Como excluir uma mensagem no WhatsApp para todos, depois de ter sido excluída para mim

Como excluir uma mensagem no WhatsApp para todos, depois de ter sido excluída para mim:

O WhatsApp agora permite que os usuários excluam as mensagens enviadas para alguém, depois de elas já terem sido excluídas para o próprio remetente. Embora a opção para “excluir para todos” possa ser útil quando deseja evitar que outra pessoa visualize uma informação sensível, ela não está disponível para todas as mensagens.


  1. Abra o WhatsApp e abra a conversa em que a mensagem foi enviada.
  2. Toque e segure a mensagem que deseja excluir até que apareça um pop-up.
  3. Selecione “Delete for Everyone” uma mensagem para excluir para todos os usuários da conversa.
  4. A mensagem será excluída imediatamente, sendo substituída por “This message was deleted”.

Você só pode deletar uma mensagem que tenha sido enviada para todos os membros da conversa nas últimas 7 horas e a mensagem será excluída para todos os usuários da conversa, incluindo você. Além disso, a função não está disponível para grupos com mais de 256 membros.

2. How can I delete a WhatsApp message for everyone but not for me?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to delete a WhatsApp message for everyone but not for you. Once you delete a message, it will be deleted for both you and the recipients.

3. What is the procedure for permanently deleting a WhatsApp message?

The procedure for permanently deleting a WhatsApp message is as follows:

1. Open the conversation that contains the message you want to delete and press and hold on the message.

2. Tap the Delete button that appears at the top of the screen.

3. Select Delete for Everyone from the menu that appears.

4. Confirm by tapping the Delete for Everyone button.

Once confirmed, the message will be deleted and will no longer appear in the conversation.

5. Are there any limitations to the number of WhatsApp messages I can delete for everyone?

Yes, there is a limitation to the number of WhatsApp messages you can delete for everyone. The maximum limit is 401 messages at any one time.

1. How long after I delete a message can I delete it for everyone?

Messages that are deleted within seven minutes of being sent can be deleted for everyone. Messages older than seven minutes can only be deleted for yourself.

4. Are there any special requirements to successfully delete a message for everyone on WhatsApp?

Yes, there are some special requirements to successfully delete a message for everyone on WhatsApp. The sender must delete the message within seven minutes of sending it and all recipients must be using the latest version of WhatsApp.

Q: How long do I have to delete a WhatsApp message for everyone?

A: For WhatsApp messages sent on the latest version, you have an hour to delete a message for everyone. Within this period, the message will be replaced with “This message was deleted” in all recipients’ chats. After an hour, the message will no longer be able to be deleted or replaced with “This message was deleted”.

Q: What happens if I delete a WhatsApp message for everyone after 7 minutes?

If you try to delete a WhatsApp message for everyone after 7 minutes, it will not be possible. The message can only be deleted for everyone before 7 minutes. After 7 minutes, the message can only be deleted for yourself and will remain visible for everyone else.

Q: How long is the time limit to delete a WhatsApp message for everyone?

A: The time limit to delete a WhatsApp message for everyone is capped at seven minutes. After seven minutes, the message will remain visible to all recipients and can no longer be deleted.