With LinkedIn being one of the most popular platforms for networking and job searching, having an optimized profile is essential for personal and professional growth. The first step in personalizing your profile is to find your LinkedIn URL. This article will provide you with quick and easy steps to follow when finding your LinkedIn URL.

I. What is a LinkedIn URL?

A LinkedIn URL is a personal web address that people use to view your LinkedIn profile online. By adding it to your résumé, business card, website, or other online locations, you can make it easy for employers, clients, or contacts to view your profile. LinkedIn URLs typically take the following structure:

  • linkedin.com/in/ followed by your name
  • linkedin.com/pub/ followed by your name

If someone visits your public profile, their address will be slightly different and include additional information about what page of your profile they are viewing. For example, a visitor to your profile might view:

  • linkedin.com/in/username#recommendations which shows one of your recommendations
  • linkedin.com/in/username#public-profile which shows your summary

II. Logging into LinkedIn

LinkedIn provides users with many ways to log in. To get started, you need to use an email address or phone number to sign up for an account. After you create your account, you can then log in to LinkedIn.

The simplest way is to access the website. You can enter the URL www.linkedin.com in your web browser and click the “Sign In” button at the top-right corner of the page. A login page will appear where you have to enter your email address or phone number and password.

The other way is the mobile app. You can download the LinkedIn app on your smartphone, then open it and log in with your credentials. You will find various options such as:

  • Log in with your email address/phone number.
  • Log in with Facebook.
  • Log in with Microsoft.

Once you have logged in successfully, you will be able to access all the features of LinkedIn.

III. Navigating to the URL Location

After setting up the server and creating an SQL table, it is time to navigate to the URL location. The URL location represents the address of the page you want to access. This can either be an existing web page or a page that you have created.

To load a page from the internet, you need to enter the full URL in the address bar of your web browser. This will take you to the page and you can view the content. The URL should be typed in exactly as it appears in the address bar when viewed on another browser.

To navigate to the URL location of a newly created page, the following steps will help:

  • Create the folder: Create a directory on the server and save the file in it.
  • Configure the server: Configure the server to recognize the directory.
  • Enter URL address: Enter the URL address in the address bar of your web browser.

With these steps, you will be able to navigate to the URL location and view the content of the page.

IV. Generating a Custom LinkedIn URL

Everyone has access to a personalized URL when they create or edit their LinkedIn profile. This section will outline how to customize the URL to make it more memorable, easy to share, and more professional.

Making Changes to Your Default LinkedIn URL

  • Navigate to the LinkedIn Edit Profile tab on your homepage.
  • Scroll to the Public Profile section and click “Edit”.
  • Under “Your Public Profile URL” you can customize your LinkedIn profile.

You may change your URL as frequently as you wish, but take a few moments to decide what is the most professional and applicable name. Make sure that you choose something that reflects you and your professional name. A good rule of thumb is to make sure your URL is easily recognizable and repeatable.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you now understand how to find your LinkedIn URL. Utilize this URL to share your LinkedIn profile with potential connections or employers, making networking and job searching easier. Remember that listing the correct URLs in your resume, cover letters, and job applications can make a lasting impression.