How To Follow Someone on Twitter Without Them Knowing

Do you want to learn how to follow someone on Twitter without them realizing it?

You may want to follow a group of individuals in secret, but you don’t want to damage your follower/following ratio.

Assume you are a social media expert in charge of a company’s Twitter account. It’s natural that you’d want to follow your competitors’ official Twitter accounts without their knowledge.

We know it seems weird, but it is quite feasible to learn how to follow someone on Twitter without their knowledge. So, how do you do it?

Twitter Lists may help you figure out how to follow someone on Twitter without them knowing. Twitter Lists may be created in two ways. The first is an in-house, manual approach that you may do yourself using a Twitter app or website. The second is via Circle boom’s Smart Search.

Though they should be examined at first, these two options do not provide the same advantage. In this post, we will discuss the distinctions between these two to help you determine which one is best.

Assume you want to follow all official Google accounts as well as certain notable Google workers. At the same time, you may want to maintain them in the same location to make it easier to follow. Twitter List, on the other hand, makes things pretty simple. Simply follow the instructions outlined below:

Step 1: On your Twitter dashboard, under the navigation bar, select “Lists.”

With the “Create new List” icon, you may create a new Twitter List.

Step2: Give your Twitter List a name and a brief description. Make sure your Twitter list name is no more than 25 characters.

Choose whether your list should be private or public. Then press the next button.

Step #3: Unfortunately, as the last step, you must manually look for and add individuals to your list one by one.

You wouldn’t have to do it manually on Circle boom. You can build Twitter lists in a matter of minutes without putting in a lot of time or effort.

If you want to follow a lot of Twitter accounts but don’t want to damage your following/follower ratio by following too many accounts, Circle boom’s clever features make it easy.

Step1: Log in to the Circle boom dashboard using your Twitter account.

It will just take a few seconds if you haven’t already approved Circle boom with your Twitter account

Step #2: Using Circle boom’s Smart Search, you may locate your target accounts or any other Twitter accounts that you are interested in.

Once signed in, just go to the Menu>Smart Search tabs on the left.

Step 3: From here, you may search for Twitter accounts using keywords or hashtags without their knowledge.

You may restrict your search with various criteria using Smart Search, such as Circle boom’s “Show only verified” option. Only verified Twitter accounts will be displayed if you tick the box next to it.

Step #4: Once you’ve discovered the accounts you wish to follow secretly, click the checkbox next to them to add or create a Twitter List.

You may visit their profile while looking for the account you want to discreetly follow by clicking the blue visit icon to the right of their line. That’s all!

Final Thoughts

Circle boom would be a fantastic option if you are searching for an outstanding Twitter management solution with a wide range of capabilities. Circle boom gives you complete management over your Twitter account through a completely automated, user-friendly interface.

Circle boom is a secure Twitter service that allows you to have a dependable and pleasant online experience. It ensures that your data is secure from harmful malware and third-party intervention.