is another software that locates your Twitter user based on their geographic location. It’s a fantastic app for anybody who wants to meet people in a formal or casual setting.

Twellow, commonly known as Twitterverse, is a useful tool for finding accounts using keywords. Any Twitter handle that belongs to them may claim a Twellow profile.

Twitter Search is a search engine that focuses on Twitter users specifically. By entering in the search box at the top of the Twitter search header, you can locate anybody. When you use Twitter Search to look for anything, it returns tweets and results in chronological order. By simply entering keywords, you may discover individuals or your interest in a career. The individuals you’ll find with this search are active Twitter users.

Final Thoughts

Apart from connections, there seem to be a variety of ways to locate someone on Twitter. The only thing that matters is that they will only be seen if they are accessible and discoverable due to the lack of privacy.