To refer to a video from YouTube or another video-sharing site, you want an in-text reference with a comparing reference posting the uploader, the distribution date, the video title, and the URL.

The configuration changes rely upon the reference style you use. The most widely recognized styles are APA, MLA, and Chicago styles.

Utilize the intuitive model generator beneath to investigate the APA and MLA arrangements or utilize Scribbr’s Reference Generator.

Referring to a video in MLA Style

An MLA Works Referred to the section for a web-based video that starts with the name of the video’s creator (the individual who made it). The uploader is recorded later, after the name of the site. The video title shows up in quotes and the site name is in italics.

In the in-text reference, list the creator’s last name and the timestamp of the significant piece of the video.

Recordings with a similar creator and uploader
At the point when the individual who made the video (the creator) is a similar individual who transferred it, MLA suggests beginning the Works Referred to passage with the title so as not to rehash the name in both the creator and the uploader position.

This implies that the in-text reference for a video like this starts with the title, abbreviated assuming that it is a long title.

How to Cite a YouTube Video

Referring to a video in APA Style

In an APA Style reference section for a video, the individual or association that transferred the video is constantly recorded in the creator position, regardless of whether they make the video. The video title shows up in italics, trailed by “Video” in square sections.

A timestamp might be utilized in the in-text reference to show the area of a specific statement.

Note that assuming the uploader’s genuine name is known and is not quite the same as the name of their channel, both ought to be incorporated — the genuine name first, then the direct name in sections.

Referring to a video in Chicago Style

To refer to a web-based video in Chicago style, incorporate a catalog passage posting all relevant information of the video and a commentary where you refer to it in the text.

The catalog section shows the video title in quotes, as well as determining that the source is a video and expresses its complete length.

The commentary might list a timestamp on the off chance that featuring the area of a particular piece of the video is important.

Chicago likewise offers a creator date reference style. An illustration of how to refer to YouTube recordings in this style can be viewed here.

Where to track down the data for a YouTube reference

All the key data expected to refer to a YouTube video is shown beneath the actual video on the site:

  1. The video title
  2. The uploader’s username
  3. The transfer date
  4. The timestamp of the important piece of the video
  5. The URL (it’s ideal to utilize the one given when you click on “Offer”)

If the uploader’s name isn’t equivalent to their username, or on the other hand assuming you want data about the video’s unique maker, this data might be accessible in the portrayal or the actual video.

The picture underneath shows where to track down the pertinent data beneath the video on YouTube; other video locales will quite often follow a comparative design.


What are the principal components of a YouTube reference?
The fundamental components remembered for a YouTube video reference across APA, MLA, and Chicago style are the name of the creator/uploader, the title of the video, the distribution date, and the URL.

The configuration wherein this data seems to be different for each style.

All styles likewise suggest utilizing timestamps as a finder in the in-text reference or Chicago commentary.

How would I refer to a source with no creator?
In APA, MLA, and Chicago style references for sources that don’t list a particular creator (for example numerous sites), you can normally list the association answerable for the source as the creator.

If the association is equivalent to the site or distributor, you shouldn’t rehash it two times in your reference:

In APA and Chicago, exclude the site or distributor name later in the reference.
In MLA, exclude the creator component toward the beginning of the reference, and refer to the source title all things considered.
On the off chance that there’s no suitable association to list as a creator, you will generally need to start the reference and reference section with the title of the source all things being equal.

How would I refer to a source with no page numbers?
At the point when you need to refer to a particular section in a source without page numbers (for example a digital book or site), all the fundamental reference styles suggest involving a substitute finder in your in-text reference. You could utilize a heading or part number, for example (Smith, 2016, ch. 1)

For varying media sources (for example recordings), all styles prescribe utilizing a timestamp to show a particular point in the video when significant.