Whether it be in an effort to protect sensitive information, create a private “to-do” list, or organize recipes intended idea for a dinner party, a Secret Board on a Pinterest account is an ideal way to store and organize information. Secret Boards hide information from everyone else on Pinterest, meaning that only you can view them, and as such, can create a feeling of security for your online information. This article will provide a step-by-step guide to creating a Secret Board on a Pinterest account, offering advice and tips to get the most out of using this digital organizer.

1. Introduction to Secret Boards on Pinterest

Secret boards on Pinterest are an excellent way to save ideas and inspiration from around the web that are only visible to you. By creating them, you can plan a special event, save interesting visuals for personal projects or collaborate on group projects with the people you want. While the content stays secret on your profile, you can customize it as much as you like.

Advantages of Secret Boards:
– Save exclusive pins for yourself and keep them secret
– Add collaborators to get input from your most trusted friends and family
– Use private boards to create projects with others without making your content public

You can access the secret boards through your profile. Then, you just need to scroll down and click the button to create a new board. Once the board is created, you can choose to make it secret and add collaborators at the same time, if necessary. You can then keep all of your pins organized and private.

2. Setting Up A Secret Board

If you need to keep a project confidential, but still want the collaborative benefits of creating a board, you may want to opt for a secret board. Here, you can still invite collaborators, but the board will not appear in their list. Here is how to set up a secret board.

Create A Board: Firstly, create a board like you would normally do. You can make it either public or private, however this setting will change to “secret” once you invite collaborators. When you have customized it to your need and chosen the URL, it is time to start inviting users.

  • Invite Collaborators: Select the collaborators you want to work with on the board and send out the invitation. Note that once collaborators are invited, the board’s setting will automatically switch to secret, ensuring the board is hidden to the rest of the world.
  • Set Permissions: You can determine viewing and editing access for each of your collaborators. Ensure to select the appropriate permission level to protect your confidential information.

Create Secret Links: If you want to access your board without having to log in each time, you can set up secret links. If a collaborator needs access to the board, but does not have an account, you can provide them with a secret link or change the board setting to public.

3. Managing Pins and Visitors on a Secret Board

When creating a secret board on Pinterest, it is important to be mindful of pins and visitors. Knowing how to manage both will help keep the board secure and protect the shared information.

Pin Management — Proper management of pins is essential, especially when the board is secret. It is best to pin only those images and content that are relevant to the purpose of the board. Pins should also be inspected for quality and accuracy before being published to ensure accuracy and consistency. Additionally, pins should be arranged in a logical order and grouped together according to their respective topics.

Visitor Management — Board visitors should be carefully monitored and only invited if they are indeed needed. Before granting access to the board, it is recommended that visitors provide information that verifies their identification and their connection to the board. Furthermore, visitors should be instructed on the correct procedure for entering and exiting the board. For added security, it is best to limit visitor permissions and rotate passwords on a regular basis.

  • Cross check pins for accuracy and quality
  • Organize pins in logical order
  • Only invite visitors who are needed
  • Verify visitor’s identity
  • Instruct visitors on board procedures
  • Limit visitor permissions
  • Rotate passwords regularly

4. Additional Privacy Settings on a Secret Board

Secret boards on social media networks provide a reliable platform to store and share private information. To guarantee further security, various additional privacy settings can be enabled.

Access Control Settings: Member access can be restricted to those who have been invited to the group by the group administrator. In addition, view and edit access can be apportioned on individual members’ permission.

Two-Factor Authentication: Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to the board and can be enabled, requiring users to enter a code sent via e-mail or mobile device every time they log in.

Alerts: The creator of the board can set alerts to receive notifications in case of suspicious activity. The following alert types are available:

  • Unauthorized Login Attempts
  • New Member Invitation
  • New Board Created
  • Comment Alerts

These alerts help to monitor and protect against infiltrations and unapproved disclosure.

5. Visualizing Secret Boards on Pinterest

Create Secret Boards

Secret boards on Pinterest enable users to explore new ideas, keep private notes, save items they want to buy, and create collages without the need to publish to their public followers. To create a secret board, users should select ‘Create a board’ in the menu bar and select ‘secret’ so that no one can take a peek. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, secret boards can be seen by anyone they invite or by no one. Once the board is made, users should edit the header, such as name, description, category and privacy options. Then, users can begin pinning ideas to their board.

Organize Visualizations

Organizing visuals is an important step to making them more useful. To visualize secret boards on Pinterest, users can:

  • Pin directly from the web: Users can add images from websites, including video and audio.
  • Create collages from pins: After users have selected pins they can combine them into a collage.
  • Reorder pins in a board: Drag and drop pins to reorganize the board and make it visually pleasing.
  • Draw directly onto pins: Use the drawing tools to draw or annotate directly onto pins.

Manage and Share Visuals

It is also possible to manage and share visuals on secret boards. To manage visuals, users can delete pins, set board cover image, adjust board settings, and repin or like pins from other board users. To share visuals, users can invite other board users, share boards, like pins, and create comments. Users can also share secret boards via other social media platforms or email.

As stated above, creating a secret board on Pinterest is a great way to protect the content you want to keep to yourself and your intended audience. You now know how to create a secret board, control who can view it and how to keep your board secure. With a few simple steps, you can now benefit from the privacy of a secret board. We hope this article provided you with the information you need to create your own secret board.