Your Snapchat score is a mark of the amount you’ve utilized Snapchat – considering your all-out number of snaps that you’ve sent and gotten, stories you’ve posted, and different variables.

The more you use Snapchat, the higher the score increments.

Sadly, your Snap score is public of course, and there are justifications for why you might wish to conceal it.

In this article, we’ll cover all that you want to be familiar with concealing your Snap score.

Is There A Method for concealing Your Snap Score?

Since it’s noticeable to anybody you have added as a companion, you might be pondering – could you at any point conceal your Snap score?

For instance, you can impede individuals who aren’t your companions from sending you messages, or even make stories that main certain individuals can see. Unfortunately, there is no choice for anything like this concerning your Snap score.

On the off chance that somebody is your companion, they will want to see your Snap score, and there is as of now no choice to have the option to conceal it.

Be that as it may, there are steps you can take to veil your Snapchat use and award yourself a few reasons regarding the reason why your Snap score might have changed, regardless of whether somebody is effectively checking it. Your choices will come down to why you need to conceal your Snapchat score in any case.

For what reason Could You Maintain that Should Conceal Your Snap Score?

There are a lot of motivations behind why you might need to conceal your Snap score.

While talking to individuals about their utilization of Snapchat and how it very well may be improved, a couple of individuals clarified for me why they needed to conceal their Snap score. We should investigate a portion of these reasons:

Concealing Snapchat Use From Beau/Sweetheart

This is quite possibly the most widely recognized reason.

You ought to realize that your Snap score is once in a while postponed and doesn’t refresh right away, so you might wish to make sense of this on the off chance that your Snap score keeps going up regardless of whether you quit utilizing Snapchat.

Furthermore, your Snap score goes up regardless of whether you at any point converse with anyone, or send any Snaps yourself. Getting and opening a photograph or video is enough for the score to go up. Many individuals have individuals on their Snapchat records that mass send Snaps out, so it’s feasible for your Snap score to go up regardless of whether you’re not having discussions with anybody.

You’re Overlooking Somebody

Also to the possessive beau or sweetheart, you may essentially not converse with somebody at present – yet they might screen your Snap score at any rate.

Not at all like Facebook, Snapchat has no kind of marker to tell regardless of whether you have the application open. Notwithstanding, assuming your Snap score goes up, you’ve been utilizing the application. You are allowed to carry on with your life based on your conditions, and possibly converse with individuals when you feel like you need to. If somebody is irritating you, help both of you out and simply block them.

You’re Grounded And You Shouldn’t Utilize Snapchat

While I don’t feel glad for adding to adolescent misconduct, this article wouldn’t be finished without posting this one.

This implies it might give the idea that you’re utilizing Snapchat, regardless of whether you aren’t.

In this manner, guardians shouldn’t rebuff their youngsters for use of Snapchat except if they can check in actuality that the application was all the while being utilized – depending on something other than the Snap score.

Your Snap Score Is Excessively High

Certain individuals need to conceal their Snap score since they accept it is excessively high.

There are a few unfortunate underlying meanings that accompany a high Snap score. For instance, a person with a high Snap score might be viewed as a player, or somebody with a Snapchat score that is too high might be viewed as an online entertainment/messaging junkie. Tragically, there is no way to reset or lower your Snap score. Your main choice is to begin once again with another record.

You Have A Low Score And You’re Humiliated

At long last, on the off chance that you have a low Snapchat score, you might be humiliated and need to conceal anybody from seeing it. You might stress that it causes you to appear to be introverted, as you have relatively few companions or you essentially don’t utilize Snapchat a ton. I don’t think this is truly something to stress over.

Always remember that everyone’s Snap score begins at 0. Certain individuals have been involving Snapchat for a while back, with a similar Snapchat account. Snapchat turned out in 2011, so that is a truly lengthy timespan to fabricate your Gobble score up!

The most effective method to Rapidly Expand Your Snapchat Score

If for reasons unknown you might want to rapidly raise your Snapchat score, there are a couple of simple methods for making it happen.

The main thing you could do is mass-add VIPs, then, at that point, send them numerous Snapchats at the same time. Utilizing the gatherings highlight, you can amount to 31 Snapchat companions on the double (making a sum of 32, with you in the gathering.)

Both of these will build your Snap score quickly, without irritating any of your companions or conversing with anybody!

Feel free to Hinder Individuals

As referenced at the start of this article, your Snap score will be shown to anybody that you’ve added as a companion.

In any case, when you eliminate or hinder them, they can never again see your Snap score. This is valid regardless of whether they have you added, or have sent you a companion demand. For the Snap score to be shown, you should both be companions with one another. Any other way, they will want to see your profile yet your Snap score won’t be shown. Hence, assuming that someone is annoying you, simply block them!

To obstruct somebody on Snapchat, follow these means:

  1. Open a Snapchat account.
  2. Find the individual on either your Recents page or your companions list.
  3. Tap and hold down on their name briefly.
  4. Tap on ‘More’
  5. Tap on ‘Block’
  6. Tap on ‘Block’ a second time when the affirmation comes up.

If you have any desire to report the individual, you ought to do this first as they will be eliminated from your Recents page after you block them.

Make A second Snapchat Account

On the other hand, something else you can do is to make a different Snapchat account.

Snapchat allows you to utilize different Snapchat accounts, as long as you have a different email for the two of them. Thus, by making another Snapchat account, you can utilize Snapchat all you need on your new record without the other individual looking into it. Remember anyway that Snapchat involves shared companions as one of the elements in their ‘Speedy Add’ calculation.

Hence, assuming you two share bunches of individuals practically speaking, it could be a shrewd plan to utilize a phony name and guarantee that your Bitmoji is unique. Any other way, the individual might realize that you have a second Snapchat record, and attempt to include it.


Sadly, there isn’t a method for concealing your Snapchat score from your companions.

Simultaneously, having a noticeable record of the amount you use Snapchat can create issues for certain clients. While I’m not proposing Snapchat eliminate the Snap score, they ought to essentially give you the choice to switch it off. Why Snapchat hasn’t yet refreshed its application to incorporate something so essential is impossible for me to grasp.

At any rate, I am sorry to share this news. Assuming you have any inquiries regarding Snapchat or the Snap score, go ahead and ask them utilizing the remark structure beneath. Also, I’d very much want to hear the reason why YOU need to conceal your Snap score – perhaps if enough of us voice out, Snapchat will take care of business!

Hoping everything turns out great for you.