How Do You Remove Not Block Followers From Your Twitter Account

Twitter is testing out a feature that will allow all web users to delete followers without banning them. This safety feature may be useful if you wish to avoid the consequences of blocking someone – if a banned person visits your profile after you block them, Twitter will notify them that they have been blocked. However, by deleting a follower, users may feel more comfortable about who sees their tweets without completely banning them.

Sure, the banned person may realize they are no longer following you, but who knows? Perhaps they accidentally hit the unfollow button! There’s some credible denial there that a hard block doesn’t provide.

For years, Twitter users created this “soft block” by quickly banning and unblocking a following, removing them from your follower list. However, Twitter is now making this its own function.

Today, everyone on the internet will have access to

The pictures in Twitter’s September tweet announcing the test showed that you must manually browse through your follower list and locate the person you wish to delete before you can remove them from your followers list. However, you may now unfollow a follower by navigating to their profile, choosing the three-dot symbol, and then picking the “Remove this follower” option. This makes the functionality much more useful for extremely prominent Twitter users.

Unrelated to follower deletions, Twitter announced a beta test of a feature that would enable users to choose between two distinct feeds on their timeline: one ordered by Twitter’s algorithm and one that is chronological.

Top tweets or most recent tweets? We’re making it simpler to navigate between the two timeframes and identify which one you’re on.

Now testing on iOS with a few of you: Swipe between “Home” and “Latest” on the home page to choose which Tweets appear first.

Users may already move between these two streams on Twitter, but the test comes at a time when content algorithms are being scrutinized. When Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen testified before the Senate last week, she stated that she believes chronologically ranking content can help limit the spread of toxicity, misinformation, and violent content on Facebook, which uses an algorithm that promotes content that is more likely to elicit a reaction. Twitter co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey has previously stated his support for users’ freedom to choose from a variety of algorithms to arrange the information they view.

Twitter has recently been testing and deploying a dizzying array of new features. Not everything Twitter experiments with becomes a permanent fixture, but it used to be a decent indicator of where the company’s interests lie. However, Twitter has said that its approach will involve much more experimentation than in the past. That means it’s more willing to discontinue projects and features that don’t work, like it did with its Fleets feature in Stories.

“You won’t see us remain connected to things that aren’t functioning,” Twitter Head of Consumer Product Kavon Bey pour said last month, when the company announced another big wave of new features. “We think that if we aren’t slowing things down every now and again, we aren’t taking large enough risks,” he said.

Wrap Up

So, that’s it hopes you got it.