Having a secure password is essential for protecting your online accounts. For LinkedIn users, it is also important that they know how to change their password regularly in order to remain secure. This article will explain how to change your password on LinkedIn, so that users can take the necessary steps in order to protect their accounts.

1. Introduction to Updating Your LinkedIn Password

LinkedIn is an online network that helps businesses and professionals connect, stay close, and build their networks. It is essential to update your LinkedIn password regularly to protect your account from potential security threats. Having a secure password that is changed frequently is the best way to ensure that you are the only one with access to your account.

LinkedIn recommends that your password include at least eight characters, include both capital and lowercase letters, include a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols, and be something you can remember, but that is not easily guessed by others. Additionally, LinkedIn recommends that a strong password should not be used on any other sites, as this increases the risk of your account being compromised.

Updating your LinkedIn password is easy and straightforward. Here are the steps you need to take:

  • Step 1: Log in to your LinkedIn account.
  • Step 2: Click your profile picture in the top right corner, then select “Settings & Privacy”.
  • Step 3: Select “Change Password”.
  • Step 4: Enter your current password, then type in your new password twice. Make sure it meets the specifications recommended by LinkedIn.
  • Step 5: Submit the new password.
  • Step 6: You will be automatically logged out, so log in again with your new password.

By following these steps, you will be able to update your LinkedIn password and ensure you are the only one with access to your account.

2. Preparing to Change Your Password

Putting Your Systems in Place

Before changing passwords it is important to make sure all your accounts and systems are prepared. This includes:

  • Creating a record of the existing passwords
  • Developing a new password strategy with a password manager
  • Selecting stronger and more complex passwords
  • Enabling two-factor authentication or other security measures

Having all the required information before beginning the process will help ensure you are able to securely update your passwords without any errors.

Changing Your Password

Now that you have the necessary guidance and information prepared, you can begin the process of changing your passwords. Depending on the system you are using and whether you are changing one password or multiple passwords, you can use the steps below to safely complete the process.

  • For websites, use the appropriate “Change Password” link or option provided in the account settings or profile page.
  • For Windows or other operating systems, utilize the “Change Password” feature available in their respective control panels.
  • For email accounts, access the account security settings and utilize the provided “Change Password” feature.

Storing Security Information

Once you have completed the process, it is important to store the new passwords securely. Password managers are vital tools to aid in securely storing and accessing password information. Utilizing two-factor authentication and setting up recovery options are important steps to take to ensure secure access to your account.

3. Changing Your Password on LinkedIn

Protecting your LinkedIn Account

It is important to keep your LinkedIn account secure by changing your password regularly. In this section, we will discuss the steps to :

  • Login to your LinkedIn Account.
  • Navigate to your Settings & Privacy page. This can be found under your profile photo.
  • On the left-hand side panel, click on ‘Password’.
  • Enter your current password and then enter your desired new password.
  • Click ‘Save Changes’.

Please note, your passwords must contain characters from three of the following character types: upper-case letters, lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters. Consider using a passphrase as this is often considered the most secure option.

We recommend updating your password regularly, at least every 3 months. Additionally, it is recommended to use different passwords for each of your online accounts.

4. Securing Your LinkedIn Account

A secure online presence is essential, so taking a few basic precautions to your account can help safeguard it. There are several methods to enhance your security on LinkedIn.


A unique password helps protect your data and profile information. Your password should consist of a minimum of six characters, including one number, one uppercase and one lowercase letter. Reach the maximum security by using a combination of symbols, words and numbers.

  • Avoid using the same password for other online accounts.
  • Avoid using words included in a dictionary.
  • Avoid using personally identifiable information like your name or date of birth.
  • Change your password regularly.

Two-Step Verification

With two-step verification enabled, the security of your account is reinforced by a second authentication step. Every time you sign in with your email and password, you’ll receive a one-time code on your mobile device. Enter the code in the next login window to complete vital extra layer of protection.


Keeping LinkedIn up to date with the latest version ensures that your account is running in the highest security available. LinkedIn will notify you when an update or new feature is available, but it’s a good idea to check the version in the settings section to be sure.

5. Troubleshooting Password Issues

Check Your Caps Lock

When entering a password, check to make sure your caps lock isn’t on. Passwords are typically case sensitive, meaning an uppercase or lowercase character can change the outcome. For example, if the password is Sensitive, typing SENSITIVE or sensitive won’t work.

Verify You’re Logging in the Correct Account

If you have multiple accounts and access them with the same credentials, double-check that you’re using the right one. Most services have a different login address, URL, or domain. Make sure you’re not accidentally attempting to log into the wrong account.

Reset Your Password

If you’ve verified that you’re attempting to access the correct account and the cap locks are correct, try resetting your password. Often, the link to reset your password can be found on the login page, in the event it has been forgotten. Depending on the service and account, you may receive an emailed link or a password reset code. A reset should work with the new password going forward.

By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you should now understand how to change your password on LinkedIn. It is important to create a secure password that is difficult to guess and updates it regularly to protect your online security. We hope this article was helpful and provided the information you needed. Thank you for reading!