How to Know if Someone is on Whatsapp Call (Updated 2023)

In the modern day and age, staying connected with people is essential, especially in times of social distancing. WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps, and it also allows users to make voice calls. Since many of us depend on this messaging platform to communicate with our family and friends, it is important to know how to tell if someone is on a WhatsApp call to avoid interrupting them.

In this article we will provide you with the latest updates on how to know if someone is on a WhatsApp call in 2023.

Identifying a Call

If you are wondering how to tell if someone is on WhatsApp call, there are several ways to identify the presence of a call on the app.

  • The Call Icon: The easiest way to find out if someone is on a WhatsApp call is to look at the top of the chat for the call icon; if it is visible, that means the person is currently on a call.
  • The Status Bar: The status bar, located at the top of the chat, will also indicate if someone is on a WhatsApp call. If the description says “on a call”, then that person is currently speaking on the app.
  • The Chatter: If you are the one initiating the call, you can also tell if someone is speaking on the app by paying attention to the chatter. As soon as the call is answered, you will be able to hear the conversation.

Avoiding Interruptions

If you are trying to contact someone and don’t want to interrupt their call, here are some tips to avoid interrupting:

  • Wait for a Clear Signal: Before you start a call, wait for a clear signal from the person you are trying to contact, such as an SMS or notification, to let you know that the person is no longer on a call.
  • Check the Status Bar: Check the status bar for updates, as it will indicate whether the person is on a call or not.
  • Reach Out by Text: Even if the person is on a call, you can still reach out to them by sending a text message or starting a chat.


Knowing how to tell if someone is on a WhatsApp call is important for anyone who wants to stay connected with their family and friends. By following the tips shared in this article, you will be able to identify a call, contact the person without interrupting them, and stay connected in today’s modern world.

1. What are the steps to check if someone is on a WhatsApp call?

The steps to check if someone is on a WhatsApp call are:

1. Open the WhatsApp chat with the person you want to check.

2. Look for the audio call icon near the name of the contact.

3. If the icon is green or active, it means the person is on an audio call.

4. If the icon is grey, it means the person is not currently on a call.

2. What tools or technologies can be used to detect whether someone is on a WhatsApp call?

Tools and technologies that can be used to detect someone on a WhatsApp call include:

1. Network Traffic Analysis: Analyzing the traffic between two different computers can provide clues to whether someone is on a call or not, as regular network traffic patterns change with a call.

2. Behavioral Analysis: This method involves tracking behavior over time to detect certain patterns. This can include analyzing how often a user is using the WhatsApp application and what types of activities they are taking when using it.

3. Acoustic Analysis: Analyzing the audio frequencies involved in a call can provide clues as to whether someone is on a call or not.

4. Search Metadata: Keeping track of metadata associated with a call can provide insights as to what types of conversations are taking place and whether someone is on a call or not.