How to Fix “This video is not available because something is wrong with the video file” on Whatsapp

The error “This video is not available because something is wrong with the video file” on Whatsapp is a common issue. When this error occurs it can be frustrating as you cannot view or download the video or file. But don’t worry, there are some steps you can take to try to fix this issue.

How to Fix it:

  • Identify and delete any bad files – The first step is to identify the bad file, check the message history, delete the message, and block the user who sent the video. This will prevent the bad file from reoccurring.
  • Clear cache and cookies – The next step is to clear your cache and cookies. This will help get rid of any corrupt data on your device.
  • Update Whatsapp – Make sure the the version of Whatsapp is the latest. New updates come with new features and bug fixes which can help solve the issue.
  • Contact the sender – The sender might have a different version of Whatsapp or the video file might have been moved or deleted.Ask the sender to re-send the video or file.
  • Restore your phone – Reset your device to its factory settings. This will delete all data and apps on your device, but can be useful as a last resort if nothing else has worked.

These are the steps you can take to try to resolve the error “This video is not available because something is wrong with the video file” on Whatsapp. In most cases, one of the steps should solve the issue.

3. Is there a way to prevent the issue from happening again?

Yes, there are several ways to prevent this issue from happening again. These include ensuring that users are keeping their software up to date with the latest security patches; implementing a comprehensive endpoint security solution such as endpoint antivirus, antispam and firewalls; monitoring user activity with log reviews and event monitoring; and deploying robust access control mechanisms such as two-factor authentication and role-based access control.

4. Are there any troubleshooting steps to check before attempting to repair the issue?

Yes, there are a few troubleshooting steps to check before attempting to repair the issue:

1. Check if all the cables are properly connected and that there are no loose connections.

2. Verify that the power is on and that the device is receiving power from the power supply.

3. Check if all drivers and software programs are up to date.

4. Verify that the hardware is compatible with your operating system.

5. Ensure that the antivirus and other security programs are up to date.

6. Make sure there are no problems in the BIOS and all settings are correct.

7. Try booting the computer in Safe Mode to check if the issue persists.

8. Check if the issue is still happening after restarting the computer.

5. Are there any available fixes that can help restore the video file in Whatsapp?

Yes, there are several available fixes for restoring the video file in WhatsApp, including:

1. Clearing the cache and data of the WhatsApp app

2. Uninstalling and reinstalling the WhatsApp app

3. Resetting the networks to re-establish a network connection

4. Installing the latest version of WhatsApp from the app store

5. Moving the video file to a different folder

6. Using a reliable file repair tool to repair the corrupted video file.

1. What are some possible causes of the issue?

The possible causes of an issue are often determined by the type of problem. Common causes include a lack of technical skills, inadequate resources, bad communication, improper system setup, and human errors. Additionally, environmental factors such as weather, power outages, or changes in equipment can cause problems as well. System compatibility issues, web server maintenance, and software bugs can be potential causes as well.