Tragically, there’s no simple method for looking through YouTube recordings by date utilizing the site or application. All things being equal, you’ll have to utilize the Google web index on your PC to look for YouTube, then utilize a custom date range channel. The channels for YouTube searches will just permit you to see recordings transferred inside the last hour, today, this week, this month, and this year. Nonetheless, looking on Google allows you to look through a custom date range so you can track down that video from 2009.

Things You Ought to Be aware

  1. While you can’t utilize YouTube to look for recordings by date, you can rather utilize Google’s web crawler to apply data channels.
  2. You can look through a custom reach utilizing Google to find recordings transferred to YouTube in 2011, for instance.
  3. You can’t matter channels to your hunt utilizing the versatile internet browser, so you’ll need to utilize a PC.

How would I look through YouTube recordings from Google?

  1. Explore in an internet browser on your Macintosh or Windows PC. Tragically, the versatile variant of the web crawler will give similar channels as the YouTube application, so you’ll have to utilize your Macintosh or Windows PC.
  2. Enter an inquiry into the pursuit bar. On the screen, you’ll see a pursuit bar so you can look for a YouTube video.
    • For instance, type “Toby Turner” to get all the Google consequences of a quest for “Toby Turner.”
  3. Click Recordings. It’s under the hunt bar at the highest point of the page and will guarantee you just see video results.
  4. Click Devices. You’ll see this under the hunt bar towards the right and will incite drop-down menus to show up.
  5. Click the drop-down menu named “Any source” and select Presently you’ll just see video results from YouTube.
  6. Click the drop-down menu named “Any time” and select Custom reach. A schedule will show up in a little spring-up window.
  7. Select a date range. Utilizing the schedule on the right half of the window, select your From and To dates to pick a reach.
    • You can likewise skip utilizing the schedule and type the dates you need utilizing the “mm/dd/yyyy” design.
  8. Click Go. When you enter a date range, you’ll see the recordings transferred inside your date range that incorporate your pursuit.
    • For example, a Google look for “Toby Turner” that has been separated to incorporate YouTube recordings between 02/22/2006 and 12/22/2006 shows recordings transferred by his YouTube channel as well as recordings that notice the names “Toby” and “Turner.”

How to Filter and Search YouTube Videos by Date

Consider the possibility that I need to look at YouTube.

  1. Go to or open the YouTube versatile application. You can utilize your PC (Windows or Macintosh) or your iPhone, iPad, or Android to look through YouTube; nonetheless, the channels aren’t as adaptable as utilizing Google.
  2. Enter your pursuit in the hunt bar and press ↵ Enter (Windows) or ⏎ Return (Macintosh). Focused at the highest point of the page, you’ll see a text bar that you can use to perform a look.
    • If you’re utilizing the versatile application, tap the hunt symbol at the highest point of your screen, then enter your pursuit terms and tap the Go key on your on-screen console.
  3. Click Channels (PCs) or tap ⋮ Channels (Versatile). Regardless, you’ll see a rundown of channels you can apply to the query items.
  4. Select a “Transfer Date” choice. For both the site on your PC and the versatile application, you can either get results that have been transferred inside the previous hour, today, this week, this month, or this year.


Q:How would I sort look by date?
A:Raise a ruckus around town button under the hunt bar. You ought to see two dropdowns show up, marked Late and Sort by Importance. Both of these hunt-by-date instruments can assist you with restricting things. As far as possible your SERP to a restricted period; you can choose Recent hours to find locales refreshed inside the most recent 24 hours.

Q:Could you at any point do progressed search on YouTube?
A:At the point when you look for recordings and other substance on YouTube, you can refine your hunt by utilizing progressed channels. Buy into our YouTube Watchers feed for the most recent news, updates, and tips!

Q:Could you at any point channel YouTube suggestions?
A:You can eliminate suggested recordings by choosing “Not intrigued” on your landing page, or from your Home and Watch Next pages on versatile: Go to the prescribed video you might want to eliminate. Press and hold the select button on your remote. Select Not intrigued.

Q:For what reason is YouTube sort by date not working?
A:YouTube used to permit clients to sort recordings by transfer date, however, this element is presently not accessible. The stage’s arranging calculation currently focuses on recordings given commitment, significance, and different elements, rather than the sequential request of when they were transferred.

Q:Could you at any point look through a date in the search history?
A:On your location bar, type in ” ” (without the quotes), then press enter. On the landing page, click on “Web and Application Movement.” On the Action controls page, look down and snap on “Deal with All Internet and Application Action.” Under “Search your action,” click on “Channel by date and Item.”