How To Get An Archive Of DM On Twitter

Twitter is a vast social network, and if you use it often, you may wish to save an archive of all your tweets, direct messages, and other communications.

If you’re a frequent Twitter user, you may wish to save an interactive and searchable archive of your tweets. This allows you to examine your tweet history offline and back it up for later use if necessary. Here’s how to ask for, download, and utilize your Twitter archive.

Get Your Twitter Archive

  1. Launch a browser on your computer and, if you haven’t already, sign in to your Twitter account. Then, from the menu on the left, choose More.
  2. Then, from the menu that appears, choose Settings and privacy.
  3. Then, on the Settings tab, choose Your account and then Download an archive of your data.
  4. You must confirm your password on the next page. Fill out the “Password” form and press the Confirm button.
  5. On the next screen, click the Request archive option. After hitting the button, you must wait for Twitter to archive your data. You will get an in-app message or an email with a link to the file. You will not be able to download your Twitter archive immediately. The time it takes to get your notice will vary.

View and Download Your Twitter Archive

It’s time to download your archive once you get notification that Twitter has it available. Simply follow the steps outlined in your app or email message. Please keep in mind that you will only have a limited time to download your archive.

After downloading your package, you’ll see multiple files; just extract them all into one folder. The important file to examine is “Your archive.html.”

That file will launch your usual browser and display your Twitter timeline archive. Navigate it in the same way you would a webpage. You may see your Home, Account, Tweets, Likes, Direct Messages, and other information. You’ll also notice the date the archive was created and the file’s approximate size.

I’m not a heavy Twitter user, but it’s still fascinating to see what I’ve tweeted throughout the years. Using the Search box at the top, you may search your history for certain phrases, users, and hashtags. You may also use search criteria and tweet dates to narrow down your results, as well as examine responses and retweets.

You may also use it to see a particular tweet on Twitter online. This makes it simple to retweet, like, or comment on some of your past articles.

Another intriguing subdirectory to investigate is data > tweet media. There you will see media assets, such as images, that you have posted throughout the years.

It’s a good idea to download your Twitter archive from time to time and keep it in a safe place. Particularly if you are a frequent user. You never know when the social media behemoth may collapse. Or if your account is suspended and you are unable to access it. This helps you to discover useful information or a particular direct message.

Wrap Up

It’s also entertaining to go through your history and see what you’ve posted throughout the years. Or maybe you’d want to download it before canceling your account.