Pinterest is becoming an increasingly popular and powerful social media platform that has the potential to benefit businesses and increase their presence online. Whether you are just starting out or an experienced user, knowing how to properly edit pins on your Pinterest account is essential for maximizing the platform’s potential. This article will provide a detailed guide on how to appropriately edit pins on a Pinterest account, allowing users to make the most of their Pinterest presence.

1. Preparing to Edit a Pin

Editing a pin is a great way to make sure information posted is up-to-date and relevant to the viewers. To ensure your post is successful there are some important steps to take before beginning the editing process.

Read Over the Content of the Post Before making any changes, it is important to read through the article to understand what is already included in the post, and if any changes are necessary. Check for any errors in spelling, grammar as well as any incorrect facts. This will help you decide what changes need to be made quickly and effectively.

Decide on the Right Tone, Language and Visuals To engage readers and make sure the post stands out from the rest, it is important to select the appropriate language and style. Try to link the content to a current topic or trend and add relevant visuals or videos to emphasize the points made.

Update Your Post With Relevant Sources After you have revised your post, it is important to include references to credible sources. This will help ensure any information provided is accurate and up-to-date. You should also include links to other posts or websites that can provide more information about a particular topic. It will make the content more trustworthy and give readers an opportunity to dive deeper into the subject.

  • Read over the content of the post.
  • Decide on the right tone, language and visuals.
  • Update the post with relevant sources.

2. Locating an Existing Pin to Edit

When working in the custom pin map, it is often helpful to identify existing pins in an area to check for accuracy and clarity. To locate an existing pin, there are two main steps:

  • Zoom and pan the map: This can be done by two-finger widening and narrowing (on mobile devices) or by using the zoom controls on the map (on desktop). By getting closer to the desired area, it will be easier to discern the points on the map.
  • Choose the pin: Once the map is closely viewed, the desired pin can be selected to edit. It can be chosen either by entering the point coordinates into the search bar or by pressing or clicking (depending on the device) on the map to pinpoint a specific spot.

The selected point can then be edited using the info window. In here, points can be modified, moved, saved and discarded all at once. Any modifications made become instantly visible in the map view. Additionally, points can be removed from the map via the ‘delete’ feature.

3. Making Changes to a Pin

If you need to make changes to your pins, you can quite easily do so. The procedure is given below:

  • Edit Pin: Click on the pin and then press the “Edit Pin” button. After that, you will be presented with the pin editor.
  • Change the Details: From the pin editor, you will be able to edit the pin’s title, caption, and the URL address which points to the page where the pin was originally posted. Additionally, you can change the board to which the pin is posted. There’s also an option to add tags to the pin. Once you are done making the changes, click on the “Save” button.
  • Delete Pin: If you wish to delete a pin, click on the pin and then press the “Delete Pin” button. You will get a confirmation dialogue where you have to click “Delete” to permanently remove the pin.

Making changes to pins is not a very difficult procedure and with the options provided by Pinterest, you can easily edit or delete your pins.

4. Saving Edited Pin Content

Once you have finished editing a Pin, you need to save the changes to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the content. Thankfully, you can do this in just a few clicks.

Here are two main methods you can use to save the edited content:

  • Using the Save button
  • Using the Commands menu

When you click on the Save button, you will see the Saved Successfully response on the upper right corner of the Pin. The changes you made to the content can now be accessed by other users.

Another option is to go to the Commands menu, located at the top of the Pin’s header. Once you select the Save option from this list, the same success message will be displayed. Through this method, you are also able confirm the saved changes which will be available to all users.

Editing pins on your Pinterest account is a great way to keep your Pinterest page organized and up to date. By following the steps mentioned above, you should have no trouble modifying your pins on Pinterest. Keeping your pins current helps maintain a positive brand image, keep your followers interested, and drive engagement. With a few simple steps you can keep your account in tip-top shape.