How To Get Thousands Of Followers In Short Period Of Time On Twitter

Hear are some useful ways to get numerous followers in very short time

  1. Enhance your profile

Your Twitter profile is similar to a CV.

The information in your Twitter profile tells your followers what to anticipate from you.

A subpar profile may turn off followers, which is the OPPOSITE of what you want!

The following are the characteristics of an AWESOME brand or business Twitter profile:

  1. A profile picture that draws attention and shows your brand’s identity.
  2. An interesting bio that quickly describes who you are, what you do, and your hobbies.
  3. Your current location (to attract local followers)
  4. A nice-looking Twitter banner associated with your company.
  5. Optimizing your Twitter profile positions you to benefit from emerging Twitter techniques.
  6. Plan your tweets so that you can publish often and consistently.

People will not retweet you if you are not tweeting.

But do you really need more retweets?

Yes, (at least if you’re attempting to build a following).

Getting more retweets equals more followers!

So, increase your tweets and make sure you’re tweeting on a regular basis!

That, however, takes time! Where are you going to find time to tweet even more?

Even if you have a hectic schedule, tweeting on a regular basis is EASY with Post Planner!

You may compose your tweets in BULK using Post Planner’s content scheduling tool.

Schedule your postings days, weeks, or months ahead of time.

You may also go through Post Planner’s content library to find handpicked information to tweet.

From inspiring quotations and memes to an easy-to-use calendar, the content library has you covered.

Post Planner will automatically post your tweets depending on the schedule YOU select.

Automation allows you to provide CONSTANT value, excitement, and ideas to your audience!

  1. Engage with influencers in your field.

You’re not the only sheriff in town trying to build a following.

Ask every Twitter user in your field, and they’ll tell you that they, too, want to develop!

Is there an advantage to engaging with influential individuals in your field?

Absolutely! After all, this is social media.

Responding to and retweeting other influencers increases YOUR visibility in your field.

People that follow your peers are likely to follow you as well for the following reasons:

  1. A) You tweet relevant material to them.
  2. B) By association, you’ll seem credible.

But there’s a catch:

Engage with influencers that just have a few hundred followers more than you.

It’s also a good idea to work with huge accounts.

However, the chances of them responding to or retweeting your posts are as tiny as an undercooked noodle.

  1. Follow more individuals in order to discover and get new followers.

Reciprocity is a major tenet of social networking.

People like returning what has been given to them.

As a result, following others is one of the most successful techniques to increase your Twitter followers.

People who are interested in your topic should be followed.

But how do you go about FINDING such people?

In the Twitter search field, enter relevant hashtags.

Here’s an example

Assume your specialty is mixed martial arts.

Searching hashtags like as #ufc, #fight, and #conormcgregor will bring you to individuals tweeting about mixed martial arts.

To locate relevant hashtags, I recommend utilizing a program like hashtag.

Hashtag provides information on who uses hashtags and where and when they are used.

This tool also displays a “tweet wall” of recent tweets with your specific hashtag.

Last but not least:

Follow persons who seem to be following others.

If the profile you’re following has a small number of followers, don’t anticipate a follow back.

Try this method for 15 minutes a day, and you’ll notice an increase in followers within a week.

  1. Create a Twitter thread about it.

Writing a Twitter thread post entails posting something and responding with a series of further tweets

Consider the following:

The virality potential of thread postings is OUT OF THIS WORLD.

But why is that?

Thread posts usually provide some form of value.

The tweets you post to the thread raise its visibility.

The more prominent your tweet, the more likely it is to get interaction!

PRO TIP: Inform folks that your original tweet is part of a thread so they can see the answers.

  1. Share more visual stuff.

When writing tweets, it’s tempting to get caught up in the words.

However, photos are some of the BEST methods to get people’s attention on Twitter.

Images should be one of your Twitter strategy’s (not-so-secret) weapons.

When Twitter users visit your profile, they will look at your images.

Users are more inclined to follow you if your page has high-quality, interesting graphic material.

Live tweet when major occurrences in your niche.

Tweeting during live events is a BRILLIANT way to capitalize on a highly sensitive situation.

Consider tweeting while doing the following:

Significant political events (rallies, protests, hearings)

Sports competitions and games

Movies and television programs

Broadcasts of news

Consider the events that your target audience is likely to be interested in and SHOW UP ON TWITTER FOR THEM!

People who watch such events are primed for interaction.

They’ll gladly follow you if your tweets match their views.

Live-tweeting adds a feeling of camaraderie to an event that individuals may be seeing alone.

To get the most out of trending hashtags, it’s ideal to live-tweet a popular event.

For example, tweeting about the season premiere of a popular program will earn you more interaction than live-tweeting about an old movie you’re watching.

  1. Use appropriate hashtags.

Hashtags are your ticket to connecting with others.

Including hashtags in your tweets links you to others who are looking for the same topics.

Incorporate hashtags throughout both your tweets and your profile!

Tweets containing 1-2 hashtags often get up to 21% greater engagement.

Tweets containing more than two hashtags, on the other hand, suffer a 17 percent decline in interaction.

These are just ideas; experiment with different hashtag quantities to see what works best for you.

Here are three methods for discovering amazing hashtags:

Make use of Rite Tag (a hashtag research tool)

Examine the top trending hashtags on your Twitter homepage.

Try Trends map for in-depth analysis of hashtag trends and themes.

The appropriate hashtags will increase your impressions and help you obtain new followers.

  1. Provide engaging material.

Want to engage your Twitter followers in a fun, new way?

Allow them to share their knowledge with YOU!

Your audience may engage in anything you’re talking about when you use interactive content.

Polls on Twitter have been a terrific way to add an interactive aspect to your account.

What does this have to do with gaining more followers?

It’s difficult to resist a good poll! People that participate feel more a part of a community.

By using hashtags in your poll postings, you may target interactive material to your desired audience.

  1. Keep your following interested.

Assume you’re reading this as someone with a sizable Twitter following.


But do you really need to interact with the hundreds of Twitter users who follow your tweets?


By no means are you going to engage EVERY follower, but you should strive for some interaction on each post.


Engagement indicates that you are providing your fans with what they desire.

Ignoring a falling interaction rate may result in a loss of followers.

That’s why it’s ESSENTIAL to tweet things it will entice your target audience to take action – whether that’s clicking your links, reacting to, or retweeting you.

Respond to everyone who responds to your tweet and start a dialogue.

If they retweet you, check if they have any tweets that you would want to retweet or like.

Follower retention and recruitment rely heavily on engagement.

The followers that are interested in your material are the ones who will retweet it to their followers.

This exposes you to a WHOLE NEW group of folks that may be interested in your brand!

1o. Study the finest.

Is there any advantage to studying other people’s Twitter pages?


Checking out what successful Twitter users are doing might provide you with inspiration and direction.

In reality, this is a natural aspect of expanding your Twitter audience.

This learning technique is made SIMPLE by Post Planner’s Content Streams.

The program allows you to keep your favorite Twitter accounts for future inspiration!

Here’s how to go about it:

  1. Navigate to the Post Planner content library and tap the magnifying glass button.
  2. Type in the term you want to follow.
  3. To add pages to your stream, click the + symbol next to them.
  4. When you’re through adding streams, click “Save To Stream.”
  5. Give your stream a name and save it.
  6. Click “My Profiles” to see your stored profiles.
  7. Make use of your relationships

Success on social media is determined by who you know and who knows you!

So, take use of your connections!

Connect your Twitter and other social media accounts to reach out to followers on other platforms.

These folks are already familiar with your identity.

Get some rapid followers by informing them about your Twitter page!

12.Make your Twitter profile public.

Don’t create a Twitter account and expect people to follow you in droves.

That just does not happen.

That way, you’ll collect followers at a snail’s pace.

If you wish to compete, your company must operate at a higher rate.

Instead, come up with unique methods to share your page so that people will follow you (online AND offline).

Share your Twitter profile on the following websites:





Email (If you’re performing email marketing, include links to your social media accounts at the bottom of your emails and utilize a CTA from time to time.)



Your Webpage


Cards for business

QR codes may be seen on t-shirts and signs.

requiring people to follow your Twitter account in order to register for an event

Don’t go overboard, but don’t forget to advertise your Twitter account!

  1. Pin your favorite tweet

Have you ever sent a tweet and then given yourself a high five because it was THAT good?

Wear that tweet like it’s a medal of pride!

But how are you going to accomplish it?

You can PIN particular tweets on Twitter!

A pinned tweet is shown at the top of your profile (no matter when you created it).

Pinned tweets allow visitors to your profile to view your finest tweets.

Not sure which one to choose?

15.Choose the tweet that has received the most attention.

Potential followers are more likely to follow you if they notice and like your pinned tweet.

Include your Twitter feed

Are you ready to discover a method that most people never consider trying?

You may INCLUDE your Twitter feed in your website!

There are two kinds of embedded timelines, according to Twitter:

Display public tweets from YOUR profile (I recommend this one.)

Show tweets from your public lists in a list.

Twitter provides simple step-by-step instructions for embedding your feed into your website!

Consider this a must-have for any Twitter marketing strategy if your site has a decent number of monthly visits.

  1. Retweet your favorite tweets

The retweet button on Twitter allows you to retweet yourself.

Does it seem a little too self-centered?

It isn’t! It’s about focusing your BUSINESS (and offering your followers what they’ve shown they want).

Retweeting your finest content allows your old followers to interact with a tweet they may have missed or forgotten about.

When you recycle tweets, you’re also introducing your new followers to something they’ve never seen before!

Retweeting oneself saves time, but it’s not something you should do all the time.

Constantly retweeting oneself will most likely be ineffective. Your fans want to see NEW and ORIGINAL stuff from you.

They also want to see selected material to evaluate whether you’re knowledgeable about your industry.

Final Words

HOWEVER, retweeting your most popular pieces on occasion is one approach to create your brand identity and recycle your greatest material.